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水平螺旋度 Horizontal helicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-23 23:58:42


水平螺旋度 Horizontal helicity英语短句 例句大全

水平螺旋度,Horizontal helicity

1)Horizontal helicity水平螺旋度

1.And the liquid water content index of atmosphere,lower horizontal helicity,vertical wind shear of v-component,the difference between 0 ℃ layer altitude atmosphere pressure and 570 hPa,the difference between-20 ℃ layer altitude atmosphere pressure and 370 hPa show important significance for the prediction of occurrence,development and region of severe convective weather.通过对6月25日发生在豫北的一次强对流天气过程分析发现:中低层的风切变和冷空气的入侵是造成此次强对流天气的主要原因;大气液态含水量指数、0℃层高度的气压与570 hPa之差、-20℃层高度的气压与370 hPa之差,可以预示未来强对流天气中是否会产生冰雹;大气液态含水量指数、低层水平螺旋度、风的v分量的垂直切变、0℃层高度的气压与570 hPa之差、-20℃层高度的气压与370 hPa之差对强对流的发生、发展以及产生区域有很好的指示意义。

2)Low-level horizontal helicity低空水平螺旋度

3)horizontal screw drilling水平螺旋钻

1.The technical measures and its corresponding characters of pipe jacking,horizontal screw drilling and small-sized directional drilling are described.介绍了非开挖教设管道施工技术在西南成品油管道工程中的应用情况,分别阐述了顶管、水平螺旋钻、小型定向钻等技术措施及其各自的特点。

4)horizontal coil tube水平螺旋管

1.An experimental investigation is made to study the enhanced condensation heat transfer ofhorizontal coil tube with longitudinal “V”type grooves.用实验方法研究水平螺旋管管外有纵向 V型槽时凝结换热的强化问题。

2.Studied is the enhanced condensation heat transfer ofhorizontal coil tube with longitudinal “V” type grooves.用实验的方法研究了水平螺旋管管外有纵向V型槽时的凝结换热的强化问题。

3.Investigation is made for enhanced condensation outside thehorizontal coil tubes with V grooves.对水平螺旋管外开有V型槽时的凝结换热强化问题进行了理论研究。


1.horizontal flow-through coil planet centrifuge for counter current chromatography水平螺旋管逆流层析仪

2.Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of Condensation Heat Transfer Outside a Horizontal Coiled Tube水平螺旋管外冷凝换热的理论分析与实验研究

3.HVSS (Horizontal Volute Suspension System)水平螺旋弹簧悬挂系统

4.Experimental Study of Formation of Falling Fuel Film on the Surface of Fluted Horizontal Tube and Film Combustion in Micro Combustor;水平螺旋槽管油膜燃烧原理及实验研究

5.A Study on Heat-Transfer Properties of Falling Liquid Film on the Surface of a Horizontal Spirally Fluted Tube;水平螺旋槽管壁面降液膜传热特性的研究

6.a plumber"s snake for clearing a trap and drain.清洁排水管的螺旋钻。

7.paranemic spiral平行螺旋,反向双股螺旋

8.Boiling Heat Exchange Simulation in Horizontal Helical Tube Which be Applied in Small-Size Ice-Storage Air-Conditioning;用于小型冰蓄冷空调的水平螺旋盘管沸腾传热模拟

9.A Numerical Study of LiBr-H_2O Falling Film Absorption on a Spirally Fluted Horizontal Tube;溴化锂溶液在水平螺旋槽管壁面降膜吸收过程的数值研究

10.Genome-Wide Analysis of Basic/Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Family in Rice and Arabidopsis;水稻和拟南芥中碱性/螺旋—环—螺旋转录因子家族基因组水平分析

11.The Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism of the Rising Liquid Film on the Microscale Fluted Surface of Horizontal Tubes and Its Application in Desalination Device on the Offshore Platform;水平螺旋微槽管壁面升膜传热传质机理及在海洋平台海水淡化中的应用

12.fixed screw propeller shrouding定螺距螺旋桨导流管

13.Discussion on the spiral inner winding pipe application in sewage pipe maintenance and reforming谈螺旋内缠绕管在污水干管维修改造中的应用

14.Research on Wall Temperature of Spiral Tube Water Wall for 600MW Supercritical Boiler600MW超临界锅炉机组螺旋管圈水冷壁管壁温度

15.The Analogy Research of Crucial Parameter of HSB with Helix Loader;螺旋装煤机式水平煤仓关键参数模拟研究

16.The Spiral Decrease Effect of General Demand under the Price Falling;论价格总水平下降的总需求螺旋下降效应


18.Designing of screw conveyor for EPB pipe-jacking tunneling machine土压平衡顶管掘进机螺旋出土系统的设计


Low-level horizontal helicity低空水平螺旋度

3)horizontal screw drilling水平螺旋钻

1.The technical measures and its corresponding characters of pipe jacking,horizontal screw drilling and small-sized directional drilling are described.介绍了非开挖教设管道施工技术在西南成品油管道工程中的应用情况,分别阐述了顶管、水平螺旋钻、小型定向钻等技术措施及其各自的特点。

4)horizontal coil tube水平螺旋管

1.An experimental investigation is made to study the enhanced condensation heat transfer ofhorizontal coil tube with longitudinal “V”type grooves.用实验方法研究水平螺旋管管外有纵向 V型槽时凝结换热的强化问题。

2.Studied is the enhanced condensation heat transfer ofhorizontal coil tube with longitudinal “V” type grooves.用实验的方法研究了水平螺旋管管外有纵向V型槽时的凝结换热的强化问题。

3.Investigation is made for enhanced condensation outside thehorizontal coil tubes with V grooves.对水平螺旋管外开有V型槽时的凝结换热强化问题进行了理论研究。

5)horizontal propeller水平螺旋桨

6)moisture helicity水汽螺旋度

1.A new diagnostic quantity—moisture helicity is derived from the moisture equation,and the difinition of helicity,and its influence factors are analyzed in details by the dimensional analysis.构造了新的诊断量——水汽螺旋度,并对影响水汽螺旋度变化的因子做了分析。

2.A new diagnostic quantity —moisture helicity is deduced from moisture equation, and its influence factors with time are analyzed in details by the diagnostic analysis .本文从水汽方程出发,推导新构造的诊断量—水汽螺旋度方程,并讨论了其随时间变化的影响因子。


醋酸螺旋霉素,螺旋霉素药物名称:醋酸螺旋霉素英文名:Acetylspiramycin别名:乙酰螺旋霉素、醋酸螺旋霉素,螺旋霉素外文名:AC-SPM, Foromacidin, Acetylspiramycin 成分: 螺旋霉素是从Streptomyces ambofaciens的培养液中获得的一种大环内酯类抗生素,以螺旋霉素为原料,经乙酰化,制得了乙酰螺旋霉素,改善吸收,性质也较稳定。药用品为乙酰螺旋霉素碱。 性状: 白色或微黄色粉末,无臭,味苦,微溶于水,冷却可使溶解度提高。易溶于甲醇、乙醇、丙酮、氯仿、乙醚中。 药理与作用:抗菌谱似红霉素而较弱,对青霉素、链霉素、氯霉素、四环素有耐药性的G+球菌(如金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌、肺炎球菌)和G-球菌(如脑膜炎球菌、淋球菌)等抗菌作用强。对立克次体、螺旋体、军团菌、百日咳杆菌亦有较好作用。与其他抗生素无交叉耐药性。口服吸收良好,于2小时内达血药浓度峰值,在胸水、腹小、胆汁、脓液和尿液中均有较高浓度,乳汁中也有一定浓度。大部分从胆汁排出,其余从尿中排泄。用于G+菌所致的呼吸道和皮肤软组织感染,对脓皮病、丹毒、猩红热的疗效最好,对咽炎、扁桃体炎、肺炎也有较好疗效。适应症: 适用于对葡萄球菌、化脓性链球菌、肺炎链球菌、脑膜炎球菌、淋球菌、白喉杆菌、支原体、梅毒螺旋体等敏感菌所致的扁桃体炎、支气管炎、肺炎、咽炎、中耳炎、皮肤和软组织感染、乳腺炎、胆囊炎、猩红热、牙科和眼科感染等。 用量用法: 口服:成人1次0.2g,1日4~6次,重症1日可用至1.6~2g。儿童1日量为每千克体重30mg,分次给予。 注意点:1.见大环内酯类2.不良反应:有轻度胃肠道反应,少数病人有皮疹,头痛,嗜睡,乏力等。 3.本品与其他大环内酯类有较密切的交叉耐药性。 4.本品受胃酸影响较轻,可饭后应用。规格:片:0.1g, 0.2g. 类别:抗生素\大环内酯类

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