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宏观预测 macro forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-30 14:59:18


宏观预测 macro forecast英语短句 例句大全

宏观预测,macro forecast

1)macro forecast宏观预测


1.Research on macroscopic predication of the hiden karst collapse column in GeQuan Mine葛泉矿隐伏岩溶陷落柱宏观预测研究

2.Traffic accident macroscopically forecast based On ARIMAX Model基于ARIMAX模型的交通事故宏观预测

3.An Early Warning System of Chinese Macroeconomy;中国宏观经济监测与预警体系的构建

4.Application of Self-Organization FPNN in Macro-Economy Forecasts;自组织FPNN在宏观经济预测中的应用

5.Seasonal Forecasting of Macro Economy Based on BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络的宏观经济季度预测

6.State, problem and prediction for the operation of Shaanxi macroeconomy;陕西宏观经济运行状态、问题与预测

7.Analysis and predication on the micro-development of passenger taxi industry;客运出租汽车宏观发展的分析与预测

8.Analyzing and Forecasting China"s - Macroeconomic Development-中国宏观经济分析与预测

work latency clustering for detector placement on macroscopical prewarning网络延迟聚类的宏观预警的检测点放置

10.Building forecasting model system in workshop for hall of metasynthetic engineering to support macroeconomy decision建立支持宏观经济决策研讨厅的预测模型系统

11.Study on Predication Model of Macro-Economy Development in the Inner Mongolia Taipusi Banner;内蒙古太仆寺旗宏观经济发展预测模型研究

12.Study on Macro-economic Intelligent Forecasting Decision Support System Based on Agent;基于Agent的宏观经济智能预测决策支持系统研究

13.Research on Economic Supervising and Early Warning System Based on Prosperity Index;基于景气指数的宏观经济监测预警系统研究

14.Research into the Application of Artificial Neural Network to Macroeconomy Prediction;人工神经网络在宏观经济预测中的应用研究

15.Design and Realization of Macroscopic Economical Forecast System under .NET Framework;.NET框架下宏观经济预测系统的设计与实现

16.Macro-Economic Monitor and Early Warning System Based on Data Warehouse;基于数据仓库的宏观经济监测预警系统

17.Research and Realization of Analyzing and Forecasting System for Macro-economics Indexes;宏观经济指标分析与预测系统的设计与实现

18.Social Security Macro Decision-making and Early Warning and Monitoring System of Guangdong Province;广东省社会保障宏观决策与预警监测系统研究


orecasting method by macroscopical phenomena宏观监测预报

3)macro-economic forecast宏观经济预测

1.Algorithm and application of Chinesemacro-economic forecast model;中国宏观经济预测模型算法及应用

2.A Chinesemacro-economic forecast model and algorithm;一个中国宏观经济预测模型及算法

4)predicting macroeconomics宏观经济预测

1.This simulation results show that the neural network predicting method can reduce the er- ror ofpredicting macroeconomics.利用灰色预测需要样本数据量少、建模过程简单的特点对宏观经济主要指标进行前期预测,结合人工神经网络对大量非线性、非精确性规律具有自适应和自学习能力的优点,在考虑经济因素的前提下对输入数据进行预处理,采用改进的BP算法最终得出宏观经济预测结果,文中的算例表明了该方法是可行且有效的。

2.An artificial neural network approach forpredicting macroeconomics is presented in this paper.人工神经网络应用于宏观经济预测具有广泛的实际应用前景 。

5)Macroeconomic forecasting宏观经济预测

1.Directed at the demands of macroeconomic management, national and regional mediumand longterm macroeconomic forecasting and planning are considered.针对我国宏观经济管理的实际需要 ,以国家和地区宏观经济中长期预测和规划为研究目的 ,本文建立了一个以投入产出模型和人工神经网络模型为核心 ,结合使用最优化技术的宏观经济预测模型体系。

2.Directed at regional medium and long-term macroeconomic forecasting and planning, this paper presents a conceptual framework of macroeconomic intelligent forecasting system based on previous studies, and analyzes the application of meta-synthesis in building t.宏观经济预测研究是社会经济研究的一个重要方面,解决这类复杂问题的一条可行思路是采取定性定量综合集成的研究方法。

6)macro economic forecasting宏观经济预测

1.The problems ofmacro economic forecasting and decision etc.宏观经济预测与决策等问题都十分复杂,其重要性也越来越为人们所认识。

2.In this paper, a brief review onmacro economic forecasting research and development procedure in China is presented.对我国宏观经济预测研究近四十年的发展情况、常用方法、主要进展和存在的问题做了简要综述,并进行了展望。



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