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国际私法趋同化 Private International Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-15 09:26:51


国际私法趋同化 Private International Law英语短句 例句大全

国际私法趋同化,Private International Law

1)Private International Law国际私法趋同化

parative Method,Internet and the Convergence ofPrivate International Law;比较方法、因特网与国际私法趋同化


parative Method,Internet and the Convergence of Private International Law;比较方法、因特网与国际私法趋同化

parative method is important in the research of Private International Law and is very important in the convergence of Private International Law.比较方法在国际私法研究中具有重要的作用,而在国际私法趋同化中的作用尤为突出。

3.State Responsibility of International Environmental Injury and Its Tendency Towards Private Law;国际环境损害的国家责任及其私法化趋势

4.Development on the Legislation of Private International Law and Its Enlightenment to China;国际私法立法发展趋势及其对中国立法的启示

5.In view of the sovereignty in private international law in the globalization background;论全球化背景下国际私法中的国家主权观——由国家利益本位向国际社会利益趋向的转化

6.Assimilation of Laws in the International Economic Integration;论国际经济一体化视野中的法律趋同化

7.Accounting Internationalization: International Coordination and Convergence of Accounting;会计国际化:会计的国际协调与趋同

8.On the Different Models of European and American Codification and Their Philosophies of Law;论欧、美国际私法法典化的不同进路及其法哲学思想

9.International Private Law Research Institute:The Pushing Force of Statutorization and Codification of International Private Law--Revelation from the Practice of the Development of British International Private Law;国际私法研究机构:国际私法成文化法典化的推动力——英国国际私法发展的实践启示

10.International environmental legislation value idea tends towards assimilation evolution and the enlightenment to our country environmental legislation国际环境立法价值理念趋同化演进及对我国环境立法的启示

11.Reconsideration about the Similarity of Legal Rules under the Trend of Economic Globalization;国际经济一体化视野中的法律规则趋同化现象反思

12.Flexibility and Rigidity of Private International Law Rules论国际私法规范的柔性化与刚性化

13.The Influence of European Integration on English Private International Law欧洲一体化对英国国际私法的影响

14.New Development of Private International Law and Policy of Reform and Opening-up: Experiencing the Evolution of the Function of Private International Law;改革开放与国际私法的新发展——感受国际私法作用的变化

15.International alike trend of company juridical person management structure;公司法人治理结构体制的国际趋同趋势

16.International Institute for the Unification of Private Law国际私法统一协会国际私法统一学会

17.Research on Legal Issues of Internationalization of Financial Privacy Right Protection;金融隐私权保护国际化法律问题研究

18.Globalization of Terrorism Tendency and International Law Control;论国际恐怖主义的全球化趋势与国际法律控制


unification of international maritime law国际趋同化

3)international convergence国际趋同

1.Studies on the International Convergence of the Domestic Accounting Standards;我国会计准则国际趋同研究

2.Study on International Convergence of New Accounting Standards;新会计准则的国际趋同研究

3.Inquiring on International Convergence of China s Accounting Standards;我国会计准则国际趋同探讨

4)Codification of international private law国际私法法典化

5)international private law国际私法

1.A Brief Survey on the Relationship between International Private Law and Interregional Private Law——From the Perspective of Interregional Private Law;国际私法和区际私法关系小议——从区际私法角度切入的探讨

2.On value orientation ofinternational private law and influence on China’s legislation;论国际私法的价值取向及其对我国立法的影响

3.Solution to value conflict ofinternational private law;论国际私法价值冲突的解决方法

6)Private international law国际私法

1.A Jurisprudential Analysis on the Nature of Private International Law;国际私法性质的法理学浅析

2.Institutional Change of China’s New Private International law;简论新中国国际私法的制度变迁

parative analysis on two cases of delivery without B/L from view-point of private international law;从国际私法视角对两宗“无单放货”案的对比分析



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