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转换视角 Finite angle of view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 23:41:06


转换视角 Finite angle of view英语短句 例句大全

转换视角,Finite angle of view

1)Finite angle of view转换视角

2)perspective conversion视角转换


1.Rethinking of the Cultural Turn in Translation Studies in China;“文化转向”:视角转换还是视角拓展

2.The Gender Perspective Conversion in Female Fiction Film Adaptation;女性小说影视改编中的性别视角转换

3.On Linguistic Features about Change of Point of View and Their Translation;浅谈小说视角转换的语言特征及翻译

4.Researchal Angle Changing of Overseas Teachers Emotions and Its Implications;国外教师情绪研究的视角转换与启示

5.On "Na Chang Huo,Xiao Fang Dui Xing Kui Lai De Zao" from the Angle of Perspective Transformation从视角转换角度看“那场火,消防队幸亏来得早”

6.Perspective Transformation from Country Memory to Multi-discourse Narration;从故乡记忆到多重话语叙事的视角转换

7.An Exploration to Teachers" Roles Conversion under Multicultural Sight多元文化视角下的教师角色转换思考

8.An Empirical Research of Perspective Frame Switch in Retelling Discourse;转述话语中视角框架转换的实证研究

9.The Use of Adaptation Theory in Translation;从顺应的视角解读翻译中的转换技巧

10.Convertible Bond Financing Based on Proxy Cost;可转换债券融资:基于代理成本的视角

11.Classification of Code Switching :from a Sociolinguistic Perspective;语码转换分类之社会语言学视角(英文)

12.On the Shifts of the Point of View and Their Artistic Effect in Beloved;《宠儿》中叙述视角的转换及其艺术效果

13.The Change of" Perspectives in Ideological & Polilical Education in the New Historical Era;新时期思想政治工作思维视角的转换

14.Corporate Senior Management"s Incensitive Mechanism--From the Viewpoint of Convertible Bonds企业管理者激励机制——可转换债券视角

15.Dual Perspective of the Shift between Talents" Value and Talents" Value人才价值与人才价值转换的双重视角

16.On the translation of English and Chinese idioms and the context of culture文化语境视角下英汉成语的喻义转换

17.Identity Confirmation and Role Change of Teachers and Students from Constructivist Perspective;建构主义视角下的师生身份确认与角色转换

18.The Positioning and Role Conversion of Procuratorial Power in Multi-dimensional Perspective检察权在多维视角下的定位与角色转换


perspective conversion视角转换

3)narrative perspective transference叙事视角转换

4)point of view transgression视角模式转换

5)shift and adjustment of perspective视角转换调节

6)conner sight angle转角视角


可转换证券的转换价值 可转换证券的转换价值——如果一种可转换证券可以立即转让,它可转换的普通股票的市场价格与转换比率的乘积就是可转换证券的转换价值,即转换价值等于普通股票的市价乘以转换比率。

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