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交联处理 crosslinking treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 12:16:37


交联处理 crosslinking treatment英语短句 例句大全

交联处理,crosslinking treatment

1)crosslinking treatment交联处理

1.Wearability of linen fabrics after liquid ammonia/crosslinking treatment;液氨/交联处理后亚麻织物的服用性能


1.Research on Degree of Cross Linking of Cross-linked Allogenic Tissue by 5-FAMSE Fluorescence Intensity Analysis5-FAMSE荧光显色法用于检测经交联处理异体组织的交联程度研究

2.Effect of Cross-link Treatment on Fibrillation of Lyocell Fiber交联处理对Lyocell纤维抗原纤化性能的影响

3.Effect on Particle Structure of Porous Cornstarch by Different Cross-linkage Treatment不同交联处理对玉米多孔淀粉颗粒结构的影响

4.microprocessor intertie and communication system微处理机交联通信系统

5.The dispute was referred to the United Nations/to arbitration.该项争端已提交联合国处理[予以仲裁].

6.The Study on Accounting Problems of Related Transaction in China;我国关联交易会计处理相关问题研究

7.Post Processing Algorithm for Non Orthogonal 5-axis Linkage CNC Machine非正交五轴联动数控机床后置处理算法

8.Detecting and Signal Treating for Defects in XLPE Cable Insulation交联电缆绝缘中缺陷的探测与信号处理

9.Analysis and Processing of Two-lead ECG Signals Based on Orthogonal Synthesizing基于正交合成的两导联心电信号的分析与处理

10.The Study on Cognizance Orientation & Asymmetry of Book-keeping Based on the Related Transactions;企业关联交易认定导向及会计处理研究

11.Study on the Absorption of Heavy Metals-ion and Organism in Wastewater with Magnesium-Aluminum Cross-linked Bentonite;镁铝交联膨润土处理含重金属有机废水的研究

12.MIEX and Ultrafiltration Membrane for Treatment of Raw Water from Huaihe River磁性离子交换树脂与超滤膜联用处理淮河原水

13.Study on Removal of Low Concentration Phosphate in Wastewater by Al Cross-linked Modified Bentonite铝交联改性膨润土处理低浓度含磷废水的研究

14.associative processor for speech processing语音处理相联处理机

15."An association describing where a job is submitted for processing, i.e. to which job destination."一个描述作业提交到那个做处理的关联,如作业目标。

16.Study on Combination of Fenton Agent and Mineralized Refuse Bioreactor for Treatment of Wastewater from Ion-exchange Resin Regeneration用Fenton试剂-矿化垃圾生物反应器联合处理离子交换树脂再生废水

17.Synthesis of Insoluble Starch Xanthate(ISX) and Treatment of Zinc-containing Waste Water不溶性交联淀粉黄原酸酯的合成及处理含锌废水的研究

18.Synthesis of Insoluble Starch Xanthate(ISX) and Treatment of Copper-Containing Waste Water不溶性交联淀粉黄原酸酯的合成及处理含铜废水的研究


mild cross-linking treatment交联软化处理


4)combined treatment联合处理

1.Under the experimental conditions used in this work,the degradation efficiency can be remarkably increased by thecombined treatment of pulse discharge and ACF,which increases by 24% comparing with pulsed discharge treatment alone,indicating that thecombined treatment has a synergetic e.实验结果表明:脉冲放电和活性炭纤维联合处理,大幅度提高了降解率近24%,说明活性炭纤维与脉冲放电联合具有协同效应;脉冲放电和吸附饱和活性炭纤维联合处理与单独脉冲放电处理相比降解率提高16。

2.According to sterilization technology and anticorrosion technology, thecombined treatment was carried out based on ensuring the quality of grass carp tidbit and controlling the total bacterial count under 3×104cfu/g, and the E.本论文以腌制草鱼块为原料,通过脱盐、干燥、切粒、油炸、调味等一系列工艺生产出草鱼粒产品,并针对鱼粒生产后杀菌及防腐工艺,进行微波-紫外联合处理,使鱼粒产品细菌总数在3×104 cfu/g以内,大肠菌群阴性达标。

5)associated disposal关联处理

6)combining treatment联合处理

1.In this paper, process flow, type of adaptable wastewater, mechanism and relative indexes of combination of Fenton reagent and biological processes for wastewater treatment were reviewed; the trend of study ofcombining treatment was also forecasted.本文对Fenton试剂和生物法联合处理有机废水的工艺流程、适用废水种类、废水处理机理和衡量指标进行了综述,并对Fenton试剂和生物法相结合处理有机废水研究进行了展望。


Tm-002硅烷交联剂1. 化学名称甲基三乙酰氧基硅烷2. 物理性质无色至浅黄色透明液体,较低温度下可转变为白色晶体。易吸湿,可溶于醋酸酐,遇水会交联,并产生醋酸。3. 技术规格外观无色至浅黄色透明液体,或白色晶体密度(r25)g/cm31.1750~ 1.1800g/cm3含量(%) ≥95折射率(n 25d) 1.4050±0.0005沸点(℃) 110-112/17mmhg熔点(℃) 40.5cl-(%) ≤0.14. 用途本品主要用作室温硫化硅橡胶的交联剂。5. 包装与储运塑料桶包装,每桶净重10kg、25kg、100kg、180kg。密封储存于阴凉、干燥通风处,防潮防水,远离火种、热源。

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