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叛乱 rebellion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-05 17:16:08


叛乱 rebellion英语短句 例句大全



1.That aroused their great resentment and revolt,and finally led to this anti-governmentrebellion of feudal system,which went against the trend of the times.它爆发的根本原因是明治政府大刀阔斧的改革政策,剥夺了封建武士的特权,引起了他们的不满和反抗,最终导致了1877年这场历时8个月的反政府叛乱。

2.In ancient Chinese language, Yi(疑) meansrebellion, but this opinion still hasn’t been noticed now, the article tried to investigate and state it.“疑”在古汉语中有叛乱义 ,然今人多不注意 ,本文对此作了考释。

3.In this case, Henry Vll first gained the recognition of the parliament and the support from different forces and then successfully smashed therebellions of the York.亨利七世首先使自己得到议会的承认并努力争取到各派的支持 ,之后又成功地粉碎了约克派的几次叛乱。


1.disposed to or in a state of mutiny.策划叛乱或处于叛乱的。

2.The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.叛乱头目众叛亲离。

3.One who takes part in a mutiny.反叛者参加叛乱的人

4.put down a rebellion, a revolt, an uprising, etc镇压叛乱、 反叛、 起义等

5.quell, put down, etc a revolt镇压、 平息...叛乱.

6.repress a revolt [riot]镇压叛乱 [暴动]

7.suppress an uprising, a revolt, etc镇压起义、叛乱等.

8.Declaration on the end of the rebellious action关于终止叛乱的声明

9.overt aid to the reBels.对叛乱者的公开援助

10.The plotters instigated a revolt against the government阴谋者煽动反政府叛乱。

11.quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc镇压叛乱、 反抗、 起义等

12.The rebellion was successfully suppressed.叛乱被成功地镇压了。

13.The rebellion was kept down叛乱已被镇压下去。

14.The government ordered to close down on the armed rebellion政府下令镇压武装叛乱。

15.The government put down the rebellion.政府将叛乱加以镇压。

16.The army was sent in to crush the rebellion.派军队把叛乱镇压了。

17.speeches advocating open sedition鼓动公开叛乱的讲话.

18.head a rebellion, government, delegation领导叛乱、 政府、 代表团.


An instance of rebellion; an insurgence.叛乱的实例;叛乱

3)the rebellion in the Outer Island外岛叛乱

1.Duringthe rebellion in the Outer Island of Indonesia between 1956 and 1958,US Central Intelligence Agency supplied a variety of military aids secretly for the rebel troops and carried out a series of military aid programs,including the "Intruder Action",the "Hans Action",and the "No.在1956—1958年印度尼西亚外岛叛乱中,美国中央情报局为叛军秘密提供各种军事援助,为此相继实施了“黑客行动”、“汉斯行动”和“苹果一号”等军事援助计划。

4)to rebel against the Qing Dynasty反清叛乱

5)the rebellion of Guan and Cai管蔡叛乱

1.His authority came directly from King Wen of Zhou and led tothe rebellion of Guan and Cai,the underlying cause of which was his acting as regent was in confl.周公摄政直接导致了管蔡叛乱的发生,根本原因是违背了周人的固有传统,周公摄政与管蔡叛乱反映了商周传统的冲突。




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