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语境创设 Context Creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-03 20:02:22


语境创设 Context Creation英语短句 例句大全

语境创设,Context Creation

1)Context Creation语境创设

1.Context Creation in Children English Teaching儿童英语教学中的语境创设


1.A study of context reconstruction in the computer-aided English teaching approach;论英语多媒体教学手段的语境创设功能

2.Creating Better Language Circumstances to Develop the Ability in Spoken Language;创设良好语言环境 培养英语口语能力

3.Avoiding the negative transfer and creating English language environment克服母语负向迁移,创设英语语言环境

4.A Consideration about Creating the English Language Environment in Colleges;关于创设大学生英语语言环境的思考

5.Build Teaching Situation and Develop Students Creative Character;创设英语教育活动情境 培养学生创造个性

6.Creating Language Environment and Improving Written Language Expression Ability of Deaf Students;创设语言环境 提高聋生书面语表达能力

7.On Multicultural Atmosphere in College English Teaching;创设语言教育多元化的大学英语课程环境

8.Creation of Language Environment: A New Way to English Proficiency;创设语境,探索公修英语能力培养新途径

9.Research on creating language learning environment in college English classroom teaching大学英语课堂教学语言学习环境的创设研究

10.Innovation of Industrial Design in the Context of Modern Design Culture;当代设计文化语境下的工业设计理念创新

11.Chinese Teachers Are Supposed to Have Situation Creation Ability;新课程下小学语文教师应具备情境创设能力

12.On the Methods of Situation Creation In English Teaching;浅谈英语教学中“情境创设”的模式与方法

13.The Innovation in Specialized English teaching of Architecture Environment and Facility Engineering;建筑环境与设备工程专业英语教学中的创新

bination of Content with Sensibility--Set up Good English Teaching Environment;内容和情感相结合——创设良好的英语教学环境

15.Study the Performance and Creativity of Logo Design in the Postmodern Context浅论后现代语境下标志设计的表现与创意

16.To Create Teaching Situation,and Cultivate Students" Interest in Learning Chinese创设情境,激发情感,培养学生学习语文的兴趣

17.Creating Environment to Promote Children’s Language Ability创设多种适宜环境,促进幼儿语言能力的发展

18.On the Creation of Enviroment and Situation in Primary English Teaching浅谈小学英语教学中环境与情景的创设


create oral language contextual创设语境

3)establishing language surroundings创设语言环境

1.The passage introduces the way of fostering the ability of listening and speaking in daily teaching by forming the habit of thinking in English,establishing language surroundings and offering opportunity to speak English.从培养学生用英语思维的习惯、创设语言环境、给学生提供说英语的机会等诸方面探讨了如何在日常教学中培养学生的听说能力。

4)the creation of an English environment语言环境创设

5)simulate language situation创设语言情境

6)create reading atmosphere创造语境



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