失眠网 > 下颌骨多发性骨折 mandible multiple fracture英语短句 例句大全

下颌骨多发性骨折 mandible multiple fracture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-14 06:43:16


下颌骨多发性骨折 mandible multiple fracture英语短句 例句大全

下颌骨多发性骨折,mandible multiple fracture

1)mandible multiple fracture下颌骨多发性骨折

1.The application of intermaxillary traction in the surgical treatment of rigid internal fixation ofmandible multiple fracture颌间牵引在下颌骨多发性骨折坚强内固定手术中的应用


1.The second period-treatment for mandible multiple outmoded fracture after operation failure下颌骨多发性骨折一期手术失败后的二期治疗

2.The application of intermaxillary traction in the surgical treatment of rigid internal fixation of mandible multiple fracture颌间牵引在下颌骨多发性骨折坚强内固定手术中的应用

3.③Gingiva, chin, lip, check and mandible are the most commonly injuried sites.③下颌骨骨折最常见。 软组织伤多见于龈、颏、唇、颊。

4.The Relationship between Age-related Stress Distribution and Fracture Incidence of the Mandible;不同年龄下颌骨应力分布与骨折发病率的关系

5.Effect of condylar neck fractures on growth and development of mandible髁突颈部骨折对下颌骨生长发育的影响

6.The Role of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide in the Healing Process of Mandibular Fracture: A Preliminary Experimental Study;血管活性肠肽在下颌骨骨折愈合中的作用研究

7.The application of intermaxillary traction titanium screw in complicated mandibular fracture骨内颌间牵引钛钉在复杂下颌骨骨折中的应用

8.The Role of Extraneous rhBMP-2 in the Healing of Mandibular Fractures of Rabbits by the PDLLA/HA Fixation SystemPDLLA/HA接骨系统固定兔下颌骨骨折愈合过程中外源性rhBMP-2的作用

9.Experimental Study on the Effect of Mandible Fracture on TMJ;下颌骨骨折对颞下颌关节影响的实验研究

10.The Clinical Research of the Effect of Mandibular Fracture on Temporomandibular Joints;下颌骨骨折后颞下颌关节功能紊乱的临床研究

11.PR has especial diagnosis value for mandibular fractures.PR优点是对下颌骨骨折诊断准确率高 ;

12.Meta-analysis of the Mandibular Condylar Fractures Treatment下颌骨髁突骨折治疗的Meta分析

13.Under Rigid Internal Fixation of Mandibular Fractures Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases下颌骨骨折坚固内固定63例临床分析

14.3-D Finite Element Analyses of the Internal Fixation of Mandibular Fracture下颌骨骨折内固定的三维有限元分析

15.Mandibular fracture rigid internal fixation clinical analysis of 103 cases下颌骨骨折坚固内固定103例临床分析

16.Therapy for Old Fractures in Maxillary Bone with Rigid Internal Fixation上颌骨陈旧性骨折的内固定治疗探讨

parison of effect of different dosages of tramadol in intravenous analgesia after mandible fracture operation不同剂量曲马多用于下颌骨骨折内固定术后静脉镇痛效果比较

18.Analysis of strains in miniplates plating the mandibular symphyseal fracture下颌骨颏部骨折小型接骨板固定的应变分析


Multiple mandibular Fracture多发性下颌骨骨折

3)mandibular fractures下颌骨折

4)mandibular fracture下颌骨折

5)Mandible fracture下颌骨骨折

1.Clinical practice of mandible fracture by rigid internal fixation with small clamping plank under intermaxillay elastic traction;颌间弹性牵引下小夹板坚固内固定治疗下颌骨骨折的临床应用

2.Study of rigid internal fixation on mandible fracture;坚强内固定治疗下颌骨骨折的研究

3.Orthodontic treatment on primary dentition of a child with mandible fracture:A case report;下颌骨骨折患儿乳牙的正畸治疗1例

6)Mandibular fracture下颌骨骨折

1.Application of titanium miniplate internal fixation in mandibular fractures:the clinical investigation of 120 cases;小异型钛板内固定治疗下颌骨骨折(附120例临床应用报告)

2.Clinical analysis of mandibular fracture treated with rigid internal fixation in 136 patients;钛板坚强内固定治疗下颌骨骨折136例报告


下颌骨下颌骨mandibular bone,mandible呈弓形,可分为水平的体部和垂直的升支部,二者相连的部位称为下颌角部,左右下颌骨体部在中线处形成颏正中联合。下颌升支的上部有两个突起,后方为髁尖突,为下颌骨的主要生长中心,与颧骨下颌关节窝形成颞下颌关节。前方突起为喙状突,下颌骨的骨质较致密,血供较差,除主要接受下齿槽动脉血供外,又接受来自骨表面黏骨膜动脉分支的血液供应。

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