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受损程度 damages of warship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-26 04:38:50


受损程度 damages of warship英语短句 例句大全

受损程度,damages of warship

1)damages of warship受损程度

1.this text brief introduced that it is important that using quantity method to describedamages of warship for using our navy salvage and rescue forces rationally in the future war time,and give us an superficial study about basic quantity principle and method of damages degree of warship.本文简要说明了舰艇受损程度量化在未来战争中对我海军防救部队兵力合理运用的重要性,并对舰艇受损程度量化的基本原则和方法进行了初步探讨。


1.The Degred Pross of Desert Riparian Ecosystem and It"s Degree of Degradation荒漠河岸植被的受损过程与受损程度的判定

2.The Primary Study of Judging the Degree of Nerve Injury for Idiopathic Facial Paralysis by Electroacupuncture;电针对判断特发性面神经麻痹患者神经受损程度的初步研究

3.Land Property Right Discrimination and Farmers Interest Impairment during Farmland Acquisition:a Case Study from Jiangsu Province;土地征用中农民土地权益受损程度研究——以江苏省为例

4.Study on Early Community and Habitat Dynamics of Differently Damaged Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests in Tiantong National Forests Park;天童国家森林公园不同受损程度常绿阔叶林恢复初期研究:植物群落与生境动态

5.His hearing is somewhat impaired.他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。

6.The reason is that there is different degree of vestibule system harmed in deaf student.其原因是聋生存在不同程度前庭系统受损。

7.On injuring benefit of the farmer in the urbanized advancement and the system analysis;城市化进程中失地农民利益受损及其制度分析

8.Does the site have a past history of equipment damage and its extent.现场是否有遭受雷击而引起设备损坏的历史?设备的损坏程度?

9."Other factors affecting severity include depth, surface area, degree of tearing, and structures damaged."影响伤势的其它因素包括深度、表皮区域、撕裂程度和受损之结构。

10.If a seizure accompanies the stroke, it may worsen the extent of memory damage.如果癫痫发作伴随着中风,它会使记忆力受损的程度更加严重。

11.Precision bombing systems also made the losses more tolerable.使用精确轰炸系统也可将损失减少到较能承受的程度。

12."Devalue the Contract Equipment according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the buyer."根据劣质程度、损害范围和买方实际遭受损失的数额,降低合同设备的价格。

13.Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than this without being damaged.科学家们有理由认为,一个人可以承受远远超过这种程度的辐射线而身体不致受到损害。

14.How badly are they broken?货破损的程度怎样?

15.Ink receptivity: Uniform acceptability of ink on paper surface.受墨度:纸面受墨的平均程度。

16.Care must be taken not to overheat and damage valves during the soldering process.在焊接过程中,必须要小心谨慎,避免由于温度过高导致阀门受到损害。

17.The characteristics of quartz deformation reflectes that the damage levels in the shocked quartz is closely related to shock pressure.石英的形变特征反映了受冲击石英内部损伤程度同冲击压力密切相关。

18.A prompt answer here was imperative or our losses would soon become unbearable.还必须立即求得解决的办法,否则,我们的损失不久就要达到难以忍受的程度。


hair damage degree头发受损程度

1.Evaluation ofhair damage degree by measurement of cupric ion adsorption on hair;用铜离子吸附量评价头发受损程度

3)impairment degree of cochlea耳蜗受损程度

4)attack los-ing degree攻击受损程度

5)diagnosis of the damaged extent受损程度诊断

6)differently damaged不同受损程度



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