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中国国际私法 Private International Law of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 16:36:33


中国国际私法 Private International Law of China英语短句 例句大全

中国国际私法,Private International Law of China

1)Private International Law of China中国国际私法


1.On the Future of PRC International Private Law;浅析入世后中国国际私法的未来走向——兼论《中国国际私法示范法》

2.Evaluation on Quebec Private International Law Legislation;魁北克国际私法立法述评——兼论其对中国国际私法立法之借鉴

3.Diachronic Changes of Value Directionality of the International Private Law and its Inspiration to the Legislation of Chinese International Private Law;国际私法价值取向的历史变迁及其对中国国际私法立法的启示

4.The Development of Private International Law of Japanese and the Enlightenment to the One of China;日本国际私法的最新发展及对中国国际私法的启示

5.On Some Questions of Precedent System of the Private International Law in China;中国国际私法判例制度若干问题研究

6.History Development of Private International Law and Enlightenment to the Present Age;中国国际私法发展史及对当代的启示

7.A Discussion on Certain Problems Concerning Legislation of International Private Law in Age of Globalization;全球化时代中国国际私法立法若干问题之探讨

8.Effect of International Private International Law on Contemporary International Relations;国际性国际私法在当代国际关系中的效用问题

9.On the Principle of Flag Law in Marine International Private Law;浅析海事国际私法中的船旗国法原则

10.International Institute for the Unification of Private Law国际私法统一协会国际私法统一学会

11.Study on Origin of Private International Law in China s Modern Times--A Study of Qing Dynasty Private International Law;中国近代国际私法渊源之考析——清代国际私法研究

12.The Relationship between the Conflict of Laws and Private International Law in the Perspective of Jurisprudence;法理学视野中的法律冲突与国际私法

13.Axiology about the Methods of Choice of Law in International Private Law;国际私法中法律选择方法的价值探究

14.The Conflict of Laws on Intellectual Property in International Private Law;国际私法领域中知识产权的法律冲突

15.Concept of Law of Direct Application in International Private Law;国际私法中“直接适用的法”的概念

16.On Effect of Private International Law in Contemporary International Relations;论国际私法在当代国际关系中的有效性

17.The traditional theory of private international law in America originated from Europe.美国传统国际私法理论源自欧洲国际私法理论。

18.Development on the Legislation of Private International Law and Its Enlightenment to China;国际私法立法发展趋势及其对中国立法的启示


interreginal private law in China中国区际私法

1.There are obstacles on many aspects to enact unitedinterreginal private law in China, such as the obstacles on economy, politics and social system among which the political obstacle is the most essential.制定统一的中国区际私法存在诸多方面的障碍,既有经济上的原因,又有政治和社会制度上的原因,尤其是最政治上的原因最重要。

3)international private law国际私法

1.A Brief Survey on the Relationship between International Private Law and Interregional Private Law——From the Perspective of Interregional Private Law;国际私法和区际私法关系小议——从区际私法角度切入的探讨

2.On value orientation ofinternational private law and influence on China’s legislation;论国际私法的价值取向及其对我国立法的影响

3.Solution to value conflict ofinternational private law;论国际私法价值冲突的解决方法

4)Private international law国际私法

1.A Jurisprudential Analysis on the Nature of Private International Law;国际私法性质的法理学浅析

2.Institutional Change of China’s New Private International law;简论新中国国际私法的制度变迁

parative analysis on two cases of delivery without B/L from view-point of private international law;从国际私法视角对两宗“无单放货”案的对比分析

5)the private international law国际私法

1."Law of direct application" is an important subject inthe private international law.“直接适用的法”是国际私法中的一个重要问题。

2.The theory of proper law is the great contribution tothe private international law of British scholar.自体法理论是英国学者对国际私法的重大贡献。

6)China"s private international law中国国际私法立法



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