失眠网 > [七年级下册英语复习资料]七年级下册英语译林版新导航全程测试答案


时间:2020-10-03 04:48:21




第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共50分)

一、 听力(共15分,每小题1分,满分15分)

A) 听句子,从A、B、C三幅画中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。每个句子听一遍。

B) 听对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话听两遍。

6. What is the skirt made of?

A. Wool. B. Cotton. C. Silk.

7. How does Millie spend her weekend?

A. Play football. B. Watch TV C. Give fashion shows

8. How does money does the teddy bear cost?

A.15yuan B.50yuan C.75yuan

9. How does Jim go to school?

A. By bike B. On foot C. By bus

10. What will the boy do first?

A. He’ll read newspapers B. He’ll do his homework

C. He’ll play basketball


11. Where does Kitty come from?

A. England B. America C. China

12. Where is Kitty’s dream home?

A. In the town B. Near the sea C. Opposite a park

13. How many floors are there in the house?

A. Three B. Two C. One

14. What is on the second floor?

A. The bathroom B. The sitting room C. The bedroom

15. What does Kitty often do on the balcony?

A. Fly kites B. Play games C. Play badminton



16. There is “u” and “n” in the word “uncle”.

A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a

17.—How much did you for the new computer?

—About ¥6000

A. spend B. cost C. pay D. buy

18. —How do we say 10206?

— .

A. One thousand, two hundreds and six

B. Ten thousands, two hundreds and six

C. Ten thousand, two hundred and six

D. Ten thousands, two hundreds and six

19.Which of the following words stressed on the second syllable(音节)?

A. theatre B. potato C. hospital D. cinema

20. I don’t like hair clip. I like .

A. your; their B. you; their C. ours; theirs D. your; theirs

21.— Would you like milk?

— Thanks, I don’t need milk, but I need a cup of tea.

A. any; any B. some; some C. any; some D. some; any

22, There are three bedrooms in my hone. One is large and two are small.

A. the others B, other C. the second D. the other

23.— you help me carry the box?

— Certainly.

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Shall

24,— cartons of milk can we buy?

—None. We have a lot in the fridge.

A. How many B. How much C. What D. Which

25. When and where we meet on the morning of May 1?

A. do; to B. shall; / C. are; going D. /; will

26. It’s 9 o’clock in the morning now. The shop is .

A. opening B. close C. open D. opens

27.— Where is Tom? We’re all waiting for him.

— Just a minute. He a tie to wear

A. choose B. is choosing C, chooses D. does choose

28. I shall you my home town if you have time to come.

A. take; to B. show; around C. walk; through D. drive; into

29. —Would you like to go hiking with us tomorrow?

A. Yes, I would B, I would like C. No, I would not D. I would love to

30. James enjoys .He usually at the weekend.

A, listening to music; listens to music B. listen to music; listen to music

C. listening to music; listen to music D. to listen to music; listens to music



The Class 1, Grade 7 students are having a fashion show in the school hall. They are having the show because they want to 31 for Project Hope. Today they are going to 32 you clothes from different times.

At the very beginning, Kitty is wearing popular clothes 33 ——a white skirt and a pair of white boots. Then Simon has white trousers, and a purple shirt 34 a yellow and red tie. He looks very colorful. Next 35 Amy, cool and young. She is 36 a yellow blouse and a pair of blue jeans both made of cotton. Look, 37 Sandy is! She is wearing a black wool skirt, long red leather boots and a red silk blouse. Her straight long is such a popular 38

for school girls, 39 ,Daniel walks on as a smart and modern boy, His sport clothes are blue and yellow. He is also wearing 40 trainers, I think they are very comfortable and they are young people’s favorite kind of shoes.

Do you enjoy the fashion show? Please help them raise money for poor students.

31. A. have a party B. mark fun C, hold a meeting D. raise money

32. A. show B. give C. take D. get

33. A. from the 1990s B. from 1990s C. from the 1990 D. the 1990s

34. A. above B. below C. in D. with

35. A, coming B. comes C. come D. will come

36. A. dressed B. putting on C. wearing D. carrying

37.A. what pretty B. so smart C, how beautiful D. quite cool

38.A. sign B. idea C. way D. style

39,A, First B. Next C, The third D. Afterwards

40,A, pairs of B. a pair of C. pair of D. pairs



This is part of the school report of Class 2, Grade 7.

Name Chinese English Math Science History

Bruce 77 91 80 85 88

Steve 71 78 74 86 77

Helen 78 52 83 86 82

Ann 40 16 40 38 42

Allen 64 82 52 64 72

Frank 43 38 32 44 60

Peter 88 99 100 94 93

Tom 65 84 88 80 88

Tracy 89 93 71 82 68

Ivy 65 58 59 40 85


41. Who does best in Math?

A. Bruce B. Steve C. Peter D. Tom

42. Who fails to pass all the five subjects?

A. Ann B. Frank C. Ivy D. Helen

43. How many students fail in English?

A. Three B. Four C. Five D, Six

44. Who passes all the subjects except Math?

A. Ann B, Allen C. Frank D. Ivy

45. Who gets the highest grades in Chinese?

A. Bruce B. Peter C. Tracy D. Helen


Name Age Name Age

Alice 35 Maria 26

I like shopping, but shopping with young children is not an easy thing, I have to look after them when I go shopping with my husband only when I buy something for him, When I look at a cheap dress, he always says,” It’s beautiful on you,” But when I have an expensive one in my hands, he always says,” I don’t think it fits you well,” So I often go shopping with my friends, It’s fun. I like shopping alone, too. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping at the weekends. There are too many people in shops. I don’t like shopping with other people, It usually because I never buy them when I first see them. I always look around other shops to find the same thing but cheaper. I’m good at finding cheap things. I don’t like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in supermarket is fresh and cheap.


46. Both Alice and Maria like shopping .

A. with friends B. alone C. at the weekends D. on weekdays

47. Alice’s husband says. “I don’t think it fits you well.” He means” ”

A. The dress is not suitable for you B. It is large on you

C. It is too expensive D. It is small on you

48. Why does it take Maria much time to buy things?

A. Because she doesn’t really like shopping

B, Because there are too many people in the shop

C. Because she wants to find the same thing cheaper

D. Because she like buying expensive things

49, We can learn from Maria’s words that

A, many people like shopping at the weekends

B. things are cheaper at the weekends

C. people don’t like shopping at the weekends

D. she sometimes goes shopping at the weekends

50. Maria likes to buy food

A. in small shops B. in supermarkets

C. in streets D. in street markets

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共50分)



51. Mr. Smith will (到达)at our school next Wednesday.

52. Now there is less air (污染)in our hometown.

53. Many young people like to listen to (流行)songs.

54, Simon, one of my classmates. Seldom (claims)Ziti Mountain.

55. We live in the same building. Our rooms are (in a higher place than) Mr. and Mrs., Green’s


56. Why not (invite) your good friend, Tom?

57. Mr. Wu is our English teacher. He teaches (we) English.

58. He is planning to leave for Beijing on the (nine)day of the month.

59, They (hold) a party for the exchange students from Great Britain.

60. Teddy smiles (happy) when he sees his mother come back from work.


61. Jim has lunch at school on weekdays.(改成一般疑问句)

Jim lunch at school on weekdays?

62. The windows are opposite the door.(对划线部分提问)

The windows?

63. The sweater belong to the twins(改成同义句)

These sweaters the

64. There are some books on the desk(改成否定句)

There books on the desk.

65. They live on the seventh floor(对化纤部分提问)

do they live on?


● Wonderful!

● How can I get there?

● That’s right.

● You can have lunch there

● How much time do you have

A: Hello. Can I help you?

B: Ah, Yes ,I want to visit the centre of Beijing.

A: 66

B: Just one day

A: Well, what do you want to do there?

B: I want to visit the Tiananmen Square, the History Museum, do some shopping, and go to a theatre.

A: But you only have one day.

B: 67

A: Well ,you can go shopping in Wangfujing Street in the morning.

B: 68

A: You can take the No.1 Bus.

B: Are there any restaurants in Wangfujing Street?

A: Yes, there are many. 69

The Tiananmen Square and the History Museum are near Wangfujing Street, You can go there in the afternoon,

B: I want to go to a theatre in the evening.

A: Well, there is a big one in Chang’an Street. It’s the Chang’an Grand Theatre

B: . Thanks of your help

A: You are welcome. Have a good time



They Chinese dishes in this restaurant,


A girl is standing at the centre of the street.


He often one hour his homework in the evening


A park is a good place in the morning


The color of the coat me



The children are going to play a game, They are standing in two rows. The girls stand in the front row, The boys stand in the second row. Mary stands in the middle. Betty stands on her right side, Sandy stands on Mary’s left side. Lily stands on the right of Betty, Lucy does not stand next to Betty. She stands next to Sandy, Sam stands behind Lucy. In front of Alex is Sandy. Bill doesn’t stand in the middle of the second row. On his right stands Tom. And Tim stands on his left.

Lucy 76. Mary Betty 77.

78. Alex 79. 80. Tom

Row 1

Row 2


Stephen is a boy from the USA. He lives in a large house near the beach. The balcony is his f

81 place because he can play games, read comics and c 82 with her friends there. , Madee lives in Thailand. She lives with his big family i 83 a wooden house. She is the s 84 child of the family. Her hometown is a beautiful and q 85 place. Many people go on a t 86 there every year, Neil lives in a small house in a town near London, His favorite place is the k 87 , where his mum often makes delicious food. Neil and his family always watch TV in the sitting room. His dog likes s 88 in the garden, Anna lives with his family in a flat on a busy street. Her room is not big. So she has to s 89 a bedroom with her sister . Anna’s n 90 are very kind. So she is very happy to live there.


刚到南京的Daniel是一位来自英国的交换学生,他很想了解你的家乡的情况。请以My hometown为题,写一篇70词左右的文章,向他介绍你的家乡,内容包括:

1. 你的家乡位置、大小等基本情况

2. 你在家乡可以做的事

3. 你对家乡的简要评价


My hometown

Let me tell you something about my hometown. It’s

译林出版社小学五年级寒假学习生活牛津版高中英语听力译林版六年级下册英语练习与测试译林英语小学补充习题六年级下册答案译林六年级英语补充习题下册答案译林版八下英语全品学练考答案译林英语小学补充习题三年级下册四页答案译林英语小学补充题五年级下册配译林版五年级下册英语课课练答案七年级英语帮扶过程小学英语教师家长会发言稿没有规矩,不成方圆。my mother最难忘的一段经历韩语短文对话我的寒假我明白了九年级英语学科小结初中教师个人述职美丽的秋天短文my weekend pian酒店前厅部表扬词工商银行守库监控中心社会化管理的利与弊小学数学学期教学反思小学英语教师工作述职校本研修成果趣味知识竞赛题库-1.你是LiMing,是一名非常优秀的学生,学习非常刻苦,英语数学成绩突出;乐于助人;有许多爱好,喜欢打篮球,踢足球、听音乐、绘画、集邮等,在家里经常...全国统一考试英语2全国各地高考模拟卷用下面的短语组成人教版七年级英语下册知识点归纳仁爱九年级英语期末复习选择题滨海新区五校联考英语.吉林高考复习检测博士学位高考新课标2英语语法填空全国统一考试英语湖北卷完型初三政治知识点46级英语词汇lastspring完形填空翻译it用法练习题及答案五年级家长怎样与老师沟通的发言稿mydaystarted会计师职称asageneralrule完形填空翻译仁爱九年级上册期末复习你叫李华你最喜欢的运动你追喜欢乒乓球mottoisashortstatementgivingaruleonhowtobehave的语法填空,和翻译做语法填空的技巧信息化教学设计教案


