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眼前段 anterior segment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 20:29:09


眼前段 anterior segment英语短句 例句大全

眼前段,anterior segment

1)anterior segment眼前段

1.Extraction ofanterior segment intraocular foreign bodies through scleral tunnel incision;经巩膜隧道切口眼前段异物取出术

2.The patients underwent micro-trauma technique suture,optical iridectomy,extraction ofanterior segment foreign bodies,nepheloid lens removal,and artificial lens implantation.患者于局麻下(儿童全麻)进行急诊手术,分别行伤口显微缝合、虹膜复位瞳孔成形术、眼前段异物取出、浑浊晶状体摘出及人工晶状体植入术。


1.Application of anterior eye segment analysis system in ophthalmic clinical examination裂隙灯眼前段处理系统在眼科的临床应用

2.The application of Nd: YAG laser in the anterior segment diseasesNd:YAG激光在眼前段疾病中的应用探讨

3.The Clinical Application of Anterior Chamber Parameters Measured by Pentacam Scheimpflug SystemPentacam三维眼前段分析仪测量前房参数的临床应用

4.Alkali burns of peripheral anterior segments and its treatment with heparin眼前段周边部碱烧伤及肝素治疗的研究

5.Relationship between Structure of Anterior Segment Tissue and Open Angle in Normal Subjects正常人眼前段组织与房角开放度数的关系

6.Application of ultrasound biomicroscopy about diagnosis of foreign body in ocular anterior超声生物显微镜在眼前段异物诊断中的应用

7.The Study of Biological Measure about the Eye Anterior Segment of Mongolia Primary Closed-angle Glaucoma;蒙古族原发性闭角型青光眼眼前段生物学测量的研究

8.Effect of pilocarpine on structural changes of anterior segment of eye in old people with normal intraocular pressure匹罗卡品对正常眼压老年人眼前段结构变化的影响

9.Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Experimental Anterior Segment Ischemia in Rabbits;血管内皮生长因子在兔眼前段缺血模型中的表达

10.Clinical Study of Central Retinal Vein Occlusion and It s Anterior Segment Neovascularization;视网膜中央静脉阻塞及其眼前段新生血管的临床研究

11.The Clinical Utility of Central Corneal Thickness Measured by Pentacam System;Pentacam三维眼前段分析仪测量中央角膜厚度的临床应用

12.Changes of the anterior segment of the eyes with minus lens-induced accommodation in children with myopia儿童近视在负镜片法诱导调节状态下的眼前段结构变化

13.Clinical assessment of Pranoprofen eyedrops on postoperative inflammation of cataract extraction and non infection inflammation of the anterior segments of the eye普拉洛芬滴眼液治疗白内障术后炎症和非感染性眼前段炎症的临床评价

14.Objective To observe the prognosis and anterior complication of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in diabetic cataract.目的观察糖尿病患者中行后房型人工晶状体体植入术后眼前段并发症及预后。

15.For a time he struggled and covered his eyes.在一段时间里,他趑趄不前,用手蒙上了眼睛。

16.I see nothing but a small stretch of road immediately ahead.除了近在眼前的一小段路之外什么也看不见。

17.Anterior segment ischemia ensued in at least one case.至少有一位患者己发生眼球前段缺血之现象。

18.When a normal bench round is fired the general result is for the centre of gravity of the round to be moved forward.起爆普通梯段炮眼组时,一般的结果是炮眼组的重心前移。


anterior segment disorder眼前段紊乱

1.Treatment of complicated ocular trauma with severeanterior segment disorder;伴有严重眼前段紊乱的复杂眼外伤治疗

3)anterior segment dysgenesis眼前段发育异常


1.Oculus-pentacam and supersonic survey cornea thickness comparison;Oculus眼前段分析仪与超声测量角膜厚度的比较

5)ocular perforation of the anterior segment眼前段穿通伤

1.A clinical observation on viscoelastic in the operation ofocular perforation of the anterior segment;眼前段穿通伤手术应用粘弹剂的临床观察

6)anterior eye segment inflammation眼前段炎症反应


十报恩 赠段先生 折段字起【诗文】:公物外好生涯。火相逢结大砂。女盘桓看大药。牛哮吼戏灵葩。云铺地丹炉赫,子观天碧眼华。有三生君省悟,中无事步烟霞。【注释】:【出处】:

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