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国际合同 international contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-29 18:09:28


国际合同 international contract英语短句 例句大全

国际合同,international contract

1)international contract国际合同

1.Study on International Contract Application of Law;国际合同法律适用问题研究

2.It is proved that theinternational contract of civil engineering construction for Ertan Hydropower Station is a good model since it has practiced for about 7 years.二滩水电站土建工程国际合同文本实施已近7年,实践证明它是较好的合同样本。

3.Theinternational contract is a contract that exists the materiality contact with two or more than two nations.国际合同是与两个或两个以上的国家存在着实质性联系的合同。


1.Working Group on International Contract Practices国际合同惯例工作组

2.The Principle of "the Autonomy of the Parties Will"in Applying the Law--The autonomous law out of the international contract;国际合同“契约自由”的冲突法规制——国际合同的自体法

3.Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail国际铁路货物运输合同

4.International Tanker Contract of Affreightment国际油轮船东包运合同

5.Convention Contracts of International Sale of Goods《国际货物出售合同公约》

6.Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同会议

7.International Tanker Voyage Charter Party国际油轮航次租船合同

8.Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Sea国际海上旅客运输合同

9.Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同公约

10.The Application of International Trade Law Documents in Sino-Russian International Commercial Contracts;中俄国际商事合同之国际贸易法适用

11.On Contract Cancellation Rights in the Contracts for International Sale of Goods;论国际货物买卖合同中的合同解除权

12.United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods联合国国际货物销售合同会议

13.United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods联合国国际货物销售合同公约

14.United Nations Convention On Contracts For The International Sale Of Goods《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》

15.Difference and International Convergence of CAS15--Construction Contracts;《建造合同》准则的国际趋同与比较

16.The Enlightening Value of the International Business Contract Rules to the Improvement of China s Contract Law;完善我国合同法应借鉴《国际商事合同通则》

17.International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation国际合作社和共同保险联合会

18.Nouvelles equipes internationales-Union internationale democratiens chretiens国际新工作同志社 -国际基督教民主党联合会


International contracts国际合同

1.Research on 《United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts》;《联合国国际合同使用电子通信公约》研究

3)transnational contract law国际合同法

4)international project contract国际工程合同

1.This paper analyzes the main causes that lead to the disputes of theinternational project contract,including the resolving procedure and ways of the solving disputes in FIDIC.分析了国际工程合同争端产生的一些主要的原因,FIDIC合同条款中对争端的解决程序、解决方式,并对争端裁决委员会和争端审议委员会进行了对比分析,指出了国际工程项目提请仲裁时应注意的问题。

5)International Trade Contract国际贸易合同

6)energy international contract能源国际合同



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