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《情书集》:I love you with all my heart and soul.

时间:2019-03-13 19:41:53


《情书集》:I love you with all my heart and soul.

双语美文 英汉对照读美文,感悟语言的艺术


我是爱你的,看见就爱上了。我爱你爱到不自私的地步。就像一个人手里一只鸽子飞走了,他从心里祝福那鸽子的飞翔,你也飞吧。我会难过,也会高兴,到底会怎么样, 我也不知道。我会不爱你吗?不爱你?不会。爱你就像爱生命。



Allen Ginsburg to poet Peter Orlovsky:


O Heart, O Love, everything is suddenly turned to gold! Don't be afraid; don't worry. The most astounding beautiful thing has happened here!


Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera:


Diego my love-Remember that once you finish the fresco we will be together forever once and for all, without arguments or anything, only to love one another. Behave yourself and do everything that Emmy Lou tells you. I adore you more than ever.


Oscar Wilde to Lord Alred Douglas:


Your sonnet is quite lovely, and it is a marvel that those red rose-leaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing. Your slim gilt soul walks between passion and poetry.


English poet Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf:


You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don't love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defenses. And I don't really resent it.


E.B. White to his wife on the occasion of her pregnancy, 'written' by their dog:


Well, Mrs. White, I expect I am tiring you with this long letter, but as you often say yourself, a husband and wife should tell each other about the things that are on their mind, otherwise you get nowhere, and White didn't seem to be able to tell you about his happiness, so thought I would attempt to put in a word.


Jean-Paul Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir:


Tonight I love you on a spring evening. I love you with the window open. You are mine, and things are mine, and my love alters the things around me and the things around me alter my love.


John Keats to Fanny Brawne:


My sweet girl, I am living today in yesterday. I was in a complete fascination all day. I feel myself at your mercy. Write me ever so few lines and tell me you will never forever be less kind to me than yesterday. You dazzled me. There is nothing in the world so bright and delicate. You have absorbed me. I have a sensation at the present moment as if I was dissolving.


Lord Byron to Teresa Guiccioli:


I love you, and you love me,–at least, you say so, and act as if you did so, which last is a great consolation in all events. But I more than love you, and cannot cease to love you. Think of me, sometimes, when the Alps and ocean divide us, –but they never will, unless you wish it.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning To Robert Browning:


You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me — my heart was full when you came here today. Henceforward I am yours for everything.


以上插画系韩国插画师Hyocheon Jeong的作品

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