失眠网 > 药物性耳聋 Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss英语短句 例句大全

药物性耳聋 Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-15 21:30:54


药物性耳聋 Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss英语短句 例句大全

药物性耳聋,Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss

1)Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss药物性耳聋

1.Molecular Mechanism of Late-onset Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Age-related,Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss迟发性非综合征型耳聋及老年性、药物性耳聋的分子机制研究


1.Molecular Mechanism of Late-onset Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Age-related, Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss迟发性非综合征型耳聋及老年性、药物性耳聋的分子机制研究

2.CONCLUSION: Alprostadil injection is an effective drug for sudden deafness.结论:前列地尔是治疗突发性耳聋的有效药物。

3.The Clinical Study of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Deafness 2 Treat Sudden Deafness;中药耳聋2号冲剂治疗突发性聋的临床疗效观察

4.52 Cases of Sudden Deafness Treated with Chinese Herbal Medicine plus Hyperbaric Oxygen中药加高压氧疗法治疗突发性耳聋52例

5.To Research Etiology and Drugs of Prescription Rule for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss by Ancient and Modern Literature突发性耳聋组方用药规律的古今文献研究

6.nonorganic deafness was confirmed on 13 ears (11.50%); stimulated deafness was 2 ears(1.77%).非器质性聋13耳,占11.50%,诈聋2耳,占1.77%;

7.The electro-audiogram shows that yours is a type of nerve deafness ( conduction deafness, mixed type deafness).您的电测听图表明是神经性耳聋(传导性耳聋,混合性耳聋)。

8.The Experimental and Clinical Study on Intratympanic Dexamethasone Injections for Refractory Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss;鼓室注药治疗难治性突发性感音神经性耳聋的基础和临床研究

9.Perhaps the most common cause of nerve deafness is presbycusis.也许神经性耳聋最常见的原因是青年性耳聋。

10.Molecular Mechanism and Functional Characterization Associate with Maternally Inherited Aminoglycoside-induced and Nonsyndromic Deafness;母系遗传药物性聋与非综合征性聋的分子遗传机制与功能研究

11.Survey on KAP about Deafness Rehabilitation in Children Parents with Congenital Deafness先天性耳聋患儿家长耳聋康复的知信行调查

12.He had an ear infection that made him stone deaf.他得过传染性耳疾,以致耳朵全聋了。

13.Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Plaster Therapy for Sudden Deafness耳穴贴压治疗突发性耳聋的疗效观察

14."It can cause a foul discharge, pain, fever, and sporadic deafness."临床表现为局部疼痛,分泌物有臭味,呈水样或脓性,发热,阵发性耳聋。

15.Moderate consumption of red wine or aspirin may delay the onset of age-related deafness and reduce hearing loss caused by loud noise and some antibiotics.适量的红酒或阿斯匹林摄入可以延缓年龄相关性耳聋的发生和减少由于噪音和一些药物引致的失聪。

16.Among them, 10 patients had sudden deafness, and the rest included endolymphatic hydrops in 5; perilymph fistula in 2; mumps deafness in 2 and otitis media with effusion in 2.结果:10名病童属突发性耳聋,约占同时期186名突发性耳聋病人的5%。

17.Retrospective Analysis of 158 with Sudden Deafness;突发性耳聋158例临床资料回顾性分析

18.A Case of Nevus Comedonicus with Mild Mixed Deafness of Right Ear黑头粉刺痣并发右耳轻度混合性耳聋1例


prevention and cure the drug-induced hearing loss药物性耳聋防治

3)drug poisoning deafness药毒性耳聋

4)Drug-induced deafness药物性聋

5)acute deafness急性耳聋

6)cochlear deafness耳蜗性聋



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