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输卵管异位妊娠 Tubal ectopic pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 15:16:53


输卵管异位妊娠 Tubal ectopic pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

输卵管异位妊娠,Tubal ectopic pregnancy

1)Tubal ectopic pregnancy输卵管异位妊娠


1.How to identify the intact ovary was the key for the accurate diagnosis of EP in the oviduct.识别出完整的卵巢 ,是输卵管异位妊娠确诊的关键 ;

2.Diagnostic vablue of transvaginal color Doppler sonography for early salpingian ectopic pregnancy diagnosis阴道彩色多普勒超声对早期输卵管异位妊娠的诊断价值

3.Evaluation of β-HCG in Predicting Success Treatment of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy Patients with Repeat Injections of Single-does Methotrexate Regimen输卵管异位妊娠患者血清β-HCG水平与甲氨蝶呤单剂量重复注射疗效的关系

4.Other sites of ectopic implantation include ovary, abdominal peritoneum, and cornual (uterine) portion of fallopian tube.异位妊娠还包括卵巢妊娠腹腔妊娠和输卵管间质部妊娠。


6.The Clinical Analysis of 44 cases of Ectopic Pregnancy after the Tubal Ligation输卵管结扎术后异位妊娠44例临床分析

7.English: Mark potential are of ectopic pregnancy.中文?标出多数的异位妊娠状况是受精卵停留在输卵管上著床。

8.The clinical analysis on Boyin decoction and mifepristone for fallopian tube function of ectopic pregnancy patient柏银汤配合米非司酮对异位妊娠患者输卵管功能的影响分析

9.Effect Analysis of Local Injection of Methotrexate to Prevent Persistent Ectopic Pregnancy during the Conservative Surgery of Tubal Pregnancy术中局部注射甲氨蝶呤预防输卵管妊娠术后持续性异位妊娠的效果分析

10.Study on reproductive outcome of different laparoscopic operations of tubal pregnancy输卵管妊娠手术方式对于术后妊娠的的影响

11.So the salpingectomy can not be performed in patients un dergoing IVF - ET in whom the other ovary has already been damaged or missing.因此,临床上对有生育要求的异位妊娠患者,应尽可能地保留患侧输卵管。

12.Expression of HOXA9 HOXA11 in the Fallopian and Relation with Fallopian Pregnancy;HOXA9HOXA11在输卵管中的表达及与输卵管妊娠的关系

13.The Study of Correlation between the Patterns of Fallopian Tube under HSG and the Fallopian Tube PregnancyHSG输卵管形态与输卵管妊娠的相关性研究

14.Changes of Calbindin-d28k protein expression in tubal epitheliums of tubal pregnancy输卵管妊娠中输卵管上皮Calbindin-d28k表达变化

15.Treatment of unruptured tubal pregnancy by interventional tubal catheterization未破裂输卵管妊娠的非血管介入治疗

16.Histological Changes of the Implantation Site and the Nonimplantation Site of Tubal Pregnancy输卵管妊娠种植部位与非种植部位组织学的比较

17.Analysis of image of supersonic diagnosis of rupture of oviduct due to pregnancy超声诊断输卵管妊娠破裂的图像分析

18.Clinical analysis of 56 cases of treatment of fallopian tube gestation with belly cavity mirror;腹腔镜治疗输卵管妊娠56例临床分析



1.The Observation of Methotrexate through Hysteroscopic Tubal Catheterization forSalpingocyesis;宫腔镜下插管注入不同剂量MTX治疗输卵管妊娠

2.Analysis report for the relevant factors of the salpingocyesis conservative surgery and the persistent ectopic pregnancy;输卵管妊娠保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的相关因素分析

3)ectopic pregnancy输卵管妊娠

1.Observation of effect on interventional treatment forectopic pregnancy guided by ultrasound;超声引导介入治疗输卵管妊娠的疗效观察

2.Study on relativity between chlamydial trachomatis infection andectopic pregnancy;沙眼衣原体感染与输卵管妊娠关系的相关性研究

3.Value of Transvaginal Three-dimensional Ultrasonography Combines with Three-dimensional Power Doppler Imaging for Diagnosis of Early Ectopic Pregnancy;经阴道三维超声对早期输卵管妊娠的观察

4)fallopian pregnancy输卵管妊娠

1.Methotrexate management offallopian pregnancy:Curative effect comparison of single-dose injection and multidose injection;氨甲喋呤单次肌注与分次肌注治疗输卵管妊娠的疗效分析

2.Objective: To evaluate the operation ways of conservative operation with small incision treatingfallopian pregnancy and it s value.目的:探讨输卵管妊娠小切口保守性手术的方法及临床应用价值。

3.Objective To evaluate the superiority of laparoscopic surgery for treating Fallopian pregnancy.目的:分析输卵管妊娠的腹腔镜术治疗的优越性。

5)Oviduct pregnancy输卵管妊娠

1.Analysis of oviduct pregnancy treated by laparoscopic operation;输卵管妊娠腹腔镜手术治疗分析

2.Contrasted Analysis of Operations on Oviduct Pregnancy with a Peritonescope and by Cutting Open Abdomen;输卵管妊娠腹腔镜手术及开腹手术的对比分析

6)Tubal pregnancy输卵管妊娠

1.Clinicopathologic analysis of 250 cases of tubal pregnancy;输卵管妊娠250例临床病理分析

2.The diagnostic value of tubal pregnancy with transvaginal Color Doppler sonography;经阴道彩色多普勒超声对输卵管妊娠的诊断分析

3.Clinical analysis of 130 cases of laparoscopic oviduct-sparing operation for tubal pregnancy;腹腔镜保守性手术治疗输卵管妊娠130例临床分析



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