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品德课堂 classroom of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-28 17:22:22


品德课堂 classroom of moral education英语短句 例句大全

品德课堂,classroom of moral education

1)classroom of moral education品德课堂


1.Study on Ideological and Moral Classroom Teaching Life-oriented in Junior High School初中思想品德课堂教学的生活化研究

2.Observation and Ideas about Moral Education Class in Junior Middle School under new Curriculum;新课程下初中思想品德课堂观察与思考

3.The Principles and Counter Measures Study of Teacher-student Interaction in Classroom;思想品德课堂师生互动的原则和对策研究

4.Problems in Situation Creating in Moral Education Class in Primary Schools and Countermeasures;小学品德课堂中情境创设的问题及对策

5.How to Develop the Innovation quality in Ideological and Politics Class创新素质如何在思想品德课堂教学中培养

6.An Inquiry into the Teaching Mode of Junior Middle School Politics Class Activities under the New Curriculum;新课标指导下的初中思想品德课堂活动教学模式初探

7.The Study of Low-efficiency and Strategies of Class Oral Evaluation in Middle School Moral Education初中思想品德课堂口头评价的低效性与对策研究

8.A Study on the Cultivation of Non-intellectual Factors of High School Students in Ideological and Moral Lessons思想品德课堂教学中学生非智力因素的培养研究

9.The Use of Research about Motivation Theory in the Ideological and Moral Classroom Teacher-Student Interaction激励理论在思想品德课堂师生互动中的运用研究

10.Junior Effectiveness of Moral Teaching Research初中思想品德课课堂教学有效性研究

11.A Preliminary Analysis of the Evaluation of the Teaching of Ideological and Ethical Education under New Curricular Standards;新课程标准下思想品德课课堂教学评价初探

12.On the Problems of the Teaching of Grade Seven s Ideology and Morality;七年级《思想品德》课堂教学的问题探讨

13.Briefly on the Leading-in Technique of Moral Education in Middle School;浅谈初中《思想品德》课堂教学的导入

14.The Ideological and Moral Construction of a Harmonious Eco-classroom Thinking构建和谐的思想品德生态课堂的思考

15.The Teaching Effectiveness of Ideological and Moral Lesson in Urumqi乌鲁木齐市思想品德课课堂教学有效性研究

16.Core Problems in the Construction of Classroom Teaching in Morality and Society Curriculum;品德与社会课堂教学建构的几个核心问题

17.On the Methods to Establish Merry and Light-hearted Class Atmosphere--Probe into the Teaching Methods about the Course Ideological and Moral Education创设轻松愉快的课堂气氛的方法——《思想品德》课教法探讨

18.Research into the Application of Modern Teaching Media in Ideological and Political Course现代教学媒体在思想品德课课堂教学中运用的研究


moral class德育课堂

1.This article attempted to study the utilization of the case teaching method inmoral class of middle vocational school, from the pedagogy and the psychology field of vision.本论文试图立足于教育学和心理学两个学科视角来研究案例教学在中等职业学校德育课堂中的运用问题。

3)Ideology and Political Course品德课

1.The Construction of Students Moral Subjectivity inIdeology and Political Course in Middle School;中学政治思想品德课教学中学生道德主体性的建构

4)the moral class management德育课堂管理

5)moral education lesson德育课堂教学

6)Classroom moral education context课堂德育情境



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