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文章评点 Comment of prose英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-28 19:12:25


文章评点 Comment of prose英语短句 例句大全

文章评点,Comment of prose

1)Comment of prose文章评点

2)comment on an article评论文章


1.A review or article expressing such judgment and evaluation.评论文章表达这类判断和评价的文章

2.The reviews hit the news play.评论文章严厉批评这部新剧。

3.(section of a)periodical containing reviews,etc有评论文章等的期刊(的专栏)

4.He writes reviews for The New Yorker.他为《纽约人》撰写评论文章。

5.One has to be careful when writing critical articles, otherwise you can easily get involved in paper arguments.写评论文章要三思, 免得惹上笔墨官司。

6.The Honesty of Artistic Comments;美术批评的诚实性——从一篇评论文章说开去

7.A short, conversational piece of writing or criticism.文章或批评谈话式的简短文章或评论

8.Publish a concerted commentator"s article配发一篇评论员文章

9.critical writings on art关于艺术的评论性文章

10.Go down to the bottom of the article and click on the "Comments on This Story" link to read some more comments from the field在文章页的底部,点击“评论此文”,会链接到关于这篇文章的更多评论。

11.A critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature.评论文批判性文章或评论,尤指关于艺术或文学作品的评论

12.The Character and Literary Grace of the Literary Criticism of Huang Weiliang;文章分得凤凰毛——黄维梁文论文评的个性与文采

13.The next Patton is not writing an article for "Military Review".下一个巴顿不是在为《军事评论》写文章。

14.a commentator"s article was carried along with the news report.这篇报道还配发了一篇评论员文章。

15.The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.照片之间夹杂着新闻与评论的文章。

16.The critics wrote up the acting of the players.评论家们写文章赞扬了演员们的演技。

17.A Tentative Exploration into the Relation Between Textlinguisticsand Literary Theories;篇章学研究与文学批评理论关系初探

18.A published account, review, or notice, especially a favorable one.报道一篇刊登的报道、评论或短评,尤指捧场文章


comment on an article评论文章

3)features of writing文章特点

4)article of commentator评论员文章

1.This article discusses the characteristics of language, style, function and developing trend of news criticism, such as in editorial,article of commentator, column review, editorial note, essay and news review, and so on.社论、评论员文章、专栏评论、编者按、杂文、新闻述评等评论文体在语言、风格、作用、发展趋向等方面各有特点,社论体现权威性,评论员文章灵活轻便,专栏评论面向业余作者,编者按短小精悍,杂文嬉笑怒骂,述评有机融合新闻与评论。

5)article evaluate standard文章评估标准

6)education review article教育评论文章



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