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胜利露天矿 Shengli open-pit mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 23:08:20


胜利露天矿 Shengli open-pit mine英语短句 例句大全

胜利露天矿,Shengli open-pit mine

1)Shengli open-pit mine胜利露天矿

1.Probing into eastern working slope south part landslide mechanism inShengli open-pit mine;胜利露天矿东帮南部滑坡机制的探讨

2)Shengli opencast mine胜利矿区

1.Based on the landscape zoning and on the index selection of landscape patterns,features and variations of landscape patterns ofShengli opencast mine before and after its construction were studied.通过对胜利矿区建设前及建设后的景观分区和选取景观空间格局指标,分析研究了胜利矿区景观的空间格局特征及矿区建设前后空间格局的变化,结果表明:1。

3)Open-pit mine露天矿

1.Analysis of factors influencing open-pit mine productivity;影响露天矿生产能力的因素分析

2.Application of millisecond blasting technology in Lanping open-pit mine;微差爆破技术在兰坪露天矿的应用

3.Methods of object-oriented and center structure of truck optimized dispatch in open-pit mine;露天矿卡车调度系统结构及面向对象实现方法


1.blasting survey of open pit露天矿爆破工作测量

2.strip-borer drill露天矿水平炮眼钻机

3.A Study on the Application of Open Pit Mining Machine in Shengli No.1 Open-pit Mine露天采矿机在胜利一号露天矿的应用研究

4.Study on the parameters of highwall auger mining in open pit mine露天矿高边坡钻孔采矿法的参数研究

5.Application of Inner Dump for Open-pit in Gushan Iron Mine露天矿内排土技术在姑山铁矿的应用

6.The Research of the Ore Mixing Management System in the Open-pit Mine Based on GIS基于GIS的露天矿配矿管理系统研究

7.Development & research of software used by measurement acceptance system in open-pit mine露天矿测量验收系统软件开发研究

8.an open mine (usually for coal) where the seams run close to the surface.接缝连接表面的露天矿藏。

9.of coal, as contrasted with coal obtained from a strip mine.关于煤,与从露天矿中开采的煤相对的。

10.The slope-sliding of Union Valley Open Pit Mine began at the mine development stage.团结沟露天矿从基建时起即开始滑坡。

11.Research on the Safety Management Model Based on Computer for a Large-tonnage Opencast Mine大型露天矿计算机安全管理模式研究

12.The Mathematics Model of Cars Arrangement about the Production of Opencast关于露天矿生产车辆安排的数学模型

13.The Application of Mathematical Programming in the Mining Scheme in Open Pit;数学规划在露天矿生产规划中的应用

14.The Study of Land Reclamation Method and Technical Appraisal;露天矿土地复垦方法研究与技术评价

15.Research of Application of Dragline Stripping Technology in Opencast;露天矿索斗铲倒堆工艺开采方法研究

16.The Research of the Open-pit Short-term Stripping Plan CAD and Optimization;露天矿短期采剥计划CAD及其优化研究

17.(of mines and mining) worked from the exposed surface.(矿或采矿)露天挖掘的。

18.extract (ore) from a strip-mine.从露天煤矿中开发矿石。


Shengli opencast mine胜利矿区

1.Based on the landscape zoning and on the index selection of landscape patterns,features and variations of landscape patterns ofShengli opencast mine before and after its construction were studied.通过对胜利矿区建设前及建设后的景观分区和选取景观空间格局指标,分析研究了胜利矿区景观的空间格局特征及矿区建设前后空间格局的变化,结果表明:1。

3)Open-pit mine露天矿

1.Analysis of factors influencing open-pit mine productivity;影响露天矿生产能力的因素分析

2.Application of millisecond blasting technology in Lanping open-pit mine;微差爆破技术在兰坪露天矿的应用

3.Methods of object-oriented and center structure of truck optimized dispatch in open-pit mine;露天矿卡车调度系统结构及面向对象实现方法

4)open pit露天矿山

1.Overview of road dust suppressants inopen pits;露天矿山运输路面抑尘剂的研究与综述

2.Based on the analysis of causes on which the blasting boulder occurs in borehole blasting of the limestoneopen pit,the paper determined some measures of lowering boulder yield of borehole blasting operation in the limestone miningopen pits by borehole parameters,taking explosive specific charge,charge structure,millisecond interval and detonating into design of blasting program.对石灰石露天矿山台阶深孔凿岩爆破中大块产生原因进行了分析,并从穿孔参数、炸药单耗、装药结构、微差间隔、起爆方式等方面,提出降低大块率的技术措施,在实践中取得较好的爆破效果。

3.This paper addresses the methodology of introducing risk into the development of mine plans foropen pit mines.本文介绍了在露天矿山规划的制定中引入风险的方法论。

5)open-pit coal mine露天煤矿

1.Research on the F4 shear-zone coal wall extraction in Lingquanopen-pit coal mine;灵泉露天煤矿F4断层带煤壁回采研究

2.Overall dynamic optimization of production schedule inopen-pit coal mines露天煤矿开采计划的整体动态优化

3.Heidaigouopen-pit coal mine: mine water prevention and discharge measures黑岱沟露天煤矿防排水措施

6)opencast mine area露天矿区

1.With map objects and visual basic language,a system was designed for land restoration cost composition and cost count of waste dump inopencast mine area.使用Map Objects组件和VB语言,对露天矿区排土场土地复垦的成本构成及计算进行了系统设计,系统包括排土场土地复垦成本计算和排土场空间地理信息管理两大功能。

2.Taking PingShuoopencast mine area as a example,based on the characteristics of land reclamation and ecological restoration engineering and the needs of scientific data management,using the software of Microsoft SQL Server2000and Vb6.以平朔露天矿区为例 ,根据土地复垦和生态重建工程的特点及其科学研究对数据科学管理的需求 ,采用MicrosoftSQLServer2000和VB6。

3.The process of recultivation in small range ofopencast mine area was studied.研究小范围露天矿区复垦过程,对使用充填式复垦产生的土壤贫瘠、土壤侵蚀和土壤压实问题进行分析,并提出了可行性建议,以期为今后土地复垦工作奠定理论基础。


凹陷露天矿凹陷露天矿open-pit in rolling terrain随运距的增加,运输能力下降。(3)大气降雨和地下水渗流需用排水设施排出。(4)出人沟和开段沟掘进时为双壁沟。(5)随开采深度下降,采场四周逐渐形成最终边坡,为保证继续生产作业的安全,应对边坡进行监测和维护。(幼生产过程产生的炮烟和粉尘,柴油机排放的废气等的扩散及排除较慢。(李宝祥)oox*an Iut一ankuong凹陷露天矿(open一pit in rolling terrain)位于露天采场地表最终境界封闭圈以下的露天矿。其特点是:(1)开拓运输坑线系统随开采深度的增大逐渐形成,运输距离不断增加。(2)在运输坑线上重载上行,

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