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项目代建制 agent system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 17:01:18


项目代建制 agent system英语短句 例句大全

项目代建制,agent system

1)agent system项目代建制

1.Game analysis on rent-seeking activities of the construction agent underagent system for South to North Water Transfer Project;南水北调工程项目代建制模式下代建方寻租行为博弈分析


1.Discussion about the introduction of the project construction delegating system in MSA s civil construction projects;在海事基建工程项目中引入项目代建制的思考

2.Introduction of Construction Agent System to Control Costs of Projects Invested by Government;推行项目代建制 控制政府投资项目造价

3.On Agency Construction: A New Mode for Public Project Management;政府投资项目管理的新模式:项目代建制研究

4.Research on Supervision Mechanism of Agent-construction System for Government Investment Project;政府投资项目代建制的监管机制研究

5.Discussion on Construction Agent System Management of Jiang-Xi Government-funded Project;江西省政府投资项目代建制管理探讨

6.The Study of Strategies on Improving Deputy Construction System for Governmental Investment Projects;完善政府投资项目代建制的对策研究

7.Problems and countermeasures in the implementation of the agent construction of the engineering project;工程项目代建制实施中的问题及对策

parative Study on the Pilot of Agent-Construction System in Government Investment Projects;非经营性项目代建制试点的对比研究

9.Rent-seeking and Precaution in Agent-construction System of Government Investment Projects;政府投资项目代建制中的寻租与防范

10.Further Research on the Theory Foundation of Agent-construction System in Government Investment Projects;政府投资项目代建制的理论基础再探

11.Discussion about the Agent-Construction System of Governmental Project in China;实施政府投资项目代建制的初步探讨

12.Risk Allocation Mechanism of Agent Construction Project based on Project Control Right;基于项目控制权的代建项目风险分担机制

13.The Government s Project and the Construction Agent System for Modern Project Management;政府工程项目和现代管理“代建制”

14.From Supervision during Construction to Owner-substituted Construction Engineering;从建设监理拓展到“代建制”项目管理

15.Exploration of Fiduciary Duty Istitution Biding for Highway Project;公路建设项目“代建制”招投标的探讨

16.Double Agent-Construction System of Government Investment Projects;政府投资建设项目“双层代建制”的研究

17.Integration of Project Governance and Project Management Based on CM-Agent基于CM型代建制的项目治理与项目管理整合

18.Research on the Risk Allocation Mechanism of Agent Construction Project Based on Project Ownership Allocation项目所有权配置下代建项目风险分担机制研究


construction-agent system project代建制项目

3)Deputy construction project代建项目

1.Cost control in implementation phase of deputy construction project;谈代建项目实施阶段的造价控制

4)construction agent project代建项目

1.Risks identification and response on safety control ofconstruction agent project;代建项目安全控制风险识别与应对

5)project substitute项目代建

1.Theproject substitute construction fee and the industry development项目代建取费与行业发展

6)management mode of "substitute establishment system" item"代建制"项目管理模式

1.To counter the new requirement for file work in management mode of “substitute establishment system” item, the paper puts forward the appropriate file management mode, and states the problem encountered in actual operation and the countermeasure for treatment so as to compile well a complete and correct file of completion for the project management.针对“代建制”项目管理模式下对档案工作的新要求,提出了与之相适应的档案管理模式,阐述了实际操作中的遇到的问题与其处理对策,从而汇编好完整,准确的竣工档案,为工程管理画上完美的句号。



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