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地域文化传承 transmission and inheritance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 09:18:36


地域文化传承 transmission and inheritance英语短句 例句大全

地域文化传承,transmission and inheritance

1)transmission and inheritance地域文化传承


1.On Regional Culture Transmission and Inheritance of Residence in the Construction of New Countryside in Plain Area of Yinchuan银川平原地区新农村建设中的民居地域文化传承研究

2.The Pattern Language and Its Inheritance of Traditional Local Cultural Landscape传统地域文化景观之图式语言及其传承

3.Cultural Continuity in the Architecture Design in the Point View of Critical Terrainism;以批判的地域主义观看建筑设计中的文化传承

4.Regional historical culture heritage and regional cultural resource industrialization区域历史文化传承与区域文化资源产业化

5.Inherit the humanism of the regional culture in Hengyang, and mold Hengyang spirit of "follow close behind the ages and renew".传承衡阳地域文化中人文精神,塑造“趋时更新”的衡阳精神;

6.Inheritance,Condensation and Contribution to Local Culture--Analysis on Campus Culture of Shaoxing University;对地域文化的承传、凝炼和贡献——析绍兴文理学院的校园精神

7.Abstract: For coping with the challenge of globalization while continuing the local cultures, new Regionalism has been rising since last century.为了应对全球化,同时传承本土文化,新地域主义思潮应运而生。

8.On the Construction and Inheritance of Region Culture by Sole Higher Institutions in City(State) Area;浅谈市(州)辖区独有高校对地域文化的构建与传承

9.Handing Down Art Classics,Highlighting Regional Culture;传承艺术经典 彰显地域文化——第七届中国艺术节戏曲作品巡礼

10.Protection·Inheritance·Development--to Shanxi Pucheng County Region Construction Culture Research保护、传承、发展——对陕西蒲城县地域建筑文化的研究

11.Inheritance and Trend of Western Regions Minority s Sports Culture;西域少数民族体育文化的传承与走向

12.Development of Wushu Culture About the Regional Wushu Culture Study;武术文化继承与发展:地域武术文化发展展望

13.On the Succession and Promotion of Confucianism in Huizhou Civilization;论徽州文化对儒学的传承与弘扬——兼论区域文化和中华文化的关系

14.Study on Wushu Culture Heritage under the Vision of Sociology;社会学视域下传承武术文化的教育研究

15.Cultural Continuity or Dislocation?文化传承还是文化断层?

16.Examination on the Inheriting Characteristics of the National Traditional Sport Culture in the West Region;西部地区民族传统体育文化传承载体特征研究

17.Local University s Function in Preserving and Maintaining Non-material Cultural Heritage;区域性大学在非物质文化遗产保护与文化传承中的作用

18.Going to original state of traditional Wushu inheritance under perspective of non-material cultural heritage非物质文化遗产视域下传统武术传承的原生态回归


regional traditional culture地域传统文化

1.The relation ofregional traditional culture and the prevention & control of disease is intensive.地域传统文化与疾病防控的关系密切,地域传统文化不仅是一种重要的文化资源,对地方的疾病防控也有着极大的促进作用,但有时还会阻碍疾病防控的进一步实施。

3)traditional culture and local culture传统文化和地域文化

4)Culture inheritance文化传承

1.The social function of original religion is weakening obviously along with the disruption of the traditional culture inheritance,advancement of agricultural techniques,and nomothetic governance of society.原始宗教是人口较少民族传统社会规范的重要组成部分,其功能主要体现在三个方面:对文化传承方式、过程、内容的控制;对刀耕火种农业模式正常运行的保障作用;对社会的渗透与控制。

5)Cultural Heritage文化传承

1.Cultural Heritage and the Three-Position Theory——Respect for Tradition and the Future of Landscape Design Methodology;文化传承与“三置论”——尊重传统面向未来的风景园林设计方法论

2.As a part of excellent traditional culture in China,cultural heritage and value amplification of "Life Regimen" supplement to construct harmonious society,culture and life."导引养生功法"是我国优秀传统文化的一个有机组成部分,其文化传承与价值放大对建设"和谐社会、和谐文化及和谐人生"的"大和谐"具有补充与完善作用。

3.This traditional culture is immersion of cultural development which has an important function in cultural heritage and which can also provide an inspiration for the development of culture in rural areas in present-day China.耕读传家习俗是文化濡化的一种重要机制和实践,它不仅具有文化传承的巨大功能,而且可为今日乡村文化建设提供深刻的启示。

6)Cultural inheritance文化传承

1.Consideration into Relationship between Chao & Shan Culture and Local Design in the view of Cultural Inheritance;文化传承视野中的潮汕文化与本土设计的关系思考

2.The Inherent Driving Force for Cultural Inheritance: Self-esteem and Self-confidence;自尊与自信:文化传承的内在动力



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