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主要公园 main parks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 00:08:02


主要公园 main parks英语短句 例句大全

主要公园,main parks

1)main parks主要公园


1.Analysis of the diversity of arbors in major parks of Quanzhou City泉州中心城区主要公园乔木树种多样性分析

2.Study on the Dynamics of Vegetation in the Main Parks in Kaifeng City During the Past Two Decades近来开封市主要公园植被的动态变化研究

3.Mappings of the Image-schemas and C-E Translation of Public Signs: A Case Study of Kunming"s Major Parks意象图式映射与公示语汉英翻译:昆明主要公园个案研究

4.Two major functions of the Ice and Snow Festival are the ice lantern show in Zhaolin Park and the painted lantern show in Xiangfang Park, the latter only recently initiated.传统的“兆麟公园冰灯游园会”和新近创办的“香坊公园彩灯游园会”,是冰雪节的主要活动项目。

5.C-E Translation of Public Signs on the Main Scenic Spots in Wuhan:Present Situation and Countermeasures;武汉市主要园林景点公示语翻译现状与对策

6.Discussion on Performance of Landscape Elements in Theme Park in Northern Region浅论主题公园之景观要素在北方地区的表现

7.On the Publicity of Sculpture Theme Parks From the Longevity Park;由长寿公园论雕塑主题公园的公共性

8."Chairman, Country and Marine Parks Board"郊野公园及海岸公园委员会主席

9.Significance of forest park development in new socialist countryside construction--A case study of construction of forest park in Hebei Province;浅论森林公园的发展在社会主义新农村建设中的重要作用——以河北省森林公园建设为例

10.Carry straight along Park Road, you"ll come to a major crossroad with traffic lights.沿着公园路一直走,你将走到一个有红绿灯的主要十字路口。

11.Our current business involves production of Metal Window Docoration, Railing Finial, Stair Handrail, Outdoor Lighting as well as Metal Furniture.目前,公司主要生产铁艺窗花,护栏,楼梯扶手,园林灯饰和铁艺家具等。

12.His spending framework includes a major increase in funding to cover day-to-day park operations.他的耗资框架主要包括涵盖向日常公园运营增加投资。

13.The Beihai Park consists mainly of the two parts:the Lake of Beihai and the Qionghuadao-the Jade Flowery Islet with the water to an average depth of 2 meters round it.北海公园主要由北海和琼华岛两部分组成。湖中平均水深为2米。

14.North Adelaide, which is chiefly residential, is bordered by more parklands, and contains two open squares.译文:市区北部主要是住宅区,四周被公园包围,区内有广场两个。

15.The property leasing includes apartment, old house, villa and office building throughout Shanghai and its nearby area, 80% of our customers are from Europe and America.房屋买卖主要涉及老式花园洋房、高档公寓二手房的买卖事宜。

16.Geological landscapes in world geopark of Lushan mountain庐山世界地质公园及其周边地区的主要地质景观

17.The Study on the Community Dynamics of Main Pests and Natural Enemies and the Harmless Control in Litchi Orchard;荔枝园主要害虫与天敌的群落动态及其无公害控制研究

18.Studies on Evaluation of Tourism Environmental Quality and Development of Main Forest Park in Yichun;伊春主要森林公园旅游环境质量评价及开发研究


theme park主题公园

1.Theme Park of History The Cultural Predicament of The City Temple and Yu Yuan Garden in Shanghai;关于历史的主题公园 都市历史空间的文脉窘境:以上海城隍庙、豫园地段为例

2.Trend of the Theme Park Design Skill;浅析主题公园设计手法的发展趋向

3.Thoughts about the strategy oftheme park planning &design;关于主题公园规划设计的策略思考

3)Theme parks主题公园

1.Research on the Inter-active Development of Theme Parks and Historic and Cultural City;主题公园与历史文化名城互动发展研究

2.This article analyzes the reasons for the failure of the theme parks in Guangzhou from two aspects, including the urban tourism recognition image and investor decision behavior, which influence the distribution of the theme parks.从城市旅游感知形象、投资者决策行为两个影响主题公园分布的因素,分析了广州主题公园失败的原因,并对广州主题公园发展提出了建议。

3.ZhuJiang delta is one of the main distribution districts of theme parks, with the introduction of the world-class Disney Park into HK, it will bring great impact on theme parks in ZhuJiang delta.珠江三角洲是我国主题公园集中分布区之一 ,但是随着世界级品牌的迪斯尼乐园入驻香港 ,将给珠江三角洲主题公园带来很大影响。

4)subject park主题公园

1.Analysis on the basic forms, development trends and management patterns of foreignsubject park;国外主题公园经营模式分析及经验借鉴

2.Thesubject park refers to the encompassment specific subject to build.主题公园是指围绕特定主题而规划建造的有特别环境和游乐项目的新型公园。

5)the Theme Park主题公园

1.System dynamic behavior explanation about the managing model of the theme park in China;中国主题公园经营模式系统动态行为解释

2.The relationship betweenthe Theme Park and improvement of the competitive power of urban tourism——for an example ofthe Theme Park in Kaifeng City;主题公园建设与城市旅游竞争力的提升——兼论开封市主题公园的建设

3.In recent years,the construction of the theme park develops very quickly in Kaifeng City.近年来,开封市的主题公园建设发展很快,对调整开封市的旅游产品结构、产业结构、提升开封市区域核心竞争力、全面驱动开封市区域社会经济综合发展等发挥了重要作用。

6)I am going to the park.我要去公园。


主要1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。

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