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胸腔冲洗液 Pleural lavage fluid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-23 02:15:54


胸腔冲洗液 Pleural lavage fluid英语短句 例句大全

胸腔冲洗液,Pleural lavage fluid

1)Pleural lavage fluid胸腔冲洗液

1.Pleural lavage fluid was rinsed after thoractomy but before examination,and was c.方法对连续172例无胸水肺切除肺癌患者进行了胸腔冲洗液细胞学检查,于开胸后探查前冲洗,收集后立即细胞学检查。

2)thoracic cavity washing胸腔冲洗

3)Pleural lavage cytology胸腔冲洗液细胞学

1.Analysis on pleural lavage cytology in patients with esophageal carcinoma;食管癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学检查的结果分析

4)Retrograde pleural lavage逆行胸腔冲洗

5)peritoneal lavage fluid腹腔冲洗液

1.Cytologic examination and immunomagnetic beads technique were used to detect free cancer cells inperitoneal lavage fluid.方法收集30例胃癌患者术中的腹腔冲洗液,分别进行免疫磁珠技术及常规腹腔冲洗液细胞学检查,检测腹腔内脱落癌细胞。


1.A study on the expressions of CEAmRNA of peritoneal water in gastric cancer patientsCEAmRNA在胃癌腹腔冲洗液中的表达

2.Effects of Laparoscopically Assisted Radical Gastrectomy on Expression of Adhesion Molecules in Peritoneum and Peritoneal Washes腹腔镜胃癌手术对腹膜和腹腔冲洗液粘附分子影响的研究

3.The clinical significance of detecting CEA of peritoneal washing in predicting peritoneal metastasis of gastric carcinoma腹腔冲洗液检测CEA预测胃癌腹膜种植转移的临床意义

4.The Relations between Hysteroscopy and Positive Peritoneal Cytology with Endometrial Carcinoma宫腔镜检查与子宫内膜癌腹腔冲洗液细胞学相关性的临床研究

5.Impact of Hysteroscopy on Peritoneal Cytology in Patients with Endometrial Carcinoma宫腔镜检查对子宫内膜癌腹腔冲洗液细胞学改变的影响

6.Study about the Expression and Promoter Methylation of RASSF1A Gene in Ovarian Cancer and Peritoneal Fluid;RASSF1A基因在卵巢癌组织及腹腔冲洗液中的表达及甲基化的研究

7.Changes of CEA Detected by Flow Cytometry in Peritoneal Lavage after Gastrectomy and Its Clinical Significance流式细胞术检测胃癌手术前后腹腔冲洗液CEA的变化及意义

8.Changes of free cancer cells detected by flow cytometry in peritoneal lavage of gastric cancer patients after gastrectomy流式细胞术检测胃癌患者腹腔冲洗液游离癌细胞的变化

9.Clinical assessment and significance of CEA mRNA expression in peritoneal lavage for gastric cancer micrometastasis腹腔冲洗液CEA mRNA检测对胃癌微转移的临床评估及意义

10.Detection of p53 gene mutation in cancer tissues and peritoneal lavage of gastric cancer patients by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography胃癌组织和腹腔冲洗液p53基因突变的DHPLC技术检测

11.Effects and significance of laparoscopically assisted radical gastrectomy on expression of soluble ICAM-1 and CD44v6 in peritoneal lavage腹腔镜胃癌手术对腹腔冲洗液中可溶性ICAM-1、CD44v6表达的影响及其意义

12.The clinical application of abdominal cavity washing water after the abdominal cavity infection operation;腹腔灌洗液在腹腔感染手术后的临床应用

13.To wash out(a body cavity or wound) with water or a medicated fluid.冲洗用水或药液来清洗(体腔或伤口)

14.Peritoneal Didysis Solution in the Prevention of Abdominal Adhesion;腹膜透析液术后灌洗对腹腔粘连预防作用

15.The Clinical Study of Checking Peritoneal Washing of the Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Radical Resection;腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术中腹腔灌洗液检测的临床研究

16.Iodophor rinse treatment of intrathoracic tuberculous pleural effusion碘伏胸腔内冲洗治疗结核性胸腔积液疗效观察

17.The Significance of the Telomerase Activity in Gastric Juice, Ascites or Peritoneal Lavage Fluids of Gastric Cancer;胃癌病人胃液及腹水或腹腔灌洗液中检测端粒酶活性的意义

18.Experimental study on emergency treatment with cool peritoneal dialysis solution lavage in heatstroke shock model冷腹膜透析液腹腔灌洗抢救热射病休克的实验研究


thoracic cavity washing胸腔冲洗

3)Pleural lavage cytology胸腔冲洗液细胞学

1.Analysis on pleural lavage cytology in patients with esophageal carcinoma;食管癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学检查的结果分析

4)Retrograde pleural lavage逆行胸腔冲洗

5)peritoneal lavage fluid腹腔冲洗液

1.Cytologic examination and immunomagnetic beads technique were used to detect free cancer cells inperitoneal lavage fluid.方法收集30例胃癌患者术中的腹腔冲洗液,分别进行免疫磁珠技术及常规腹腔冲洗液细胞学检查,检测腹腔内脱落癌细胞。

6)Peritoneal washes腹腔冲洗液

1.MethodsPeritoneal washes were obtained from 98 patients with gastric carcinoma before and after tumor resections.目的探讨术中实时逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)定量检测胃癌腹腔冲洗液癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸(CEAmRNA)诊断腹腔游离癌细胞的可行性、可靠性及其临床意义。

2.Objective: To study the clinical significence of detection of exfoliated cancer cells in the peritoneal washes and peripheral blood of patients with lower rectal cancer.手术前采集静脉血,手术中采集腹腔冲洗液,以RT-PCR技术对静脉血有核细胞和部分腹腔冲洗液细胞进行CD44v、CEA mRNA的检测。


癌性胸腔积液癌性胸腔积液malignant pleural effusion指因胸膜、纵隔、肺原发或转移性肿瘤,致胸膜渗出增多,淋巴与静脉回流障碍引起的胸膜腔积液。多具有血性、低度渗出性,积液量大和渗出迅速等特点。治疗可穿刺抽液,闭式引流,胸内注射抗癌药或四环素封闭胸膜腔。

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