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司法造法 judicial law-making英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-17 15:29:56


司法造法 judicial law-making英语短句 例句大全

司法造法,judicial law-making

1)judicial law-making司法造法

1.However, there exists legal loop holes sojudicial law-making occurs unavoidably in the judicial practice.司法造法(国外称法官造法)是司法权的重要组成部分,是行使司法权不可或缺的手段。


1.Judicial Lawmaking in the WTO Dispute Settlement;论世界贸易组织争端解决中的司法造法

2.Sino - French grape wine brewing corporation中法葡萄酒酿造公司

3.Judicial Activism,Judge-made Law and the Doctrine of Numerus of IPR;司法能动、法官造法和知识产权法定主义

4.Discussion about the Availability of Increasing the Crime of CounterfeitedTransformed Tampered with Laws Rules and Juridical Doalments;谈增设伪造、变造、篡改法律、法规、司法文书罪的可行性

5.Judicial Identification on the Crime of Forging and Reselling Forged Valuable Ticket伪造、倒卖伪造的有价票证罪的司法认定

6.A lot of companies will be hurt by these new tax laws.这些新税法将会对许多公司造成伤害。

7.Discussion on Dong Biwu s Theory on the Old Judiciary s Thought Reform;董必武旧司法人员思想改造理论研究

8.An Investigation to the Company System Reform of Mao Dun Group and Reflections from the Law Point;矛盾集团公司制改造调查及法律思考

9.A law court or system of law courts;a judiciary.司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度;司法系统,司法部

10.A French company agreed to begin making the Wright brothers" flying machine.一家法国公司同意制造赖特兄弟的飞行器。

11.Legal Thinking of Some Problems in the Course of the State-owned Enterprise Transformation to Modern Corporation;国有企业公司制改造中若干问题的法律思考

12.On the Characteristics,Basis and Procedure of Expert Testimony in Enginecring Cost;浅谈工程造价司法鉴定的特点、依据和程序

13.Optimal Purchase Allocation Strategy for Distribution Companies Based on Chance Constrained Programming;构造供电公司最优购电分配策略的CCP方法

14.Further Discussion on Some Individual Legislative Viewpoint from "Compensation";从“赔偿”谈对我国个别司法理念的质疑及改造

15.On the Methods of Identifying Company Accountant s Counterfeiting with Financial Rate;利用财务比率识别公司会计造假的方法

16.Obeying and Creating: a Cognition about the Nature of Jury Power;服从与创造:关于司法权本质特征的一种认知

17.The Legal discussion about Reform on the Corporation System of State-owned Commercial Bank;国有独资商业银行公司制改造的法律探讨

18.Study on Reforming Non-circulative Share Method;上市公司存量非流通股流通改造方法研究



1.A Study of Jun Xun Yuan sJurisdiction and Administration Functions;论军巡院的司法与执法职能

2.Such three basic areas as our country s criminal legislation,criminal jurisdiction and theory research of criminal law reflect that pragmatism is the basic spirit of criminal law in China.我国刑法立法、刑事司法以及刑法理论研究这三个刑法的基本层面反映出我国刑法的基本精神是实用理性精神。

3.An investigation was made on the legislation,jurisdiction and administration of the Roman republic from the constitutional point of view in this paper.从现代宪政视角考察罗马共和时期的立法、司法和行政,认为罗马共和不仅存在三大机构(官僚体系、元老院和公民大会)的权力制衡,同时在立法、司法和行政上也存在权力制衡。


1.Thejudicatory proceeding is the most effectual way to protect civil rights.司法程序是法律保障公民权益的最有效方式 ,在司法介入医疗纠纷案件时应当持有审慎的态度 ,坚持必要的原则 ,把握司法介入医疗纠纷案件的范围、时机 ,完善司法技术 ,注意司法处理结果的影响 ,以保证医疗纠纷案件的公正 ,并且最大限度避免司法程序带来的负面效

2.The control of emperor s power tojudicatory is very tight in Song dynasty.宋代皇权对司法的控制非常严密。


1.Criminalization and Decriminalization in Judicature;司法上的犯罪化与非犯罪化


1.The author of "the judicial view of local China" think that we should treat the legal extensity seriously ."认真对待法律的空间性"是《乡土中国的司法图景》的作者提出的一个命题。

2.It is significant for us to compare and analyze these briberies in the work of perfecting legislation and judicial practice.分析比较其中相近易混的罪名对完善立法和司法实践具有指导意义。


1.Changing Media s Role andJustice——practical analyzing of relationship between media and justice;变动中的媒体角色与司法——媒体与司法关系的现实分析

2.Conflict and Balance between Media andJustice;传媒与司法的冲突和平衡

3.There s Nothing to Say vs. There s Something to Say——On TraditionalJustice and Jurisprudence in China by ZHANG Weiren;无话可说与有话可说之间——评张伟仁先生的《中国传统的司法和法学》



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