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损伤规律 damage law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 08:08:36


损伤规律 damage law英语短句 例句大全

损伤规律,damage law

1)damage law损伤规律

1.The combination structure and the circuitry board are extracted from the equipment to make impact vibration and sweep vibration experiment,and thedamage laws of electro-product in vibration environment are analysed in this paper.以某型雷达装备为试验对象,选取该装备某型组合体与电路板进行冲击振动与扫频振动试验,分析了电子产品在振动环境中的损伤规律。


1.The Profiles of the Air-blood Barrier Damage and Its Underlied Mechanisms in the Initiation and the Processes of the Acute Lung Injury by Perfluoroisobutylene Inhalation;全氟异丁烯吸入性肺损伤中肺气血屏障损伤规律及机制的研究

2.Experimental Study and Theoretic Analysis on Damage Rule of Corroded and Cracked Reinforced Concrete;钢筋混凝土锈裂损伤规律试验研究及理论分析

3.Sport Injury Law and Preventing Methods of Chinese Elite Bodybuilding Players;我国优秀健美运动员运动损伤规律及预防措施

4.A Preliminary Survey on Injury Regularity and Precaution of Yachting Athletes;帆船运动员运动损伤规律及预防的初步调研

5.Investigation and Analysis on Regular Pattern of Sports Injure of the Students In Physical Culture Institutes and Departments;对体育院系学生运动损伤规律的调查分析

6.Study of Surface Damage Rule of Concrete Structure Exposed to Salt Freezing Condition盐冻条件下混凝土结构表面的损伤规律研究

7.Law and Prevention of Ankle Injury in Gymnastic Teaching;体操教学中腕关节损伤的规律及对策

8.An Analysis of the Disease Law of the Ankle Injury in Basketball;篮球运动中踝部损伤的发病规律分析

9.Finally, the evolution law of rock scale on the damage properties is discussed.最后探讨了岩石尺寸对损伤特性的演化规律。

10.The Research on Damages and Distorts of Rock-concrete;混凝土—岩体两体损伤破坏及变形规律的研究

11.Research on the Accumulative Damage Constitutive of HSC under Large Strain;混凝土高应变下累积损伤本构规律研究

12.Research on the Accumulative Damage Constitutive of Concrete Material under Large Strain;高应变状态下混凝土累积损伤本构规律研究

13.The Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs for Classification of Syndrome of Diabetes Merges the Liver Hurt in Chinese Medicine Study;糖尿病合并肝脏损伤的中医辨证规律探讨

14.Research on Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter s mRNA Regulation after Infrasonic Injury of Brain;次声脑损伤谷氨酸转运蛋白mRNA变化规律研究

15.Elite artistic gymnastics athlete s lumbar spine injury in China;艺术体操运动员脊柱腰段损伤现状及规律

16.Induction of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1(HIF-1) Following Diffuse Rats Brain Injury;大鼠弥漫性脑损伤后脑组织HIF-1α的变化规律

17.Regularity and Prevention of Chronic Injuries of the Students Majoring in Physical Education;体育专业学生慢性运动损伤的规律及预防

18.An Analysis of the General Rules of Athletic Injuries in Military Training;军事训练中运动性损伤发生一般规律研究


damage evolution law损伤演化规律

1.To simulate the effect of the defect on performance of steel structure,damage evolution law of weld metal must be predefined.为了模拟这些缺陷的发展对结构性能的影响,需要知道焊缝金属的损伤演化规律。

3)freeze-damage law冻结损伤规律

1.Through the studies to anti-freezing critical strength of subzero high strength pumped concrete, we deduced thefreeze-damage law of early age, and, through studies to submicro-construction of damaged concrete, we found the parameters of pore at submicro-construction can reflect the damage status of the concrete effectively.通过对负温高强泵送混凝土的抗冻临界强度的研究 ,得出其早期承受冻结的冻结损伤规律 ,并且对不同程度冻结损伤的混凝土的细观结构进行了研究 ,研究表明 ,表征细观层次气孔的各项参数可以有效地反映出混凝土的损伤状

4)damage evolutional law损伤演变规律

1.The measurement of the high-cycle fatigue damage variable and the study of thedamage evolutional law;高周疲劳损伤变量的测试和损伤演变规律的研究

5)sport injuries regulation运动损伤规律

6)the fatigue damage accumulation rule损伤累积规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主

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