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山水审美意识 the idea of mountains-and-waters aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-10 16:34:46


山水审美意识 the idea of mountains-and-waters aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

山水审美意识,the idea of mountains-and-waters aesthetics

1)the idea of mountains-and-waters aesthetics山水审美意识


1.The Evolution of Aesthetic for Nature from Shijing to Chuci;《诗经》至《楚辞》山水审美意识之演进

2.Development of His Aesthetic Conception in Liu Zongyuan s Landscape Writings;柳宗元山水文学审美意识的心路历程

3.Cavalier Perspective of Chinese Landscape Painting under the Aesthetic of the Implied Sense散点透视下中国山水画所蕴含的审美意识

4.The Space Impression of Classical Chinese Scenery Poems;论中国古代山水诗审美意境的空间感

5.On Aesthetic Images in Du Fu’s Landscape Poems:Being High,Huge, Profound, Marvellous and Magical;高·大·深·奇·神——杜甫山水诗审美意境探微

6.The Cultural Comprehension and Esthetic Aroma of the Landscape Painting Poem in Tang Dynasty;唐代山水题画诗的文化内涵与审美意蕴

7.On the Historical Development and Appreciative Significance of Texturing Method of Chinese Landscape Painting;试论中国山水画皴法的历史演变和审美意义

8.On the Aesthetic Characteristics and Realistic Significance of Landscape Paintings by LUO Ming;论罗铭中国山水画写生的审美特征和现实意义

9.On Aesthetic Characteristics of the Landscape Poem and It to the Meaning of the Tour Construction;论山水诗的审美特性及其对旅游建设的意义

10.On Aesthetic Mood of Rocks and Water in Chinese Classical Gardens;中国古典园林中山石与水体的审美意境

11.Analysis of the Esthetic Conception and Construction Theory of Chinese Traditional Landscape Paintings;探析中国传统山水画意境审美及创构理念

12.Taking the Poets Tao Xie and Wang Meng s Poetry as a Model to See the Influence of Beauty Admiration over the Formation of Mood in Poems of Mountains and Waters;从陶谢王孟看审美情志对山水诗意境的影响

13.Modern Interpretation of Natural Beautyfrom the Natural Beauty in Ancient Chinese Landscape Poetrye;自然美的现代意义——从中国古代山水诗中的自然审美谈起

14.Significance of "Instant Aesthetic Invigoration" in the Formation of Poetic Image in Mountain-water Poetry;从“有句无篇”到“兴象玲珑”——“当下”的审美感兴对山水诗意境创构的意义

15.The Unification of Aesthetic Consciousness and Moral Consciousness of the Lament;《离骚》审美意识与道德意识的统一

16.Aesthetic Standard along with Totem Worship --Further Discussion of Chinese Primitive Aesthetic Standard (III);与图腾意识共生的审美意识——中国原始审美意识再探讨(三)

17.Literators Dream and Their Love for Nature--On Aesthetic Implication of Modern City Gardens in China;文人梦与山水情——论我国现代城市园林的审美意蕴

18.On Aesthetic Generation and Levels of Beauty in Guilin Scenery--also on Subjective Conditions of Scenery Appreciation;试论桂林山水美的审美生成及其层次——兼谈山水审美的主体条件


Aesthetic Consciousness审美意识

1.The aesthetic consciousness that the editors should possess in the strategy of creating the name brand journal;论编辑在实施品牌书刊战略中应具备的审美意识

2.Editorial aesthetic consciousness in natural science;自然科学编辑的审美意识

3.Deaf students painting techniques and fragmentary ideas on aesthetic consciousness;聋生绘画技法与审美意识断想

3)aesthetic awareness审美意识

1.On the Effect of Aesthetic Awareness on the Direction of the Reproduction of Original Piano Works Performance;钢琴表演中审美意识的适度把握问题探析

2.This article aims at improving the quality of binding and lay out of periodicals by strengthening the art editors" creative,modern andaesthetic awareness.提高期刊的装帧设计质量 ,必须强化美编的创新意识、现代意识和审美意识。

3.On cultivating students ability of the audio-visual thinking in teaching Mathematics Analysis, the paper discusses such five points as: the encouragement of students bold guess, the emphasis on the general analysis, the teaching of students intuition, the improvement of studentsaesthetic awareness and the building of students cognitive structure.对如何在数学分析教学中培养学生的直觉思维能力作了5点探讨:鼓励学生大胆猜测、注重引导整体分析、注意教学的直观性、提高学生审美意识、建立坚实认知结构。

4)esthetic consciousness审美意识

1.Today the modern books shape ideal request should be one kind of harmony which in under modern people sesthetic consciousness,the energetic demand,the function request produces,practical and can create for the reader influences the mind the shape.今天现代书籍形态的理想要求应该是在现代人的审美意识、精神需求、功能要求下产生的一种和谐、实用并能为读者创造陶冶心灵的形态。

2.The Aristocrat sesthetic consciousness is one kind of esthetic pursue,like self-conscious,reflect society s lofty esthetic interest.贵族化审美意识是一种自觉的、反映社会高雅的审美趣味的美学追求,是文学超越性的具体表现。

3.However,due to their differences in cultural,philosophical and aesthetical aspects,they resort to different images,linguistic styles and artistic conceptions that reflect their outstanding differences in aesthetic consciousness.在诗歌创作中采用了不同的意象,不同的语言风格,创造出相异的意境,从而反映出不同的审美意识。

5)aesthetic sense审美意识

1.It is clear that the university should be a higher-level scientists to develop, so in the shape of the cultural quality, there s a higher demand, particularly on the "aesthetic sense of"more quality requirements is of great significance.显然,大学生应该作为较高层次科学工作者来培养,因此在文化素质的塑造上就有更高的要求,特别是关于"审美意识"的素质要求更具有重要意义。

2.How is history combined with art organically? Whether this combination has historical sense,distinctive modern sense and richaesthetic sense is well interpreted in the novel "Daqing Bloody Earth",which expounds from the positive perspective the truth of history novel acting as a kind of art form between art and history.历史如何与艺术有机的结合起来,是否既具有自觉的历史意识,又具有鲜明的现代意识和丰厚的审美意识,《大清血地》从正面给我们阐释了历史小说作为跨越在艺术和历史学这两个门类之间的一种艺术形式的真谛。

3.Cao Pi s "Wenqi" Doctrine indicated the awakening of individuality andaesthetic sense in Wei-jin Dynasty.曹丕“文气”说的提出,既昭示了魏晋个体意识的觉醒,又昭示着魏晋审美意识的自觉。

6)landscape aesthetic山水审美

1.The thesis tries to quest what new aesthetic intent and mode in thelandscape aesthetic of contemporary and unscramble the writers spirit world,taking traditionallandscape aesthetic consciouness as potential theoretic background.本文以传统山水审美意识为潜在的理论背景,试图寻求现代山水审美具有哪些新的审美意向和审美方式,并从山水审美的角度解读作家的精神世界。


科技活动与审美意识的双向作用科技活动与审美意识的双向作用interaction between scientific and technological activities and aesthetical consciousness科技活动与审美意识的双向作用如te花etion between seientific and technologicalaetivities and aesthetical eonsciousness)学生从事的科技活动与他们的审美意识的交互影响。学校科技活动主要是指学生学习和运用科学知识,手脑并用进行的小发明、小创造、小设计、小制作、小论文等为中心的各种活动。所谓审美意识,主要指作为社会心理现象的审美观念、审美趣味、审美理想等。审美观念是对审美对象的一种看法和观点,审美趣味是对审美对象一种倾向性的情感性的评价,审美理想是对审美最高境界(相对的)的一种向往和追求。学生在科技活动中创造的“五小”产品融入了他们的审美意识,即他们总是按照一定的审美观念、审美趣味和审美理想去进行创造活动的。同时,学生在科技活动中受到了美的熏陶,领略到了自由创造的欢愉,又大大地提高了他们的审美意识,使他们的审美观念更加明确,审美趣味更加高尚纯洁,审美理想更加远大。一可见,审美意识是学生从事科技活动的内在推动力,学生从事科技活动又丰富和提高了学生的审美意识水平。(张大均撰画巫置}审)

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