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公司法 Company Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-19 01:27:40


公司法 Company Law英语短句 例句大全

公司法,Company Law

1)Company Law公司法

1.Discussion on the changes of accounting operation under the newCompany Law;讨论新《公司法》下会计核算的几点变化

2.The NewCompany Law and Improvement of the Systems of Independent Directors;新《公司法》与独立董事制度完善

3.Economic democracy andCompany Law;经济民主在公司法中的体现


1.On the Judicial Dismissal of Company System in Company Law;对公司法中司法解散公司制度的探讨

2.Investment Company Act of 19401940年投资公司法

3.The establishment of a corporation"s existence.公司法则公司赖以存在的法则

4.The Legal Theory of Company Defect Establishment and Denying the Right of Juridical Person;公司瑕疵设立与公司法人格否认法理

parative study of the Fundamental of Chinese Corporate Law and American Corporate Law;中国公司法与美国公司法功能之比较

6.A Comparison between Corporation Laws ofTaiwan and Mainland China;台湾公司法与内地公司法之比较研究

7.Model memorandum of association of a limited company set out In the company act , 1985 .1985年公司法中陈述的有限公司公司简章的样式

8.Study on the Relationship among Company Autonomy, the Articles-of-association and the Company Law论公司自治与公司章程、公司法三者的关系

9.Judicial Intervention in Company Autonomy and Policy Measures in the Interpretation of Company Act司法介入公司自治与公司法解释的政策尺度

10.The Private Law Character of Company Law--From the Judicatory Standpoint;论公司法的私法品格——检视司法的立场

11.The Company Law in Competition and the Competition Among Company Laws--The Legislation and Reform of the Company Law竞争中的公司法与公司法的竞争——公司法立法与改革

12.The Logical Analysis of "the Company Problem" in the Company Legal Person System;公司法人制度中“公司问题”的逻辑分析

13.Corporate Governance in the New Corporation Law of China;我国新《公司法》中的公司治理结构

14.On the Freedom of Corporate Charter When Applying the Mandatory Sules of Corporate Law;论公司法强制性规范与公司章程自由

15.The Application of Denial of Corporate Personality to Offshore Company;公司法人人格否认对离岸公司的适用

16.A View on the Company Capital System in Our Country from the New Companies Law;从新《公司法》看我国公司资本制度

panies (Amendment) Act 1993《1993年公司(修订)法》

18.Judicial Independenle,Judicial Justice and Chinese Judicial Reform;论司法独立、司法公正与中国司法改革


Corporation Law公司法

1.Analysis of Director s Fiduciary Duties in the Corporation Act of China in the Perspective of Anglo-AmericanCorporation Law;中国公司法董事信托义务制度评析——以英美公司法相关理论与实践为视角

2.On the Advantages,Disadvantages and Perfecting of Cumulative Voting System of the NewCorporation Law that Protects the Minority Shareholders Rights and Interests;论新公司法之累积投票制对中小股东权益保护的利弊与完善

3.On Perfecting the Directors’ Duty of Loyalty System in China’sCorporation Law;我国公司法中董事忠实义务制度的完善

3)corporate law公司法

1.On Innovations and Inadequacies of China s Corporate Law System;试析我国新《公司法》对公司资本制度的创新与不足

2.Economic Analysis to Reform Orientation on Corporate Law:View from Contract Economics;公司法改革方向的经济学分析:一个契约路径的视角

3.On Impact of the Revised Corporate Law on Democratic Management;《公司法》修改对职工民主管理的影响

4)The company law公司法

1.The year is a year that the Company Law was modified a lot.是我国公司法脱胎换骨的一年。

2.It has being attracted more and more attention, especially after the amendment of the company law and the security law.股东权保护问题是一个永恒的话题,也是一个极富现实意义的话语,特别是在《公司法》与《证券法》修改之后更是社会广泛关注的焦点。

5)judicial justice司法公正

1.Discussion on Restriction of Judicial Justice and Solutions;浅谈司法公正的制约因素及实现途径

2.On the protective mechanism ofjudicial justice;构建和谐社会下的司法公正保障机制

3.On the Scoiety ruled by law and improingjudicial justice;论法治社会与促进司法公正

6)ultimate justice司法公证



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