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科技创新基地 science and technology innovation bases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-21 22:34:03


科技创新基地 science and technology innovation bases英语短句 例句大全

科技创新基地,science and technology innovation bases

1)science and technology innovation bases科技创新基地

1.Thoughts about the building ofscience and technology innovation bases in universities;高校科技创新基地建设的思考


1.Establishing Students Technology Innovation Base To Carry Out Innovation Education;建立大学生科技创新基地,大力开展创新教育

2.Exploration on education mode for the innovation centre of science and technology for undergraduates;大学生科技创新基地育人模式的探索

3.Exploring the way of raising money for the innovative base of science and technology out of class for undergraduates;大学生课外科技创新基地经费筹措策略试探

4.Setting up Higher School Science and Technology Innovation Base Realizing High Level Research University;试论高校科技创新基地建设与高水平研究型大学的实现

5.Disciplines-building mechanism construction of local colleges and universities based on scientific and technological innovation基于科技创新的地方高校学科建设路径选择

6.The Research on Science and Technology Innovational Ability of the Science and Technology Research Bases of Guangxi s Universities and Institutes;广西高校科研基地技术创新扩散问题研究

7.Research on Constructing Science and Technology Independent Innovation Base and Platform of Hebei Province;河北省科技自主创新基地与平台建设研究

8.Researches on Regional Science-tech Innovation System of Jilin Old Industrial Base;吉林老工业基地区域科技创新体系研究

9.On the Demand for Technological Renovations in Reforming China s Traditionally Industrial CenterShenyang;论沈阳老工业基地改造对科技创新的需求

10.Situation and Role of Science and Technology Innovation of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution;农业科研机构科技创新的地位与作用

11.The Foundation Stone of Science and Technology Innovation:Science Data Sharing;论科技创新的基石——科学数据共享

12.Structural on Personnel Training Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering of Yunnan Province;云南省环境科学与工程高新技术创新人才培养基地的构建

13.Promoting construction of discipline base and supporting the innovation and development of discipline推进学科基地建设 支撑学科创新发展

14.Promoting scientific and technological innovations.47、推进科技创新。

15.Discussion on the Position and Functions of Sci-tech Translation in Shanxi s Sci-tech Innovation;科技翻译工作在山西科技创新中的地位和作用

16.The Status, Function and Innovation of Agricultural Journals in the Spread of Scientific Information;农业科技期刊在科技传播中的地位、作用及创新

17.Research on the Science and Technology Innovation Capacity and Its relationships with Science and Technology Infrastructure;科技创新能力及其与科技基础设施关系的研究

18.Study on the Innovation to Science and Technology and Transformation to Achievement in the Basic Agricultural Science and Technology Unit;论基层农业科技单位的科技创新与成果转化


creation ability for geology地质科技创新

3)Local scientific and technological innovations地方科技创新

4)innovation fund科技创新基金

1.The study of position and mode choice of China s communication industryinnovation fund;我国通信业科技创新基金定位与模式选择研究

5)the basic law of scientific and technological innovation科技创新基本法

6)Innovation and Technology Fund创新及科技基金



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