失眠网 > 【国际化大都市】英语翻译就是下面这几段:北京作为一个国际化的大都...


时间:2022-10-15 03:02:23




英语翻译就是下面这几段:北京作为一个国际化的大都市,经济、政治、文化都有着深厚的底蕴,然而随着北京的全方位发展,这些经济、政治、文化中心区域愈加靠近,最终给北京的交通带来了巨大的压力,这也导致了市民出行的不便,这种现象随着机动车的快速增加愈演愈烈.面对如此的交通状况,必须研究采取合理的政策和措施.本文通过调查问卷、查阅资料以及实地走访等方法,了解北京交通的现状,分析交通拥堵的原因,分析研究发现造成北京交通拥堵的主要原因,既有交通基础设施落后问题、出行结构问题、城市功能和布局问题、也有交通管理问题以及市民交通意识问题.为了解决北京交通拥堵的问题,本文提出以下几点建议:改善已经落后的基础设施,增加快速公交道;大力倡导市民选择公共交通出行,限制私家车,提高私家车使用成本等;控制进京人口并疏散市区过于集中的城市功能;进行有效的需求管理等.这是本人毕业论文的摘要,要中英都有的,额,自己实在翻译不出精准的, 英语


【答案】 Beijing as an international metropolis, its economic, political, and cultural heritage have a profound. However, with the all-round development in Beijing, these economic, political and cultural center area tended to focus on. Beijings traffic ultimately brought great pressure.This also led to the inconvenience of public travel. This phenomenon is intensified with the rapid increase of motor vehicles. Faced with such traffic conditions, We must study and adopt reasonable policies and measures.

Through questionnaires, access to information and field visits and other methods, understand the status of the Beijing traffic and analysis of the causes of traffic congestion. Analysis found that the main reason for traffic jams caused by Beijing, including the problems of backward transport infrastructure, travel structure, urban functions and layout, traffic management and awareness of the public transport.

In order to solve the problem of traffic congestion in Beijing, there are some suggestions in this paper. First, we can improve the already poor infrastructure, increase rapid transit road. Second, advocate the choice of public transport trips, limiting private cars, increase the cost of private car use.

