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英文合同法 English contract laws英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-29 14:48:02


英文合同法 English contract laws英语短句 例句大全

英文合同法,English contract laws

1)English contract laws英文合同法

2)English contract英文合同

1.Discussion on sentence preciseness aboutEnglish contract;英文合同语句的严谨性探讨

2.On Chinese Translation of English Contracts from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis;从语篇分析看英文合同汉译


1.Linguistic Features of English-based International Business Contract and Its Translation国际经贸英文合同的语言特征与翻译

2.On the Form of English Contracts in Entirety: A Practical Perspective英文合同的整体性程式:实务的视角

3.Have you got a contract in English ?请问合同有没有英文本?

4.Stylistic Features of a Business Contract and Its English Chinese Translation英文商业合同的文体特征及英汉翻译

5.Translation of English Business Contracts: In the Perspective of Stylistic Features从文体学视角论英文商务合同的翻译

6.The present contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equally valid.本合同用中文和英文两种文字写成。两种文本具有同等效力。

7.2) Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies.二、《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。

8.Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies.《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。

9."The Contract is made out in English in four originals, two for each party."本合同用英文书就,双方各持两份。

10.A Contrastive Study on Lexical Reiteration in Translating between Chinese and English Contracts;汉英合同文本中词汇复现的对比研究

11.Vocabulary Features of English Contract and its Chinese Translation;浅谈英语合同文体的词汇特色与翻译

12.A Study of the Language Characteristics and Translation of English Contract of Economy and Trade;论英文经贸合同的语言特征及其翻译

13.Research on telecommunication resale service supply chain coordination with revenue-sharing contract;电信业务转售收入共享合同研究(英文)

14."The Contract language and all correspondences communications, documentation and Appendices regarding this Contract shall be in English Language."本合同及所有与本合同的相关信件、文件、附件,都应以英文书就。

15.Alright. Is it in English or Chinese?好吧。这个合同是不是用中英文两种文字写的呢?

16.A Study on E-C Translation Techniques of Business Contracts Through Stylistic Analysis;从文体特征看英文商务合同的汉译技巧

17.Linguistic Features,and Its Simplified Style in International Business Contracts;英文国际商务合同语言特点及其文体简化

18.Grice"s Cooperative Principles: Their Application in International Economic and Trade Contracts格莱斯合作原则在经贸英语合同文本中的应用


English contract英文合同

1.Discussion on sentence preciseness aboutEnglish contract;英文合同语句的严谨性探讨

2.On Chinese Translation of English Contracts from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis;从语篇分析看英文合同汉译

3)British-American Contract Law英美合同法

1.The Research on the Principle of Compensability inBritish-American Contract Law;英美合同法“对价”原则探讨

4)English business contract英文商务合同

1.As a legal English,the language ofEnglish business contracts has its special style.英文商务合同作为一种法律英语,有其特殊的语言风格。

2.This paper is a study on the E-C translation of set clauses ofEnglish business contracts from the functional equivalence perspective, intended especially for translators who are not familiar withEnglish business contracts and for persons who have interest in them.本论文针对不甚了解英文商务合同的译者和对之抱有兴趣的人士,从功能对等的角度对英文商务合同固定条款的英-中翻译进行研究。

5)English complete plant contract英文设备合同

6)Chinese-English translation of contracts中文合同英译



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