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听力丧失 Hearing loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 09:11:18


听力丧失 Hearing loss英语短句 例句大全

听力丧失,Hearing loss

1)Hearing loss听力丧失


1.functional hearing loss功能性听力丧失 功能性听力丧失

2.hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve.由于听觉神经损伤而导致听力丧失。

3.or users who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.以及听力丧失或有听力障碍的人士从中获益。

4.hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear.由于中耳骨的原因耳导致听力丧失。

5.If hearing loss is suspected, perform a tuning fork test.如疑有听力丧失,可行音叉测试。

6.A case of hearing loss and quadriplegia after a pontine hemorrhage脑桥出血后听力丧失及四肢瘫痪1例

7.Spasm of the small labyrinthine vessels can give rise to vertigo and hearing loss.小迷路血管痉挛能引起眩晕和听力丧失。

8.Müllerian anomalies,hearing loss,and connexin 26 mutations苗勒管发育异常、听力丧失与连接蛋白26突变

9.To cause permanent or momentary deafness.造成耳聋,造成失聪造成永久的或暂时的听力丧失

10.The threshold for pain,tissue damage,and potential hearing loss in humans is 120 decibels.120分贝是人类感到痛苦、组织受损、造成潜在的听力丧失的下限。

11.The most common cause of a total irreversible unilateral loss of hearing is mumps.完全不可逆的一侧听力丧失的最常见原因是流行性腮腺炎。

12.Relationship between onset age and hearing loss of 396 ears in patients with chronic otitis media慢性中耳炎患者396耳发病年龄与听力丧失的相关性分析

13.Are there any other hearing symptoms? Specifically, report any ringing in the ears or hearing loss.你是否有听力障碍问题?尤其要告诉医师有关耳鸣或听力丧失等问题。

14.partial or complete loss of hearing.听力部分或全部丧失。

15.All human beings lose their hearing to some extent as they grow older.人上了年纪都会不同程度地丧失听力。

16.Beethoven began to lose the ability to hear at age thirty-one.贝多芬31岁开始逐渐丧失听力。

17.People who cannot speak or hear can talk by using signs.丧失了听说能力的人可以利用手势语交流思想。

18.We realise now that he didn"t lose his hearing and because of that was able to recover his speech."我们现在意识到他并没有丧失听力,正因如此,他才能恢复语言能力。”


percent hearing loss听力丧失率

3)permanent hearing loss永久性听力丧失

4)temporary hearing loss暂时听力丧失

5)noise induced hearing loss噪声性听力丧失

6)functional hearing loss功能性听力丧失



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