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儿科疾患 pediatrics diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-07 20:15:16


儿科疾患 pediatrics diseases英语短句 例句大全

儿科疾患,pediatrics diseases

1)pediatrics diseases儿科疾患

1.The author introduces the application of bloodletting on Erjian (EX-HN 6) topediatrics diseases from the aspects of the specific manipulation of Erjian (EX-HN 6) and examples of cases,hoping it has some reference value.本文从耳尖穴的具体操作及病案举例等方面介绍了刺血疗法在儿科疾患中的应用,具有一定的借鉴价值。

2)Gynecologic disease妇科疾患

3)Pediatric patients儿科患者


1.Distribution and antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria isolated from blood samples of pediatric patients in Hubei area湖北地区儿科患者血培养阳性病原菌的耐药性监测

2.Study on Molecular Epidemiology of Metallo-β-Lactamases Producing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa儿科患者中分离产金属酶铜绿假单胞菌的分子流行病学研究

3.The expression of seven kinds of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes genes of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated in pediatric patients儿科患者鲍曼不动杆菌氨基糖苷类修饰酶基因的表达

4.Analysis of the Use of Antibiotic for 630 Child Inpatients630例儿科住院患者抗菌药物使用分析

5.Clinical Research on Angiopoietins in Acute Lung Injury of Children儿科急性肺损伤患者血管生成素的临床研究

6.Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Antibiotic Therapy in Children with Bronchopneumonia儿科支气管肺炎患者抗生素治疗成本-效果分析

7.Nosocomial Infections in Children′s Hospital:A Long Term Study儿童专科医院住院患者医院感染特点分析

8.Rational Analysis of Antibiotics Usage in Children Patients with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract In- fection in Pediatric Outpatient Department儿科门诊急性上呼吸道感染患者抗菌药物应用合理性分析

9.Resistance of staphylococci to erythromycin and clindamycin in pediatric patients儿科住院患者标本中分离葡萄球菌对红霉素和克林霉素的耐药性

10.A Survey of Requirements of Intravenous Infusion Safety among Parents of Children Patients in Pediatric Department儿科患儿家长静脉输液安全需求调查

11.Inthe pediatric department he studied, Clark wrote, about10 percent ofall visits are for these kinds of musculoskeletal injuries.克拉克在文章中写道,在他从事该研究的小儿科,约10%就诊患者属于这些肌肉骨骼损伤。

12.Investigation on relative factors and countermeasure on nurse and patient relationship in the paediatrc clinic;影响门诊儿科护患关系的因素及对策

13.Humane care and surgery in children with analysis of the survey人性化护理外科手术患儿的调查分析

14.Immunoresponsiveness of Th1/Th2 Cell in Children with Surgical Sepsis小儿外科脓毒症患儿Th1/Th2细胞免疫应答状况

15.Hello. This is an emergency. Could you please send an ambulance ?喂,这儿有急病患者,请派一部救护车来。

16.Drug Use in Hospitalized Child Patients: Analysis of 9628 Cases9628例儿童住院患者药物利用分析

17.Quantitative analysis of circulating DNA in plasma from pediatric acute leukemia patients儿童白血病患者血浆循环DNA定量分析

18.A Study on Memory Dysfunction in the Childhood Schizophrenia.儿童精神分裂症患者记忆障碍的研究


Gynecologic disease妇科疾患

3)Pediatric patients儿科患者

4)Children patients in dentistry department牙科患儿

5)pediatric disease儿科疾病

1.This article introduced professor Wang Xiafang s experience in the treatment ofpediatric diseases with combined use of two specific herbs, and tried to detail them.介绍王霞芳教授应用太子参配伍炒莱菔子,麻黄配伍麻黄根,胡黄连配伍炒五谷虫,珠儿参配伍川石斛,竹叶配伍龙齿等对药治疗儿科疾病的经验。

2.Objective: Study the pathogenesis ofpediatric diseases in children with AIDS in Africa to guide diagnosis and treatment.目的 :探讨艾滋病与儿科疾病的发病关系及发病规律 ,以便指导诊断与治疗。

6)childhood disease儿科疾病

1.Pinellia and dried ginger acrid to diffuse together with coptis root and scutellaria bitter to discend were used to treat somechildhood diseases due to dampness and heat,heat cold complex,deficiency excess complex syndrome.采用半夏、干姜“辛开” ,黄芩、黄连“苦降”的配伍方法 ,治疗湿热 (或痰热 )交结、寒热互错、虚实兼夹的多种儿科疾病 ,取得理想疗效。



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