失眠网 > 通脉降脂汤 Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang英语短句 例句大全

通脉降脂汤 Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 09:13:10


通脉降脂汤 Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang英语短句 例句大全

通脉降脂汤,Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang

1)Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang通脉降脂汤

1.Conclusion:Tangmai Jiangzhi Tang had definited regulatory effect on the blond lipids and liporoteins in patients with hyperlipidemia .目的:观察通脉降脂汤对高脂血症痰瘀阻滞型的临床疗效。


1.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia with Compound Tongmai Jiangzhi Tang通脉降脂汤治疗高脂血症痰瘀阻滞型的临床观察

2.Clinical Research on Hyperlipidemia Therapy of Jiang Zhi Tong Mai Pills;降脂通脉丸治疗高脂血症的临床研究

3.The Clinical Study on Treating Hyperlipidemia with Soup of Tong Mai Hua Zhuo;通脉化浊汤治疗高脂血症的临床研究

4.Clinical and Experimental Study on Tongmaijianzhi Pills in Treating Hyperlipidemia;降脂通脉丸治疗高脂血症的临床和实验研究

5.Clinical and Experimental Study on Treating Hyperlipidemin of Old Age with the Jiang Zhi Tong Mai Decoction;降脂通脉饮治疗高脂血症的临床与实验研究

6.The Effect and Mechanism of Huayutongmai Capsule (HYTMC) on Hyperlipemia and Atherosis;化瘀通脉胶囊降血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化作用及机理的研究

7."Huanglian Jiangzhi Soup" Coptis Decoction in Treating Hyperlipidemia Lipid-lowering Clinical Study黄连降脂汤治疗高脂血症的临床研究

8.Effective Observation and Mechanism of TMJZT on Senile Coronary Heart Disease通脉降脂片对老年冠心病的疗效观察及机制探讨

9.Study of Huazhuo Jiangzhi Decoction on Lipid-lowering in Hyperlipidemic Rats and Its Antioxidant Capacity化浊降脂汤对高脂血症大鼠降脂及其抗氧化能力的研究

10.Clinical research on Lotus Leaves Lipid-Lowering Protective Liver Soup in the treatment of fatty liver荷叶降脂护肝汤治疗脂肪肝的临床研究

11.Clinical observation of 38 patients with Curing Non-alcohol Fatty Liver Treated by Using Antilipemic & Protecting Liver Decoction降脂保肝汤治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝炎38例

12.Research on the Mechanism for the Prevention and Treatment Effect of Tiaozhitang to Hyperlipidemia-Induced Atherosclerosis调脂汤防治高血脂致动脉粥样硬化机制的探讨

13.Regulation of Serum Lipid Level by SHANZHAJIANGZHI Decoction and Its Protective Effect on Vascular Endothelium in Hyperlipidemic Rats山楂降脂汤对高脂血症大鼠血脂水平的调节和血管内皮保护作用

14.Experimental Study of Effect of Xuezhiqing and Xuezhikang in Lowering Blood Lipid and Preventing Atherosclerosis血脂清降脂及抗动脉粥样硬化作用的实验研究

15.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Effects of Erchen Tang for Declining Cholesterol;二陈汤降脂作用的理论探讨及实验研究

16.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen Complication with Damp-Heat Syndrom with Qingganjiangzhitang清肝降脂汤治疗肝郁脾虚兼肝胆湿热型酒精性脂肪肝的临床研究

17.The Experimental Study of Huazhuojiangzhitang Regulating Mechanism on Hyperlipidemias化浊降脂汤对血脂调节作用的机理探讨及实验研究

18.The Protective Effect of Jiangzhi Fugan Decoction on Hepatic Function in Rats with Non-alcohol Fatty Liver降脂复肝汤对非酒精性脂肪肝大鼠肝脏的保护作用



1.The effect ofJiangzhitongmai on atherosclerosis;降脂通脉对动脉粥样硬化病变的实验研究

3)Jiangzhuo Tongmai Decoction降浊通脉汤

1.Sixty Cases of Angina Pectoris of Coronary Artery Disease with Blockage of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Treated byJiangzhuo Tongmai Decoction;降浊通脉汤治疗痰瘀痹阻型冠心病心绞痛60例

4)Jiangzhitongmai Formula降脂通脉方

1.Regulation effect ofJiangzhitongmai Formula on HSPG of liver basal membrane in mice of ApoE gene knock-out;降脂通脉方对ApoE基因敲除小鼠肝脏基底膜HSPG的调节作用

5)Tongmaijiangzhi Decoction通脉降脂饮

1.Treatment of Hyperlipidemia and Adiposis Hepatica with Qingkailing Injection andTongmaijiangzhi Decoction;清开灵注射液合通脉降脂饮治疗高脂血症合并脂肪肝临床研究

6)Tongmaijianzhi Pills降脂通脉丸

1.Clinical and Experimental Study onTongmaijianzhi Pills in Treating Hyperlipidemia;降脂通脉丸治疗高脂血症的临床和实验研究


通脉通脉 通脉 治法之一。 ①具有温阳通气,振奋心脉的作用。少阴病内有真寒,外有假热,表现为四肢厥冷,脉微细欲绝,身反不恶寒,面色浮红的戴阳证,用通脉四逆汤治疗。见《伤寒论·辨少阴病脉证并治》。 ②妇女产后气血虚弱,无乳或少乳,用补益气血的方药,使乳汁充盈而下者,亦称通脉。参催乳条。

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