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睡莲叶 Pygmy Waterlily leaves英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-18 17:57:57


睡莲叶 Pygmy Waterlily leaves英语短句 例句大全

睡莲叶,Pygmy Waterlily leaves

1)Pygmy Waterlily leaves睡莲叶

1.Studies on the extracting technology of flavones fromPygmy Waterlily leaves and their antibacterial activity睡莲叶黄酮的提取及其抑菌活性研究


1.pulled up to the side of the lily pad.停靠在睡莲叶子的边上。

2.Studies on the extracting technology of flavones from Pygmy Waterlily leaves and their antibacterial activity睡莲叶黄酮的提取及其抑菌活性研究

3.The Turkish group studied the chemical structure of leaves from the plant called the sacred lotus.土耳其研究小组研究了睡莲叶的化学结构。

4.The broad, floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as the water lily.浮叶,叶枕水生植物漂浮的宽叶子,如睡莲

5.Any of several similar or related plants, such as the water lilies Nymphaea caerula or N. lotus.几种与之相似或相关的植物,比如红白睡莲属或齿叶睡莲属的水仙

6.B. Monet: WaterliliesB.莫奈:《睡莲》

7.Any of several leguminous plants of the genus Lotus.睡莲一种白脉根属植物,睡莲

8.an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae.睡莲属的一种水生植物。

9.The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now.池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。

10.disentangled the oar from the water lilies;使桨不受睡莲的缠绕;

11.the type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae; any of a variety of water lilies.睡莲科模式属;睡莲属的各种植物的任一种。

12.a water lily having large leaves and showy fragrant flowers that float on the water; of temperate and tropical regions.漂浮在水上的一种具有大叶和艳丽的芳香花朵的睡莲;生长在温带或热带地区。

13.A revision of Clematis sect. Naraveliopsis(Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属菝葜叶铁线莲组修订(英文)

14.The leaves of the giant Victorian water Lily,维多利亚大水莲的叶子,

15.Monet"s ethereal descriptions of haystacks and water lilies.莫内关于干干草垛和睡莲的精妙描绘

16.The nymph do not contain any conventionally picturesque details.画中的睡莲没有任何传统的逼真细节。

17.blue lotus of India and southeastern Asia.生长于印度或东南亚的一种蓝色睡莲。

18.Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Clematis Parviloba Gardn. et Champ. and Vitex Trifolia L.;裂叶铁线莲及三叶蔓荆化学成分研究


lily pad睡莲叶子

3)Nymphaea lotus var.pubescens柔毛齿叶睡莲

1.Breeding of New Varieties ofNymphaea lotus var.pubescens×Nymphaea lotus;柔毛齿叶睡莲×埃及白睡莲新品种选育

4)Nymphaea tetragona睡莲

1.Inhibitory Effects of Liquor Cultured with Nelumbo nucifera andNymphaea tetragona on the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa;荷花和睡莲种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用研究

2.Nymphaea tetragona Geargi and Nuphar pumilum DC.研究了中国睡莲科的3属3种即芡(Euryale ferox Salisb。

5)Nymphaea candida Presl睡莲花

1.Study on Ultrasonic Extraction Technologies ofNymphaea candida Presl.;睡莲花总酚酸超声提取工艺研究

2.OBJECTIVE To isolate and determine chemical constituents fromNymphaea candida Presl.目的对维药睡莲花的黄酮醇苷类成分进行研究。

6)tropical waterlily热带睡莲

1.The experimentation of overwinteringtropical waterlily tubers was carried out by different dormant phases oftropical waterlily tubers,different disinfection levels and different sand humidity.通过对不同休眠状态的热带睡莲(Nymphaea)地下茎,在不同消毒处理和不同的藏沙湿度下进行了越冬沙藏试验。


睡莲【通用名称】睡莲【其他名称】睡莲 (《纲目拾遗》) 【异名】睡莲菜、瑞莲(《岭南杂记》),子午莲(《纲目拾遗》),茈碧花(《植物名实图考》)。 【来源】为睡莲科植物睡莲的花。 【植物形态】睡莲 多年生水生草本,根茎具线状黑毛。叶丛生浮于水面;圆心脏形或肾圆形,长5~12厘米,宽3.5~9厘米,先端圆钝;基部的心耳尖锐或钝圆,全缘;上面绿色,幼时有红褐色斑,下面带红色或暗紫色;叶柄细长。花浮于水面,直径4~5厘米,白色,午刻开花,午后五时收敛;花萼的基部呈四方形,萼片4;花瓣8~17,多层;雄蕊多数,3~4层,花药黄色;柱头的辐射4~8数,广卵形,呈茶匙状。浆果球形,松软,有多数细小种子。花期夏季。 生长于池沼湖泊中。全国大部分地区均有分布。 【采集】夏季采收。 【化学成分】根和叶含氨基酸及生物碱。 【药理作用】同属植物白睡莲全植物的水提取物对垂体后叶素所致实验性高血压的犬和兔,有明显的降压作用,而毒性则颇低。 【功用主治】①《岭南杂记》:"消暑解酲。" ②《纲目拾遗》:"治小儿急慢惊风,用七朵或十四朵,煎汤服。"

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