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经纱张力 Warp Tension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 23:58:09


经纱张力 Warp Tension英语短句 例句大全

经纱张力,Warp Tension

1)Warp Tension经纱张力

1.Test System of LoomWarp Tension Based on PXI Bus;基于PXI总线的织机经纱张力测试系统

2.Research and Application of VirtualWarp Tension Tester;虚拟经纱张力测试仪的研制与应用

3.Embedded system for warp tension control based on ARM and μClinux architecture;基于ARM和μClinux的经纱张力控制嵌入式系统设计


1.The force required to turn the beam is supplied by the tension in the warp yarns.织轴的转动靠的是经纱张力的驱动。

2.Development of testing system of warp tension based on optical fiber force sensor基于光纤力传感器的经纱张力测试系统

3.When this happens, the warp tension will increase, and the pick - spacing will be closer than normal until the roller frees itself.在这种情况下,经纱张力会增加,纬纱间距会小于正常值。

4.These breakage could be the result of excessive tension or, perhaps, a weak spot in the yarn.断头的原因可能是经纱张力过大或纱线中存在弱段。

5.Embedded System for Warp Tension Based on ARM7TDMI and uClinux Architecture;基于ARM和uClinux的经纱张力嵌入式系统设计

6.The Study of Warp Tension Control System Based on Nios;基于Nios软核的经纱张力控制系统的研究

7.Application of Magnetostrictive Pick-up to Constant Tension Control of Warp;织机恒经纱张力控制中磁致伸缩传感器的应用

8.The technology of improving warp tension fluctuation of loom and reducing sparsity denseness road改进织机经纱张力波动及降低稀密路技术

9.Fuzzy Parameter Self-Tuning PID Control for Warp Thread Tension Control经纱张力的模糊参数自整定PID控制研究

10.Neither objective will be achieved if the warp tension is allowed to vary.如果经纱张力有波动,则均匀的纬纱间距和均匀的纬纱密度两者都不能得到保证。

11.Various systems have been designed to compensate for the change in warp length in shedding and so minimize the variations in warp tension.目前有多种系统可以用来补偿开口过程中经纱长度的变化,从而降低经纱张力的波动。

12.The shedding and beating- up cause cycle tension variations in the warp yarns.开口运动和打纬运动会引起在一个织造循环内的经纱张力波动。

13.Analysis on the Dynamic Behavior of Back Rest System and the Control of Warp Tension for an Air-jet Loom;喷气织机后梁系统动态行为分析与经纱张力控制

14.It is the function of the let- off motion to control the warp tension, so, to achieve the required result, both the take- up and the let- off motions must be functioning correctly.控制经纱张力是送经机构的功能,因此要获得理想的结果,卷取机构和送经机构必须正常工作。

15.To help maintain uniform tension in the filling yarns有助于纬纱张力的均匀。

16.The warp let - off motion allows the feeding of warp yarn under uniform tension and at the proper rate.送经机构可以使送出的经纱保持均匀的张力并保证准确有送经量。

17.they are subjected to tension both constant, by the let off and take - up, and intermittent, by the shedding and beat-up.经纱受到送经和卷取引起的两个持续的张力,以及开口和打纬引起的瞬时张力。

18.The yarns must be parallel and under uniform tension. This, then, is the purpose of warping.纱线必须相互平行,且张力均匀,这就是整经的目的。


constant tension of warp经纱恒张力

3)constant tension of warp经纱定张力

4)warp dynamic tension经纱动态张力

1.A digital testing method for weavingwarp dynamic tension;织机经纱动态张力的数字化测试方法

5)Warp Tension Test经纱张力检测

6)warp yarn tension织机经纱张力

1.The relation betweenwarp yarn tension of tyre cord fabric looms and warp yarn break is analyzed.分析了锦纶66浸胶帘子布织机经纱张力与浸胶帘子布断经的关系,介绍了改造织机经纱张力系统的方法和效


经纱上浆剂 MVAc分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:微黄至棕黄色半透明粘稠液体。含固量15%±0.5%。pH值6.5~7.5。2%水溶液粘度约2毫帕·秒(20℃)。略有氨臭。与PVA1788(分子量为1788的聚乙烯醇)及CMC(羧甲基纤维素)有效好的互溶性,易溶于50℃以上的热水中。不受碱的影响,遇酸及重金属盐类则生成难溶物质。与PVA、CMC混用,作涤棉经纱上浆剂。由乙酸乙烯酯与顺丁烯二酸酯类乳液聚合并用氨水中和而成。

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