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先天性听力损失 Congenital hearing loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-07 17:41:36


先天性听力损失 Congenital hearing loss英语短句 例句大全

先天性听力损失,Congenital hearing loss

1)Congenital hearing loss先天性听力损失

1.Objective To study the incidence and high-risk factors for infants with congenital hearing loss from well-baby nursery (WBN) and newborn intensive care unit (NICU).目的 了解先天性听力损失在母婴同室(well-baby nursery, WBN)与新生儿重症监护室(newborn intensive care unit, NICU)中的发病率以及可能导致听力损失的高危因素,探索科学的、可行的早期诊断、跟踪随访及早期干预的策略。


1.Early Hearing Diagnosis and Intervention Programs for Infants with Congenital Hearing Loss and Its Following-up Strategy;婴幼儿先天性听力损失的早期诊断和干预及其随访策略

2.temporary hearing loss暂时性听力损失 暂时性听力损失

3.Large Vestibular Aquduct Syndrome and Fluctuating Hearing Loss大前庭水管综合征与波动性听力损失

4.Examination and significance of ABR in non-deafness tinnitus patients无听力损失耳鸣患者听性脑干反应检测及意义

5.Clinical study of acute low-tone sensorineural hearing loss急性低频感音神经性听力损失的临床研究

6.Clinical Analysis of Hearing Loss of 80 Patients with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media;80例慢性化脓性中耳炎听力损失的临床分析

7.Clinical Analysis of Bone Conduction Hearing Loss in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media慢性化脓性中耳炎骨导听力损失的临床分析

8.Nifedipine can prophylaxis noise induced hearing loss partly.nifedipine对噪声性听力损失有一定的改善作用。

9.Study of Resonant Frequency in Diagnosing of Low Conductive Hearing Loss;传导性低频听力损失患者中耳共振频率的研究

10.functional hearing loss功能性听力丧失 功能性听力丧失

11.Research on Estinmation of Hearing Thresholds in Adults with Sensorineural Hearing Loss by Toneburst-ABR;短纯音ABR对感音神经性听力损失听阀评估的研究

12.The Change of Efferent System Functions of the Noise-induced Hearing Loss Patients;噪声性听力损失者听觉传出神经系统功能的改变

13.hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve.由于听觉神经损伤而导致听力丧失。

14.Audiological Assessment of Patients with Congenial External and Middle Ear Malformations先天性外耳和中耳畸形患者的听力学分析

15.The relationship between CDH23 genetic polymorphism and susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss;钙黏素23基因多态性与噪声性听力损失易感性关系研究

16.The relationship between GSTM1 and GSTT1 genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss;GSTM1和GSTT1基因多态性与噪声性听力损失易感性的关系

17.congenital absence of endometrium先天性子宫内膜缺失

18.congenital absence of organ of Corti先天性柯替氏器缺失


congenital absence of auditory ossicles先天性听骨缺失

3)congenital hearing disorders先天性听力障碍

4)Noise-induced hearing loss噪声性听力损失

1.AIM: The changes in cochlear hair cells following sound conditioning were observed, and effects of changes in morphology, cytoskeleton and intracellular calcium homeostasis on audition and its mechanism were investigated in order to provide the experimental data for elucidating the mechanism of sound conditioning and preventing noise-induced hearing loss.目的:研究噪声习服后耳蜗毛细胞的变化,结合整体水平ABR的检测,探讨毛细胞的形态结构、胞内细胞骨架系统及胞内钙稳态的改变对听功能的影响及其机制,为阐明噪声习服的机制和预防噪声性听力损失提供实验依据。

5)occupational hearing loss职业性听力损失

6)permanent hearing loss永久性听力损失



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