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滨海盐碱地 Seashore saline land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 14:06:32


滨海盐碱地 Seashore saline land英语短句 例句大全

滨海盐碱地,Seashore saline land

1)Seashore saline land滨海盐碱地

1.Taking a badly seashore saline land in the city of Tangshan as an example,adopting some measures,such as sowing by seed-bases to breed seedlings,building stair-fields,transplanting seedlings in carrying soil columns etc,a new technology of seed-base for afforesting was developed in seashore saline land.该研究以唐山市南堡盐场重盐碱地为例,采用基盘育苗、台田整地、客土穴移植树苗等措施,探讨滨海盐碱地基盘法造林技术。


1.Study on Growth Decline Mechanism of Black Locust on Coastal Saline-alkali Soil滨海盐碱地刺槐林生长衰退机理研究

2.Study on the Afforestation Model and Wet and Salt Movement in Coastal Saline-alkaline Soil;滨海盐碱地造林模式及土壤水盐运动规律研究

3.Study of Use Fertilizer for Coastal Saline-alkali Soil Tomato in Greenhouse;滨海盐碱地日光温室番茄施肥水平的研究

4.Landscape Plant"s Choice and Engineering Application in the Coastal Saline-alkali Soil滨海盐碱地园林植物的选择和工程应用

5.The Introduction of Nitraria tangutorum in the Yellow River Delta Coastal Saline唐古特白刺在黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地的引种

6.Investigation of Diseases and Insect Pests Categary and Its Controling Technique on Garden Plants in Seashore Saline-Alkali Region;滨海盐碱地园林植物病虫害种类调查及防治技术研究

7.Study on the Adaptation to Coastal Saline Soil and Application of Two Specie Nitraria in Yellow River Delta;两种白刺对黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地的适应性及其应用研究

8.Study on Seed-base Method for Afforestation in Saline Land in Hebei and Rocky Mountainous Area in Beijing河北滨海盐碱地和北京土石山区基盘法造林技术研究

9.Review on Urban Landscape in Coastal Salt-alkali Region滨海盐碱地地区城市绿化技术途径研究——天津开发区盐滩绿化回顾

10.Analysis on Saline-alkali Soil Improvement and Afforestation in Weifang Coastal Area潍坊滨海地区盐碱地改良与绿化分析

11.Study on Green Afforestation Techniques in Zhoushan City for Saline Soil;舟山市海滨盐碱地绿化造林技术初探

parative Study on Water-Salt Dynamic of Platform Field in Coastal Argillaceous Saline-alkali Land滨海泥质盐碱地台田水盐动态对比研究

13.Study on the Ecological Development of Coastal Saline Land in Tianjin Binhai New Area天津滨海新区海岸带盐碱地生态化发展研究

14.Tianjin Binhai Area Re-Saline Application of the Structural Design of Green Landscape天津滨海重盐碱地区绿地结构设计应用比较

15.Study on the Ecological Design of Saline-alkali Landscape in Tianjin Binhai New Area;天津滨海新区盐碱地景观生态化设计研究

16.Restoration and reutilization evaluation of coastal saline-alkaline degraded lands in Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲滨海盐碱退化地恢复与再利用评价

17.Analysis of Saline-alkali Soil Ions in Tianjin Seashore Areas and Study on the Selection of Salt-tolerant Tree Species天津滨海地区盐碱土离子分析以及耐盐树种筛选研究

18.A Study of Remote Sensing Detection of Salt-affected Coastal Land Degradation in the Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲滨海盐碱退化土地变化遥感监测研究


coastal saline-alkali soil滨海盐碱地

1.The study was based on the pure black locust forest of 23a on thecoastal saline-alkali soil, the growth rule of black locust was studied, the correlation of rainfall and temperature between growth rule as well.从而系统地研究了滨海盐碱地刺槐林衰退的机理。

3)Coastal saline滨海盐碱地

1.Introduce the Nitraria tangutorum from Xinjiang,artificial planting it in the Yellow River delta inshore saline,research on the adaptability and salt resistance capability in the coastal saline,study it’s ecological functions on the seashore saline and planting for demonstration.从新疆引进唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum),在黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地上进行人工种植,研究其适应性和在滨海盐碱地上的耐盐能力及对滨海盐碱地的生态作用。

4)coastline saline soil海滨盐碱地

1.Utilizing the biological character of Kosteletzkya virginica has been carried out in the experiment of planting Kosteletzkya virginica in thecoastline saline soil of Yellow River delta.黄河三角洲海滨盐碱地的生态恢复是当前研究的热点问题。

5)coastal marshy wetland滨海盐碱湿地

6)heavy saline-alkali area at seashore滨海重盐碱地

1.And clarify sustainable development of courtyard greening in heavy saline- alkali area at seashore.通过不同时间对石油大学校园绿地内客土含盐量、绿地下和绿地外原盐碱土含盐量、地下水位、植被情况的调查与分析,阐述了滨海重盐碱地区庭院绿化的可持续性发展。



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