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儿科 Pediatrics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-09 21:15:35


儿科 Pediatrics英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on the Clinical Application of Microecological Modulators inPediatrics;微生态制剂在儿科的临床应用分析

2.Survey and Analysis of Drug Use that Goes Beyond the Scope of Package Inserts inPediatrics;儿科超药品说明书用药的调查分析

3.Studying the Examination Reform of Clinical Practice inPediatrics;临床实习儿科出科考试改革探讨


1.International Pediatric Associatio国际儿科协会(儿科协)

2.a children"s, maternity, surgical ward儿科、 产科、 外科病房

3.Yes, a pediatrician.是的, 小儿科医师。

4.They are Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics and so on.有内科、外科、妇产科、小儿科等。

5."Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics (Pediatric Gastroenterology) [DABPed (PedGe)]"美国儿科医学委员会文凭(小儿肠胃科)

6.He will have his rotating internship in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, and pediatrics.他将在内科、外科、产科及小儿科轮流实习。

7.Union of Arab Pediatric Societies阿拉儿科学会联合会

8.Latin American Pediatric Association拉丁美洲儿科学协会

9.European Society For Paeditric Endocrinology欧洲儿科内分泌学会

10.Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society儿科内分泌护理学会

11.International Pediatric Nephrology Association国际儿科肾病学协会

12.Foreign Medical Pediatric Section国外医学.儿科学分册

13.Diploma of Community Child Health [DCCH]社区儿科卫生学文凭

14.children cysto urethroscope儿科膀胱尿道窥测镜

15.Rees T-piece paediatric circuit里斯氏T形管儿科回路

16.World Congress of IPA国际儿科协会世界大会

17.Dr. White specialized in children"s diseases.怀特医生专治儿科疾

18.in the children"s ward.在小儿科病房那边。



1.Some considerations on applying AHA guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care to pediatric practice; AHA心肺复苏与心血管急诊指南在儿科应用的思考

2.Practice in the Multi-station Examination ofPediatric Medical Students Clinic Skills;儿科医学生多站式临床技能考核的实践

3.Thoughts of Clinic Practice Teaching forPediatrics Undergraduates on Basic Hospital;儿科专业本科实习基地带教体会


1.Antibiotic resistance of aminoglycosides among pathogens from respiratory tract inpaediatrics;儿科呼吸道致病菌氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药性

2.Survey on bacterial resistance and antibiotics usage amongpaediatrics;儿科抗生素使用现状及细菌耐药性监测

3.Analysis on present status of antibiotic use inpaediatrics infectious diseases in Changchun city;长春市儿科感染性疾病抗生素使用现状分析

4)department of pediatrics儿科

1.The clinical utilization of “transport the spleen” in thedepartment of pediatrics;“运脾法”在儿科临床中的运用

2.Medicament knowledge of inexperienced nurses indepartment of pediatrics and the countermeasures;儿科低年资护士用药知识掌握情况及对策

3.Objective To investigate the clinical application of the anti-infection drugs in treatment of inpatients indepartment of pediatrics in our hospital.目的了解我院儿科住院患者抗感染药的使用情况。

5)Pediatric department儿科

1.Study on the related factors of the success rate of intravenous infusion in pediatric department in general hospital;综合性医院儿科门急诊静脉输液穿刺成功率相关因素研究

2.The practice and effect of health education in pediatric department;健康教育在儿科的实施及效果

3.The practice and experience of risk management in pediatric department儿科风险管理的做法与体会


1.Study on problem-based learning(PBL) as teaching reform in clinical clerkship in pediatrics;PBL教学模式在临床儿科学见习中的应用

2.Construction ofPediatrics Curriculum in Conformance with New Medical Mode;顺应医学模式的《儿科学》课程建设

3.The Investigation and Thinking on Clinical Teaching Way inPediatrics;儿科学临床授课方式现状的调查和思考



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