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张力吸力 tension suction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-03 20:34:48


张力吸力 tension suction英语短句 例句大全

张力吸力,tension suction

1)tension suction张力吸力

1.Matric suction andtension suction of unsaturated soils;非饱和土的基质吸力和张力吸力

2.And then definitions fortension suction and suction ratio are construted.给出了张力吸力和吸力比的定义,并在考虑基质吸力作用面积的基础上定义了等效吸力的概念。

3.Then effective area on particle surface,both for matric suction andtension suction,as well as relation between saturation degree and various types of suctions or corresponding equivalent suctions are established for different contract angles.给出了搭接双开敞状态中的作用面积和张力吸力,得到了基质吸力和等效基质吸力、张力吸力和等效张力吸力随饱和度的变化规律。

2)ventricular diastolic suction舒张吸力

3)absorbable tension band可吸收张力带

1.Objective To studyabsorbable tension band by absorbable screw and wire in the treatment of olecranon and medial malleolus fracture.目的介绍可吸收螺钉和可吸收线组成可吸收张力带固定尺骨鹰嘴或内踝骨折的方法及疗效。

2.Objective To evaluate theabsorbable tension band composed by the absorbable screw and the absorbable line on treatment of patellar fractures.目的探讨可吸收钉和可吸收线组成的可吸收张力带内固定治疗髌骨骨折的临床疗效。


1.Treatment of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine with absorbable tension band fixation可吸收张力带治疗髂前上棘撕脱骨折

2.A case of bone absorption of the olecranon fracture after operation using wire tension band尺骨鹰嘴骨折克氏针钢丝张力带固定术后鹰嘴骨折块吸收1例

3.Holdout: Resistance to ink absorption of a paper.不吸墨性:纸张对吸收油墨的阻力。

4.The pneumatic system is used for tightening steel belt, easy for adjusting.钢带张紧为气动张紧,包证张紧力可调。

5.absorption strength吸收强度, 吸收力

6.Biomechanics Evaluation of Tension Band System of Kirschner Wire with Hole Combined Absorbable Sutures for Interfixation of Transversed Patellar Fracture带孔克氏针与可吸收线固定髌骨横断骨折的生物力学评价

7.On the Solvability of Multi-dimensional FBSDE with Absorption Coefficients;多维带吸收系数的FBSDE的可解性

8.To soak up or dry with absorbent material.吸收,吸掉用可吸收物质吸干或吸掉

9.a large hemispherical brass or copper drum with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it.带有可调整张力鼓膜的半球形铜鼓。

10.Oil absorbency: The capability of a paper to absorb oil.吸油性:纸张的吸油能力。

11.The ability to receive, hold, or absorb.接受力,吸收力接收、容纳或吸收的能力

12.permanent absorbing phase strip永久性吸收相位条带

13.Design and Biomechanical Analysis of Centrum-vertebra-fracture-repairing Absorbable Supporting Plugger;可吸收椎体内支撑器的研制及生物力学研究

14.In Vivo Degradation and Biomechanical Analysis of Centrum-vertebra-fracture-repairing Absorbable Supporting Plugger;可吸收椎体内支撑器体内降解及生物力学研究

15.Development and Biomechanical Study of Absorbable Scaphoid Screw可吸收舟骨螺钉的研制和生物力学研究

16.Application of absorbable screw in treatment of scaphoid fracture by retrograde internal fixation逆行可吸收拉力螺钉内固定治疗腕舟骨骨折

17.Grafting of Radial Styloid Process Flap with Vascular Pedicle and ABSorbable Screw Internal Fixation for Treatment of Old Scaphoid Fracture带蒂桡突骨瓣移植及可吸收钉治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合

18.Its accuracy and optical resolution may be influenced by atmospheric absorption bands.它的精密度和光学分辨力将受大气中吸收频带的影响。


ventricular diastolic suction舒张吸力

3)absorbable tension band可吸收张力带

1.Objective To studyabsorbable tension band by absorbable screw and wire in the treatment of olecranon and medial malleolus fracture.目的介绍可吸收螺钉和可吸收线组成可吸收张力带固定尺骨鹰嘴或内踝骨折的方法及疗效。

2.Objective To evaluate theabsorbable tension band composed by the absorbable screw and the absorbable line on treatment of patellar fractures.目的探讨可吸收钉和可吸收线组成的可吸收张力带内固定治疗髌骨骨折的临床疗效。

4)absorbable suture可吸收线张力带

1.A minimally invasive surgery for clavicle fracture using kerschner wires andabsorbable suture;小切口可吸收线张力带克氏针治疗锁骨骨折


1.Finite element analysis oftension effect on deformation in the RSM rolling process;张力对减定径轧制中轧件变形影响的有限元分析

2.Finite Element Analysis of Influence Parameters on Tension of Φ200 mm H11 Steel Round Bar for Mandrel during Hot Continuous Rolling;Φ200mm H11芯棒钢热连轧过程张力影响因素的有限元分析

3.Modeling analysis for unwinding aluminum cingulum"stension control system;反光膜卷张力控制系统的建模分析

6)tensile force张力

1.Effect of bond rollingtensile force on threshold deformation of laminated material;复合轧制张力对层状复合材料临界变形程度的影响

2.Analysis about the variety and influence factors of the belt conveyor′stensile force;输送机胶带张力变化及其影响因素分析

3.Analysis of variations oftensile force and sag of loose side of drive chain;链传动中松边垂度和张力变化的分析方法



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