失眠网 > 逻辑斯蒂人口增长方程 logistic population growth equation英语短句 例句大全

逻辑斯蒂人口增长方程 logistic population growth equation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-03 14:39:14


逻辑斯蒂人口增长方程 logistic population growth equation英语短句 例句大全

逻辑斯蒂人口增长方程,logistic population growth equation

1)logistic population growth equation逻辑斯蒂人口增长方程

2)Logistic equation逻辑斯蒂方程

1.Predication of Cultivated Land Demand Based on Logistic Equation基于逻辑斯蒂方程的耕地需求预测——以浙江省为例

2.Based on theLogistic equation and system dynamics, the models of passenger flow growth of urban rail transit in one line and in the whole urban rail net have been established.以逻辑斯蒂方程为基础、系统动力学为工具建立单条线路及整个城市轨道交通网的客流量发展模型,通过分析影响城市轨道交通客流量变化的多个因素探讨城市轨道交通客流量变化的一般规律,对如何发展城市轨道交通提出建议。

3.The Logistic Equation production the model chaos vibration.逻辑斯蒂方程所产生的典型的混沌振荡,较本质地反映了混沌振荡的主要特征。


1.Predication of Cultivated Land Demand Based on Logistic Equation基于逻辑斯蒂方程的耕地需求预测——以浙江省为例

2.Extension and Application of Logistic Curve;逻辑斯蒂曲线的几个推广模型与应用

3.The Correct Way of Expressing the Logical Relations between Different Forms of Maxwell Equations几种形式麦克斯韦方程间逻辑关系的正确表述

4.logical algebraic equatin with two unknowns二元逻辑代数方程式

5.Nonlinear Values of Logistic Map in Chaostic Area;逻辑斯蒂映像混沌区的几个非线性特征量

6.Houhold"s health,insurance-decision and household"s assets scale:Based on crosstabs and Binary Logistic Regression Method农户健康、保险决策与家庭资产规模——基于交互分析与二元逻辑斯蒂回归方法

7.A New Designed Method For the Logical Function Test of PLD可编程逻辑器件逻辑功能的测试新方法

8.The Analysis of a Sustainable Marine Fishery--Based Upon Logistic Growth Model s Application;海洋渔业可持续性分析——基于逻辑斯蒂增长模型的应用

9.The Application of the Logistics Model in the Middle/Long Term Container Prediction;逻辑斯蒂增长模型在集装箱运量长期预测中的应用

10.Research on the Economic Growth and Energy Prediction in Jilin Province Based on Logistic Curve基于逻辑斯蒂曲线的吉林省经济增长与能源需求预测研究

11.Improved image denoising algorithm of PDEs based on fuzzy logic改进的模糊逻辑偏微分方程去噪方法

12.Discussion on Teaching Skills in "Program Logic and C language Realization";《程序逻辑和C语言实现》教学方法探讨

13.An Investigation and Application of Logic Equation s Solution Set;逻辑方程F=G的解集研究及其应用

14.Methods and Techniques about How to Design The PLC Logical Control Program;PLC逻辑控制程序设计的方法与技巧

15.The Teaching Method and Mode Discussion of the Course of Digital Logic;《数字逻辑》课程教学方法和模式探讨

16.programmed logic array (PLA)编程逻辑阵列;程控逻辑阵列;程序控制的逻辑阵列;程序控制逻辑阵列;程序逻辑阵列

17.A method of probabilistic logic reasoning on Bayesian networks基于贝叶斯网的一种概率逻辑推理方法

18.Logic,Logos and Thought --A Study of Heidegger’s Logic Thought;逻辑与逻各斯和思想——海德格尔逻辑思想研究


Logistic equation逻辑斯蒂方程

1.Predication of Cultivated Land Demand Based on Logistic Equation基于逻辑斯蒂方程的耕地需求预测——以浙江省为例

2.Based on theLogistic equation and system dynamics, the models of passenger flow growth of urban rail transit in one line and in the whole urban rail net have been established.以逻辑斯蒂方程为基础、系统动力学为工具建立单条线路及整个城市轨道交通网的客流量发展模型,通过分析影响城市轨道交通客流量变化的多个因素探讨城市轨道交通客流量变化的一般规律,对如何发展城市轨道交通提出建议。

3.The Logistic Equation production the model chaos vibration.逻辑斯蒂方程所产生的典型的混沌振荡,较本质地反映了混沌振荡的主要特征。

3)reverse Logistic curve反逻辑斯蒂方程

4)Logistic growth parabola逻辑斯蒂增长曲线

1.By building up tumor growth aerodynamic model,when tumor growth aerodynamic laws is research to find: The process of tunor increasing squares with economic growth of Gompertz growth parabola description;we further study that Gompertz growth parabola squares with population growth and regulation ofLogistic growth parabola description.通过建立肿瘤增长动力学模型,研究肿瘤增长动态规律时发现:肿瘤增长的全过程与龚珀兹增长曲线描述的经济增长过程完全相符;进一步给出了龚珀兹增长曲线与描述种群的增长与调节的逻辑斯蒂增长曲线完全相似。


1.Based on the ecological niche theory,thelogistic curve and coevolution theory,The paper provides some solutions for the problems occurred during the development process of industrial clusters in China,to overcome the overlap of ecological niches of enter- prises within the clusters,and to lessen the conflicts between the economic development and the environment,etc.利用生态学的生态位理论、逻辑斯蒂曲线和协同进化理论针对我国产业集群在发展中出现的一些问题提出建议,以解决我国产业集群内部企业生态位重叠、经济发展与环境冲突严重等问题。

2.The systems using three parameters Logistic model,in view of the value of data,the practice has proved that it can resolve the exposure problems in the current adaptive test.系统采用三参数逻辑斯蒂模型,针对二值型数据,该系统能有效地解决目前自适应测试中不可避免的试题曝光度问题。

3.The text analyzes the influencing factors of private forest’s cooperative management willingness, through constructinglogistic regression model.通过构建逻辑斯蒂回归模型,分析影响私有林合作经营意愿的因素。

6)Logistic Growth逻辑斯谛增长



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