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军法 military law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 20:55:25


军法 military law英语短句 例句大全

军法,military law

1)military law军法

1.In the 1930s and the 1940s,the Government of the Republic of China granted the jurisdiction of embezzlement cases to themilitary law in order to strengthen the supervision of the officials.20世纪三四十年代,国民政府将审办贪污案的权力划归军法以加强对官吏的监督。


1.The acts were consolidated by the Army Discipline Act in 1879.1879年,这些法被并入陆军军法条例。

mittee on Arms Control and Disarmament Law军备控制和裁军法委员会

3.the Judge advocate军法会议的理事(官)

4.Chief Martial Law Administrator of Bangladesh军法管制首席执行官

5.the French Foreign Legion法国军队中的外籍军团.

6."Strengthen the army by relying on science and technology, run the armed forces by law"科技强军、依法治军

7.The French were trying to push the English out of France.法军拼命想将英军赶出法国境内

8.Code of Military Investigation军事刑事诉讼法(法典)

9.Both the 40th and 30th corps under Ma Fawu were strong.马法五的第四十军、三十军都是强的。

10.(F) courts martial and military commissions;6.军事法院和军事委员会;

11.prize court处理战利品的(海军)军事法庭

12.At Borodino the French overwhelmed the Czar"s troops.在鲍罗季诺,法军打败了沙皇军队。

13.A military court at the next higher level is the court of appeal for that at the next lower level.上一级军事法院为下一级军事法院的上诉法院。

14.jackboot tactics军事镇压手法, 粗暴手段

15.Air Corps method for octane rating美国空军测定辛烷值法

16.He tripped frequently to France to visit troops.他时常赴法国视察军队。

17.The enemy troops had been boxed in and couldn"t break out of the encirclement敌军已被包围,无法突围。

18.The French army pushed northward.法国大军挥师北上。


Martial Law军法

1.On the basis of research done by predecessors, the origin, contents, characteristics and significance of the martial law of the Qin Dynasty are discussed in a way of bibliography materials combined with archaeological materials.在前贤研究的基础上,用文献资料和考古资料相结合的方法,探讨了秦军法的起源、内容、特点和意义。

3)French army法军

1.This paper analyzes the process of negotiation betweenFrench army and Kuomintang Government in this event.驻滇法军返回越南的交涉,实际上受战后初期国民政府在处理越南问题上的双重性特征的影响。

4)Codigo de Justica Militar军法(法典)

5)Codigo Penal Militar军事刑法;军法

6)military judicature军事司法

1.An explanation of privilege against self-incrimination in America smilitary judicature;美国军事司法禁止强制性自证其罪规则解读



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