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非达西公式 Non Darcys formula英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-17 08:10:15


非达西公式 Non Darcys formula英语短句 例句大全

非达西公式,Non Darcy"s formula

1)Non Darcy"s formula非达西公式

2)Darcy"s Law达西公式

1.An Improvement ofDarcy"s Law With Threshold Pressure Gradient;对含有启动压力梯度的达西公式的改进

3)Cauchy-Hadamard formula柯西-阿达马公式


1.Characteristics ofnon-Darcy flow velocity of oil-water phases in extra-low permeability reservoirs;特低渗透储层油水两相非达西渗流特征

2.Experiment on the influence of boundary layer on the Non-Darcy seepage law;边界层对低渗透非达西渗流规律影响的实验研究

3.According to the results of mine test and lab experiment,non-Darcy seepage flow will occur during the exploitation of reservoirs with low permeability and extra-low permeability,especially the crude oil seepage flow, which will have a obvious startup pressure gradient.根据矿场试验和室内试验的研究成果,开发低渗透和特低渗透油藏时会产生非达西渗流现象,尤其是原油渗流会存在较为明显的启动压力梯度。


1.Research on 2-D Non-Darcian Flow with Finite Element Method;二维非达西渗流有限元分析方法研究

2.Development of Numerical Simulation System for Non-Darcy Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir;低渗油藏非达西渗流数值模拟系统研制

3.The Numerical Method of Modeling Non-Darcy Flow in Low Permeability Medium and Its Application;低渗透介质非达西渗流数值模拟方法及应用

4.Damage study of multiphase non-Darcy flow to fracture conductivity多相非达西流对裂缝导流能力伤害研究

5.High Velocity Non-Darcy Flow Model and Pressure Distribution高速非达西气井渗流模型及压力曲线特征

6.A numerical solution of non-Darcian flow toward an extended well in a confined aquifer承压含水层中扩展井附近非达西流数值解

7.A High Velocity Non-Darcy Flow Model Considering Real Gas PVT Behavior考虑真实气体PVT动态的高速非达西渗流模型


9.Investigation of effective drive theory on Non-Darcy with low permeability in Fuyu oil reservoirs葡南扶余油层非达西渗流有效驱动理论

10.Simulation of single well with non-Darcy flow and real gas真实气体高速非达西流的单井数值模拟

11.Theoretical study on low velocity non-Darcy gas flow in low-permeability water-bearing porous medium含水低渗透多孔介质气体低速非达西理论研究

12.Pressure responseof triple-porosity-media oil reservoirs with high-velocitynon-Darcy flow高速非达西渗流时三重介质油藏的压力响应

13.The research on the resistance characteristics of microsphere packed bed porous media in non-Darcy regime非达西流区微球床多孔介质阻力特性研究

14.Hence, velocity of flow is not linear with pressure gradient any longer and non-Darcy" s flow appeared.这时,流速与压力梯度不再呈线性关系,流体表现为非达西流动。

15.Fluid flowing barrier extends outwards continuously, which is a feature of pressure propagation in low velocity nondarcy percolation.流体流动边界不断向外扩展是低速非达西渗流压力传播的特点。

16.All the four models are suitable for describing the non-Darcy seepage behavior of Xiaoshan clay.性种非达西渗流模型对于萧山黏土的渗流特性研究都是适用的。

17.Non-Darcy Flow Analysis of Fluid in the Low Permeability Reservoir Including the Effects of the Quadratic-Gradient Term;考虑二次梯度项影响的低渗透油藏非达西流动分析

18.Well Test Interpretation and Transient Deliverability Evaluation of Non-Darcy Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir;低渗透非达西储层试井分析及不稳定产能评价方法


Darcy"s Law达西公式

1.An Improvement ofDarcy"s Law With Threshold Pressure Gradient;对含有启动压力梯度的达西公式的改进

3)Cauchy-Hadamard formula柯西-阿达马公式


1.Characteristics ofnon-Darcy flow velocity of oil-water phases in extra-low permeability reservoirs;特低渗透储层油水两相非达西渗流特征

2.Experiment on the influence of boundary layer on the Non-Darcy seepage law;边界层对低渗透非达西渗流规律影响的实验研究

3.According to the results of mine test and lab experiment,non-Darcy seepage flow will occur during the exploitation of reservoirs with low permeability and extra-low permeability,especially the crude oil seepage flow, which will have a obvious startup pressure gradient.根据矿场试验和室内试验的研究成果,开发低渗透和特低渗透油藏时会产生非达西渗流现象,尤其是原油渗流会存在较为明显的启动压力梯度。

5)non-Darcy flow非达西流

1.A new skin factor model for open hole completion of horizontal wells under Non-Darcy flow;非达西流下水平井裸眼完井表皮因子研究

2.Consolidation computation of aquitard consideringnon-Darcy flow;考虑非达西流的弱透水层固结计算

3.New deliverability equation for gas wells with high velocitynon-Darcy flow;高速非达西流气井产能方程的新形式

6)Non Darcy flow非达西流

1.The result shows that waterflood frontal movement of non Darcy flow is fast, resulting in earlier water breakthrough; the higher the injection rate, the faster the frontal movement, and the earlier the breakthrough.结果表明 :非达西流使水驱前缘推进速度加快 ,使油井见水早 ;注入率越大 ,前缘推进速度越快 ,油井见水越早。

2.Amathematical model forNon Darcy flow of two phase fluid through anisotropic double porosity media with a vertically fractured well working is established.结果表明 :吸渗使前缘推进速度减慢 ,使油井见水晚 ;非达西流使前缘推进速度加快 ,使油井见水早 ;注入率越大 ,前缘推进速度越快 ,油井见水越早 ,注水开发这种油藏时 ,见水前注入率不能太大以充分发挥吸渗作用 ,见水后可适当增大注入率以减弱非达西流的影响。

3.During the process of the deviation,it considers the effect of non Darcy flow and the anisotrophy of gas layers on the productivity of horizontal wells.首先推导了气藏水平井产能公式 ,在推导过程中考虑了天然气的非达西流动和气层各向异性等因素对水平井产能的影响。


西力达药物名称:头孢呋肟英文名:Cefuroxime别名:头孢呋肟;安可欣 、呋肟头孢菌素;西力达;西力欣;先锋呋肟霉素钠 、特力欣、明可欣、头孢呋辛钠、优乐新外文名:Cefuroxime, Cefuroxime Sodium, Bioxima, Cefuroxin, Furex, Kesint, ZINACEF,Anetine药理作用及用途: 本品为第二代注射用头孢菌素。对阴性杆菌产生的广谱β-内酰胺酶稳定,抗阴性杆菌的作用比第一代强。对阳性球菌包括产青霉素酶葡萄球菌仍有较好作用,对革兰阳性菌的抗菌作用低于或接近于第一代头孢菌素。对嗜血流感杆菌、淋球菌、脑膜炎双球菌、布兰汉卡他球菌等均有较强抗菌作用。对肠球菌、MRSA、肠杆菌、沙雷菌属、不动杆菌属、绿脓杆菌、脆弱拟杆菌无效。 可用于敏感致病菌引起的呼吸道、泌尿道、皮肤软组织感染,胆道感染,外科术后感染,淋球菌感染及外科围术期预防用药。 对败血症、脑膜炎也有效。用法及用量: 1.成人静脉滴注0.75~1.5g,每隔8小时一次。肌内注射一次0.25~0.5g,每日2~3次。 小儿:每日20~40mg/kg(体重),分3次给药。 2.肌注或静注:成人1次750~1500mg,1日3次;对严重感染,可按1次1500mg,1日4次。应用于脑膜炎,1日剂量在9g以下。儿童:平均1日量为每千克体重60mg,严重感染可用到每千克体重100mg,分3~4次给予。肾功能不全者按病人的肌酐清除率制订给药方案:肌酐清除率每分钟〉20ml者,每次0.75~1.5g,每日3次;每分钟10~20ml者每次0.75,1日2次;每分钟小于10ml者,每次0.75g,1日1次。 肌注:1次用0.75g,加注射用水3ml,振摇使成混悬液,用粗针头作深部肌注。静脉给药:每0.75g本品,用注射用水约10ml,使溶解成澄明溶液,缓慢静注或加到墨菲氏管中随输液滴入 不良反应: 不良反应较少,能与其他头孢菌素一样发生皮疹反应,但少见。偶见一过性转氨酶升高,及Coomb"s试验阳 性。 注意事项: 1.对青霉素过敏或过敏体质者慎用。 2.不良反应有皮肤瘙痒、胃肠道反应、血色素降低、血胆红素升高、肾功能改变等。肌注可致局部疼痛。 3.不可与氨基糖甙类置同一容器中注射。 4.与高效利尿药(如速尿)联合应用,可致肾损害。 制剂及规格: 片剂: 125mg, 250mg, 500mg 注射剂: 静脉滴注: 0.75g, 1.5g 肌内注射: 0.25g, 0.5g 类别:抗生素\β-内酰胺类\头孢菌素类

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