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矢量衍射理论 Vector diffraction theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-06 05:51:04


矢量衍射理论 Vector diffraction theory英语短句 例句大全

矢量衍射理论,Vector diffraction theory

1)Vector diffraction theory矢量衍射理论

1.The series expansion solution of vector diffraction theory and the validity of scalar approximation;矢量衍射理论的级数解及其标量近似的有效性

2.The vector diffraction theory analysis of chromatic dispersioncharacteristics of phase grating;位相光栅色散特性的矢量衍射理论分析

3.An improved design of splitters has been proposed using the vector diffraction theory to narrow the gap between the design and the splitting effect due to the fact that the real period length, grating depth and substrate depth are not considered in the traditional splitter design.为改进传统分束光栅的设计中不考虑光栅的实际周期长度、光栅深度、基底厚度等因素对各透射级次光波振幅的影响,设计结果与实际制作光栅的分束效果相比差距较大的不足之处,基于矢量衍射理论,提出了光栅分束器的改进设计方法。

2)rigorous vector diffraction theory严格矢量衍射理论

3)vectorial diffraction theory of light光的矢量衍射理论

4)diffraction vector衍射矢量

5)Vector diffraction矢量衍射

1.Then a certain vector diffraction method can be used in the large-caliber beam shaping system by the concept.本文首先介绍了一种独特的矢量衍射方法。

2.Using the vector diffraction theory and the film optics method,the subsurface microscopy was studied in a supersphere solid immersion lens(SIL) system with a gap between the SIL and the microscopy sample.应用矢量衍射理论和薄膜光学方法,研究了有禁带存在时超半球形固体浸没透镜(SIL)系统的亚表面显微。

3.In this paper, using a vector diffraction theory, it is shown that the properties of the period, the high transmissivity, the high reflectivity and the polarization spectral characteristics of the subwavelength phase gratings with a finite substrate are associated with the substrate thickness.用矢量衍射理论研究了在有限基底上的亚波长位相光栅的反射特性随基底厚度变化的周期性、高透射性、高反射性和偏振分光特性及其可能的应用前景。


1.The Study of Light Intensity and Energy Transmission of Non-paraxial Vector Diffraction Beam非傍轴矢量衍射光束的光强及其能量传输的研究

2.energy dispersive X-ray diffractometer能量扩散X射线衍射仪

3.Research on Microjet Used for Flow Vector Active Control;流动矢量主动控制的微射流技术研究

putation of three-dimensional flow field in secondary gas injection for thrust vectoring nozzle气体二次喷射矢量喷管三维流场计算

5.A study for thrust vector control of aerospike nozzle based on second injection塞式喷管二次喷射推力矢量控制研究

6.Measurement of Residual Stress of Cold Rolled Steel Strip by X-ray Diffraction MethodX射线衍射法测量冷轧带钢残余应力

7.Measuring Refractive Index of Liquor by Acoustooptic Diffraction利用声光衍射测量甘草折射率的研究

8.Characteristics of Fluidic Axisymmetric Thrust-vectoring Nozzle without Injection轴对称射流矢量喷管非矢量状态下推力特性研究


10.Synthetic Jet and Its Application in Jet Vectoring;自耦合射流及其对主射流矢量偏转研究

11.Effect of surface reflectances on the space-based vector radiative detection地表双向反射对天基矢量辐射探测的影响分析

12.Vector Quantization Based on Self Organizing Feature Map Neural Network基于自组织特征映射神经网络的矢量量化

13.Research on Measurement Method about Wide-band Radiated Noise Based on Vector Hydrophone基于矢量水听器的宽带辐射噪声测量方法研究

14.A Multi-restriction QoS Routing Computing Method Based on Vector-mapping基于矢量映射的多约束服务质量路由计算

15.Method of Measuring Small Rotating Angle Based on Slit Diffraction基于单缝衍射原理的小转角测量方法

16.Research of the Measurement of Sound′s Velocity in Liquid with Ultrasonic Diffraction Grating;超声光栅衍射测量液体中声速的研究

17.Rsearch on Single-Slit Diffraction of Neutron用量子理论新方法研究中子单缝衍射

18.Measurement Errors in the 193 nm Phase-shifting Point Diffraction Interferometer193nm移相点衍射干涉仪的测量误差分析


rigorous vector diffraction theory严格矢量衍射理论

3)vectorial diffraction theory of light光的矢量衍射理论

4)diffraction vector衍射矢量

5)Vector diffraction矢量衍射

1.Then a certain vector diffraction method can be used in the large-caliber beam shaping system by the concept.本文首先介绍了一种独特的矢量衍射方法。

2.Using the vector diffraction theory and the film optics method,the subsurface microscopy was studied in a supersphere solid immersion lens(SIL) system with a gap between the SIL and the microscopy sample.应用矢量衍射理论和薄膜光学方法,研究了有禁带存在时超半球形固体浸没透镜(SIL)系统的亚表面显微。

3.In this paper, using a vector diffraction theory, it is shown that the properties of the period, the high transmissivity, the high reflectivity and the polarization spectral characteristics of the subwavelength phase gratings with a finite substrate are associated with the substrate thickness.用矢量衍射理论研究了在有限基底上的亚波长位相光栅的反射特性随基底厚度变化的周期性、高透射性、高反射性和偏振分光特性及其可能的应用前景。

6)vectorial diffracted field矢量衍射场

1.By assuming that a linearly polarized plane wave was incident obliquely onto a small F number lens, ray tracing and Stratton Chu diffraction formula were used to calculate thevectorial diffracted field in the focal space of the lens.采用射线追迹法和Stratton Chu衍射积分公式研究透镜像空间的矢量衍射场 ,说明了决定衍射场分布样式的口径场相位分布的确定方法 ,对双曲面透镜给出了不同入射倾角时的焦区场功率分布 ,计算结果与实验吻合 。


衍射的几何理论应用射线概念分析电磁波衍射特性的渐近理论,简称 GTD。几何理论是单色波场方程的解在频率趋于无限时的极限,因而也是适合于高频情形的渐近解,而这种理论的基本思想是把均匀平面波在无限平界面上的反射和折射、在半无限楔形导体边缘上的衍射和沿圆柱导体表面的爬行波严格解的渐近式,应用于从点源发出的球面波或线源发出的柱面波在圆滑界面上的反射和折射、在弧形导体刃口上的衍射和沿导体凸表面的爬行,并把它作为问题的0阶段近解。这种解法包括三个方面的计算:① 射线描述。当源点P┡和场点P的位置已定时,由P┡点到达 P点的反射线和衍射线应当是一条极值线。根据这条原则来判定反射点、衍射点和爬行线。在弧形刃上衍射时(图1),如比和都大或都小,A 点就是衍射点,这点的切线P┡A和 PA的夹角一定相同。在凸曲面上衍射时,如图2, P┡A、P┡A1、P┡A2、和PB、PB1、PB2都是到曲面的切线,如果比相邻的两条路径都短,则就是爬行线,这条短程线是两端固定在P┡和P的绷紧橡皮筋的自然形状。② 反射系数、衍射系数和爬行线的衰减系数采用无限直刃和无限长圆柱上严格解的渐近结果。③ 投射波、反射波和衍射波的场强各与其主曲率半径的几何平均数成反比,而确定反射波和衍射波曲率矩阵的原则是相位匹配。所谓相位匹配,如图3,设A是衍射点,A┡是其邻点,则,A、A┡两点所在的衍射波面的相位差与 A、A┡两点所在的投射波面的相位差应当相同。衍射的几何理论最早是由J.B.凯勒于1957年提出来的,后来经许多人的工作而日趋完善,在处理很多异形物体的散射问题以及用数值计算解散射和衍射问题中得到应用。但是,因为严格解的渐近式在阴影区与照明区的过渡区域不能成立,所以在这个区域,GTD 不能应用,为了弥补这一缺陷,J.波斯马等人后来提出一致渐近理论 (UAT)。这个理论的基本思想是,给投射波乘以人为因子,使这因子在照明区内近于1而在阴影区内近于0,在过渡区内则随着场点趋近于照明区边界而无限增大。将这乘了因子的投射波与衍射波的渐近式相加能一致连续,这种理论也得到了广泛的应用。但是,它的基础仅仅是一个估值(ansatz),而且在刃口以及其他焦散线附近,它和 GTD同样不能应用。然而射线理论有很多优点,人们仍在探索改进的途径。

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