失眠网 > 双向环网 bidirectional ring英语短句 例句大全

双向环网 bidirectional ring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 03:22:56


双向环网 bidirectional ring英语短句 例句大全

双向环网,bidirectional ring

1)bidirectional ring双向环网

2)undirected double loop network无向双环网

1.A new upper bound of diameter inundirected double loop networks has been obtained.本文给出了无向双环网直径的上界 ,并且找到了从任意节点到四个其它节点的四条内部不交的路 ,从而证明了无向双环网的连通度为


pare Diameters of Directed and Undirected Double Loop Networks有向双环网和无向双环网直径规律的对比

2.The algorithm to calculate the diameter of undirected double loop networks G(N;±r,±s) based on tree基于树的无向双环网络G(N;±r,±s)寻径策略

3.Restricted Fault Diameter of Bidirectional Double-loop LAN;双向双环局域网络的限制性容错直径

4.Design of RF Bi-directional Amplifier for 2.4GHz Wireless Local Area Network;2.4GHz无线局域网射频双向放大器设计

5.Study on Cable Prestress for Large-scale Reticulated Shell Structure张弦双层网壳结构环向拉索预应力研究

6.Bintree-based shortest path algorithm of directed double-loop networks基于二叉树的有向双环网络的最短路径算法

7.A New Bidirectional Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks一种新颖的无线传感器网络双向路由协议

8.Design of Wireless Sensor Network Nodes for Environment Monitoring面向环境监测无线传感器网络节点的设计

9.Design of Wireless Sensor Network Nodes for Environmental Monitoring面向环境监测的无线传感器网络节点设计

10.Independent tasks scheduling algorithm of grid computing platforms on direct acyclic graph基于有向无环图网格独立任务调度算法

11.Design and Realization of Double Channels Wireless Sensor Network for Coal Mine Environment Multiparameter Monitoring;双路径煤矿环境多参数监测无线传感器网络的设计与实现

12.The Length of Limit Cycles For Fuzzy Bidirectional Associative Memories and Algorithms to Compute the Period Index of Fuzzy Matrix;模糊双向联想记忆网络的极限环长度及模糊矩阵周期算法

13.Dynamics of Bidirectional Associative Memory Neural Networks with VariableCoeffcients and Infinite Delay具变系数和无穷时滞的双向联想记忆神经网络的动力学行为(英文)

14.two-way radio link双向无线电通信联系

15.two-way radio system双向无线电通信系统

16.Focus on Two-way Network Construction to One-way HFC+EPON+EOC Transfer关注双向网建设向单向HFC+EPON+EOC的转移

17.Optimized Models of Land Resources Allocation for Towns and Villages in Water-net Plain and Coastal Plain--Study on the Double-evaluation System for Both Agricultural and Residential Environment;水网、滨海平原城乡土地资源配置的优化模式——农业环境与人居环境双向评价系统研究

18.FE-Meshfree Coupled Method for Calculating Stress Intensity Factor of Circumferential Through-Wall Crack on Pipes直管环向贯穿裂纹应力强度因子的有限元无网格耦合计算方法


undirected double loop network无向双环网

1.A new upper bound of diameter inundirected double loop networks has been obtained.本文给出了无向双环网直径的上界 ,并且找到了从任意节点到四个其它节点的四条内部不交的路 ,从而证明了无向双环网的连通度为

3)directed double loop networks有向双环网络

1.Eight new 2-tight optimal infinite families ofdirected double loop networks;8族新的2-紧优的有向双环网络无限族

2.Three new infinite families ofdirected double loop networks which not containing tight optimal and almost tight optimal are given in this paper.给出了3族新的不含紧优与几乎紧优的有向双环网络。

4)undirected double-loop networks无向双环网络

1.Tight optimization distribution ofundirected double-loop networks G(N;±1,±s);无向双环网络G(N;±1,±s)紧优分布特性

2.A new method was presented to calculate the diameter ofundirected double-loop networks G(N;±r,±s).提出了新的无向双环网络G(N;±r,±s)的直径求解方法,将其图论模型中的节点进行了重新排列,得到了一种基于树的路由模型,研究了该树型结构中与路由相关的一些性质;给出了计算无向双环网络G(N;±r,±s)直径d(N;±r,±s)的显式公式;证明了无向双环网络G(N;±r,±s)的直径等于树高;验证了Boe-sch和Wang等提出的无向双环网络G(N;±r,±s)直径的下界。

5)bidirectional double-loop LAN双向双环局域网络

1.In this paper,an optimal routing algorithm is given for thebidirectional double-loop LAN.给出了双向双环局域网络的一个最优路由算法。

6)Dual ring dual direction双环双向


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。

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