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重大科技项目 the significant science and technology project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-24 00:34:39


重大科技项目 the significant science and technology project英语短句 例句大全

重大科技项目,the significant science and technology project

1)the significant science and technology project重大科技项目

1.Up till now,the significant science and technology projects of Ningbo have stimulated the adjustment of industrial structure and invigorated the economic development of the society.重大科技项目是科学研究计划中意义重大、规模庞大、耗资巨大、内容涉及广、研究周期较长的科技项目,对优化产业结构、提升区域自主创新能力和促进经济转型起着重要的推动作用。


1.Die Verwaltung von groen FuE-Programmen Deutschlands und ihre Aufschlüsse für China;德国重大科技项目管理及其对我国的启示

2.Our Country Fords the Agricultural Significant Science and Technology Project Subsidization Policy Explanation and the Discussion;我国涉农重大科技项目资助政策解读与探讨

3.Discussion on Factor of Human Orientation and Incentive Mechanism during Assuming the Great S&T Projects;承担重大科技项目的“人”因素及激励机制探讨

4.The Study on the Co-operation Models and Mechanisms of the Major Scientific and Technological Projects in Jilin Province吉林省重大科技项目合作模式与机制研究

5.Policy Study on the Management of the Significant Science and Technology Projects--A Case Study on Ningbo加强重大科技项目管理的对策研究——以宁波市为例

6.The Study and Thoughts on the Organizational and Implementational Modes of National Key R&D Project under the Orientation of TBT Breakthrough;突破技术性贸易壁垒导向下国家重大科技项目组织实施模式研究及思考

7.National key scientific and technological project国家重点科技攻关项目

8.Increasing technological applications in Olympic projects ?抓好重点项目,强化科技项目与工程项目的结合。

9.Promoting Alliance between Strong Units to Get National Planed Major S&T Projects;促进“强强”联合,争取国家重大科技计划项目

10.The inspiration from the M&E practice of World Bank projects to the M&E of Chinese key R&D projects世行项目监测评价实践对国家科技重大专项监测评价的启示

11.Key Science&Technology Brainstorm Project of Guangzhou广州市科技重点攻关项目

12.The 10th Five Years Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China国家十五重点科技攻关项目

13.The Allocation of Resources within the important S&T item of social development in shanghai;上海市社会发展科技重大项目中的资源配置创新研究

14.On Organization and Management of Key S&T Projects in High Institutions;高校科技管理工作必须做好对重大项目的组织与管理

15.Innovation Management of National Key S&T Special Projects -Management Practice on the Key S&T Project of Electric Automobile;国家重大科技专项的创新管理——电动汽车重大科技专项管理实践

16.On the Scientific Weight Control of Heavy Sports Athletes;重竞技项目运动员科学降控体重的研究

17.Investigation on Improving the Quality of Application for Great Items of Scientific Research by Strengthening Management;加强科研管理 提高重大科研项目申报质量

18.Shanghai Science & Technology Museum is an important social and cultural project funded and established by the Shanghai municipal government to implement the Basic state policy for developing/revitalize our country through science and education上海科技馆是上海人民政府落实"科教兴国"基本国策投资兴建的重大社会文化项目


Key Technologies R & D Programme重大科技攻关项目

1.The author reviewed the background and the course of the Sixth Five Year StateKey Technologies R & D Programme, introduced the scientific achievements of coal formed gas study, and emphasized the main significance of the R & D study to the gas industries in China.回顾了“六五”国家重大科技攻关项目“中国煤成气的开发研究”立项的背景和攻关历程。

3)the important item of social development社会发展科技重大项目

1.Based on the actual circumstance ofthe important item of social development in Shanghai,this article analyzed the characteristics of the important item from the angle of resource allocation and particularly made a deep study in the resources allocation within the important S&T item of social development S&T of Shanghai.社会发展科技重大项目需要巨大的资金、人员等科技资源的投入,对整个社会的发展有着巨大、深远的影响。

4)major scientific projects重大科研项目

5)especially significant technology project特大科技项目

6)the district key project重大科技专项

1.District S&T management department from the fact of its own, puts the policy modle ofthe district key project in practice.地方科技管理部门从本地区的实际情况出发,实施了地方重大科技专项,使本地区的重点科技资源集中按照一定的目标和方向进行配置,解决本地区经济和社会发展过程中的关键问题,取得了比较显著的效果,提升了相应产业的创新能力,对当地的经济发展也起到了巨大的推动作用。


重大1.谓物体大而沉重。 2.大而重要。 3.指高而重要的官位。 4.指诗文风格凝重,气象阔大。

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