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文章学理论 reinforcement of comment theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 15:47:33


文章学理论 reinforcement of comment theory英语短句 例句大全

文章学理论,reinforcement of comment theory

1)reinforcement of comment theory文章学理论


1.Wen-xin-diao-long is a book of article theory--on Liu xie’s Literarure view;《文心雕龙》是一部文章学理论著作——兼论刘勰的文学观(之一)

2.Wen-xin-diao-long is a Book of Article Theory--on Liu xie s Literarure View;《文心雕龙》是一部文章学理论著作——兼论刘勰的文学观(之二)

3.Theoretical Study on Yao Yongpu s Way to the Best Written Anticles;姚永朴《文学研究法》文章理论研究

4.A Tentative Exploration into the Relation Between Textlinguisticsand Literary Theories;篇章学研究与文学批评理论关系初探

5.The Historical Literary Theory of Ancient China-On Liu Zhiji and Zhang Xuecheng;中国古代历史文学理论—论刘知几与章学诚

6.Zhang Shi-zhao"s culturological theory in the period of the May 4th Movement--and on Zhang Shi-zhao"s view of history in this period五四时期章士钊的文化学理论——兼谈这一时期章士钊的历史观

7.Chapter Two: Theoretical Foundation and Value Analysis of Chinese Integrative Learning.第二章语文综合性学习的理论基础和价值分析。

8.Theory of Textual Patterns and Discourse Coherence in Students’Writing;篇章模式理论与学生作文的语篇连贯性研究

9.The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory.以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。

10.Textual Criticism On Nanshe Member s Article-ology Writings:The First Part On The Study Of Nanshe Article-ology;南社诸子文章学著作考论——南社文章学研究之一

11.Many contemporary philosophers, for example, have made much of the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning.例如,许多当代哲学家在科学论断和伦理论断的差异上大做文章。

12.I"ve read your stuff about the psychological realism of Calvin.我读过你论加尔文心理唯实论的文章。

13.The Change of Concepts in the Four History Records:from Wen Yi(Meaning) to Wen Zhang(Article) to Wen Xue(Literature);论南朝四史文义-文章-文学的概念变化

14.The Discussion about the Contribution of Tang Tao to the Article Study--Take the Example of Culture of the Article;论唐弢对文章学的贡献——以《文章修养》为例

15.A Valuable Theory Book For Writing Course;一部颇具价值的写作学理论著作——《汉文典·文章典》评介

16.A Study of the Modal Auxiliary CAN in English Linguistic Articles Based on Relevance Theory基于关联理论的英语语言学学术文章中情态动词CAN的研究

17.On the Formation of Anthology: Concurrently Discussing Zhang Xuecheng"s General Interpretation of Historiography·Literary Collection总集生成考——兼论章学诚《文史通义·文集》

18.Chapter Five discusses the effects of Vincent’s theory.最后一章论述了文森特理论的影响。


theoretical papers理论文章

3)On Article Philosophy论文章哲学

4)Principle of Essay文章学原理

5)The theory on Chinese articles中国文章理论

6)Prose theory of Southern Song Dynasty南宋文章理论



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