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司法合作 judicial cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 14:58:38


司法合作 judicial cooperation英语短句 例句大全

司法合作,judicial cooperation

1)judicial cooperation司法合作

1.The issue of extradition is an important content in China and ASEAN member countries\" criminaljudicial cooperation.引渡问题是中国与东盟成员国间刑事司法合作中的重要内容。


mission for Inter-Entity Judicial Cooperation实体间司法合作委员会

2.International Convention on Cooperation for the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice国际预防犯罪和刑事司法合作公约

3.A Prospect for the International Judicial Cooperation between State and the International Criminal Court;国家与国际刑事法院的国际司法合作及其前景

4.Research About The Judicial Cooperation Between Mainland China And Hong Kong & Macau Under The Regional Cooperation Frame Of "Extended Zhujiang Triangle Area";“泛珠三角”区域合作框架下内地与港澳司法合作研究

5.The International Judicial Cooperation on Punishing and Prevention Corrupted Officials from Fleeing the Country;论预防和惩治贪官外逃的国际司法合作

6.Research on Problems of Recovery of Criminal Gains in International Judicial Assistance;关于追缴犯罪所得的国际司法合作问题研究

7.Foreign Criminal Judicial Cooperation Relation ofChina under the Condition of Compound Legal Region;论复合法域条件下的中国对外刑事司法合作关系

8.Working Group on International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance国际合作和司法协助工作组

9.Division and Corporation between the Judicial and the Legislation --On the Relationship between the Administrative Litigation Law and Its Judicial Explanation司法与立法的分工与合作——行政诉讼法和其司法解释的关系探讨

anized and maintained as a legal corporation.作为合法公司而建立或组织并保持的。

11.Studies on Legal Issue Relating to Corporation as General Partner;公司作为普通合伙人的法律问题探析

12.State Cooperation in the Operation of International Criminal Judicial Bodies;国际刑事司法机构活动中的国家合作

13.The company is the aggregate of many kinds of benefit relations, which decides the company law standard have the comprehensive nature.公司作为多种利益关系的集合体,决定了公司法规范具有综合性。

14.Your wish to establish long-term cooperative relations coincides with ours贵公司想与我公司建立长期合作的想法与我不谋而合

15.Responds of Farmer s Specialty Cooperative Law on the Trend of Commercial Operation for Cooperative in China;西方国家合作社公司化趋向与我国农民专业合作社法的回应

16.not organized and maintained as a legal coporation.没有作为合法公司而建立或组织并保持的。

17.Cooperative Justice in Chinese Criminal Justice;试论合作式司法在中国刑事实践中的发展趋势

18.Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs in EU from the Angle of Intergovernmentalism;欧盟司法与内务合作的政府间主义探析


cooperative justice合作式司法

3)international judicial cooperation国际司法合作

4)judicial and administrative co-operation司法与行政合作

1.On the International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation in Civil and Commercial Matters;国际民商事司法与行政合作研究

5)judicial co-operation区际司法合作

6)global judicial co-operation全球司法合作

1.Before the intern ational community enters a convention thereof, we must actively participate in the process ofglobal judicial co-operation, absorbing the essence of other countries system on network civil jurisdiction; on the premise of complying wit h the rule of e-commerce development, a.在国际社会对这一问题的解决达成相应公约之前 ,我们必须积极参与全球司法合作进程 ,注意吸收先行国家关于网络民事管辖权制度的精华 ;在尊重电子商务发展规律的前提下 ,在相关立法中鼓励采取协议管辖和最密切联系原则。



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