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国际商事合同 international commercial contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-25 10:33:45


国际商事合同 international commercial contract英语短句 例句大全

国际商事合同,international commercial contract

1)international commercial contract国际商事合同

1.As to ascertaining the governing law applicable to theinternational commercial contracts,the rule of autonomy of will is the primary principle widely accepted by both domestic laws of most countries and international treaties.在国际商事合同的准据法的确定问题上,当事人意思自治原则是各国及国际公约公认的首要原则。


1.The Application of International Trade Law Documents in Sino-Russian International Commercial Contracts;中俄国际商事合同之国际贸易法适用

2.The Enlightening Value of the International Business Contract Rules to the Improvement of China s Contract Law;完善我国合同法应借鉴《国际商事合同通则》

3.A Study on the Jurisprudence of "the Principles of International Commercial Contracts";《国际商事合同通则》法理思想研究

4.A Study on the Principle of Good Faith of PICC;国际商事合同通则诚实信用原则研究

5.On the Nature and Application of Principles of International Commercial Contracts;《国际商事合同通则》性质与适用研究

6.The Study on the System of Agency in "UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts, ";论《国际商事合同通则》中的代理制度

7.Research on Agency System of Principles of International Commercial Contracts ;《国际商事合同通则》代理制度研究

8.On the Nature and Function of The Principle of International Commercial Contract;论《国际商事合同通则》的性质与功能

9.The Compare about Time When the Offer of International Commercial Contract become Effective;国际商事合同要约生效时间比较研究

10.On the Application Approach of Principles of International Commercial Contracts;《国际商事合同通则》法律适用规则评析

11.On the Nature and Functions of Principles of Intemational Commercial Contracts论《国际商事合同通则》的性质及其功能

parison of the Expanded Contractual Obligations in the Principles of the International Commercial Contracts;《国际商事合同通则》合同扩张义务比较研究

13.Research on the Assignment of Right of Principles in International Commercial Contracts();《国际商事合同通则()》中的权利转让问题研究

14.Improvement Of The Translation Of Some Principles in UNDROIT Principle International Commercial Contrast (English with Chinese version) By analyzing the errors of Words Or Phrases;《国际商事合同通则》(中译本)词汇翻译错误辨析

15.How to Translate Termination--Taking UNIDROIT PICC as the Reference如何翻译Termination——以《国际商事合同通则》为考察对象

16.Inspiration to the Improvement of Chinese Contracts Law from the Development of Principles of International Commercial Contracts ;《国际商事合同通则》的新发展对完善我国《合同法》的启示

17.Another New Achievement on International Trade Uniform Law--Review on Principles of International Commercial Contracts ;国际贸易统一法的又一新成果——《国际商事合同通则(修订本)》评析

18.On Restriction and Balance between Evasion of Law and Autonomy of Will in International Commercial Contracts;国际商事合同中法律规避与意思自治的制约与权衡


Principles of International Commercial Contracts国际商事合同通则

1."Principles of International Commercial Contracts," the rules system stipulated for the international trades activities, is a modern commercial contracts uniform law.《国际商事合同通则》是针对国际商事贸易活动而制定的规则体系,是一部现代商事合同统一法。

3)International Business Contract国际商务合同

1.Flexible Application of the Translation Techniques inInternational Business Contracts;国际商务合同中翻译技巧的灵活应用

2.The Study of Grammatical Metaphor inInternational Business Contracts;论国际商务合同中的语法隐喻

3.In accordance with the game rules of the economic“jungle”, any of such activities have to be defined and bound by a sub-type of legal documents--contract, which, in such cases, called international business contract.对该领域的从业人员来说,掌握国际商务合同的起草与翻译是工作的基本需求。

4)international commerce国际商事

5)International commercial affairs ADR国际商事ADR

6)commercial contract商事合同

1.Acurding to the theory of Separability of Arbitration Clause,arbitration clause is a dispute-resolution-clause subordinatied tocommercial contract,it is independent.仲裁条款独立性理论认为,仲裁条款是从属于商事合同(主合同)的一项争议解决条款,具有相对独立性,其有效性不受主合同有效性的影响。


在事1.居官任事。 2.指主持其事的官员。 3.参与其事。

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