失眠网 > xbox one x驱动_Xbox One Xbox One S和Xbox One X有什么区别?

xbox one x驱动_Xbox One Xbox One S和Xbox One X有什么区别?

时间:2022-05-18 11:18:44


xbox one x驱动_Xbox One Xbox One S和Xbox One X有什么区别?

xbox one x驱动

There’s more than one Xbox One. Microsoft has already released the Xbox One S, a redesigned Xbox One with a few upgrades. Microsoft also released a major upgrade named the Xbox One X, which was released on November 7, and was codenamed “Project Scorpio”.

有不止一个Xbox One。 微软已经发布了Xbox One S,这是经过重新设计的Xbox One,并进行了一些升级。 微软还发布了名为Xbox One X的主要升级版本,该版本于11月7日发布,代号为“ Project Scorpio”。

All Xbox One models will play the same Xbox One games (and even Xbox 360 games!). However, newer models may play those same games with more detailed graphics and smoother framerates. Here are the main differences.

所有Xbox One型号都将玩相同的Xbox One游戏(甚至Xbox 360游戏!)。 但是,较新的型号可能会以更详细的图形和更流畅的帧速率玩那些相同的游戏。 这是主要区别。

Xbox One (11月22日发布) (Xbox One (Released November 22, ))

You’re probably already familiar with the original Xbox One. The console itself is a a large, black, VCR-style box. All Xbox One packages originally included the Kinect, Microsoft’s solution for voice recognition, motion tracking, and controlling your cable box or other TV service with its integrated IR blaster.

您可能已经熟悉原始的Xbox One 。 控制台本身是一个黑色的VCR风格的大盒子。 所有Xbox One软件包最初都包含Kinect,这是Microsoft的语音识别,运动跟踪以及通过其集成的IR blaster控制电缆盒或其他电视服务的解决方案。

The Xbox One was released a week after the PlayStation 4, and the two consoles directly competed with each other. The Xbox One was a bit slower and $100 more expensive than the PS4 (no thanks to those TV and Kinect features). As a result, Sony pulled ahead in sales.

Xbox One在PlayStation 4发行一周后发布,这两个游戏机直接相互竞争。 Xbox One比PS4慢一点,而且贵100美元(感谢电视和Kinect的功能)。 结果,索尼拉动了销量。

Microsoft has shifted gears since then. Microsoft dumped the Kinect from most Xbox One bundles and matched the PlayStation 4’s price. In fact, Microsoft has all but abandoned the Kinect. You can still buy a Kinect for about $100 and connect it to your Xbox One afterwards, if you like, but don’t expect to see any new Kinect-enabled games any time soon.

从那时起,微软已经改变了方向。 微软从大多数Xbox One捆绑包中丢弃了Kinect,并匹配了PlayStation 4的价格。 实际上,微软几乎放弃了Kinect。 如果愿意,您仍然可以以大约100美元的价格购买Kinect ,然后将其连接到Xbox One,但不要指望很快会看到支持Kinect的新游戏。

The Kinect will one day vanish as an aftermarket add-on, too. Microsoft has already stopped manufacturing it.

Kinect有一天也将作为配件市场消失。 微软已经停止生产它。

Xbox One S (8月2日发布) (Xbox One S (Released August 2, ))

The Xbox One S is a streamlined, slightly faster Xbox One with some other improvements. It costs around $299, about the same price as the original Xbox One now costs, although Microsoft sometimes cuts the price. For example, Microsoft cut the price by $50 when the Xbox One X was announced.

Xbox One S是经过简化的,稍快的Xbox One,并进行了其他一些改进。 它的价格约为299美元,大约与原始Xbox One现在的价格相同,尽管微软有时会降低价格。 例如,当宣布Xbox One X时,微软将价格降低了50美元。

Where the original Xbox One was black, the Xbox One S is white. The console itself is about 40% smaller than the Xbox One, and it doesn’t have the Xbox One’s massive power brick. The console has been redesigned in small, smart ways. There’s now a USB port on the front of the console instead of on the side, for example, making it easier to plug in USB sticks. You can also stand the Xbox One S up vertically, if you like.

原来的Xbox One是黑色的,而Xbox One S是白色的。 该游戏机本身比Xbox One小40%,并且它没有Xbox One的强大功能块。 控制台已通过小型智能方式进行了重新设计。 例如,控制台的前面而不是侧面现在有一个USB端口,这样可以更轻松地插入USB记忆棒。 如果愿意,您还可以将Xbox One S垂直竖立。

The Kinect is missing in action here. No models of the Xbox One S ship with a Kinect. The Xbox One S does not have a dedicated Kinect port on the back of the console, as the original Xbox One does. If you buy a Kinect and want to use it with your Xbox One S, you’ll need to get a Kinect-to-USB adapter from Microsoft.

Kinect在这里不起作用。 Xbox One S的任何型号都没有附带Kinect。 与原始Xbox One一样,Xbox One S在控制台背面没有专用的Kinect端口。 如果您购买Kinect并想与Xbox One S一起使用,则需要从Microsoft获得Kinect-to-USB适配器。

The new controller bundled with the Xbox One S is white, too. It includes a few minor improvements, such as a textured back for easier grip. It now supports Bluetooth, which means you can connect it directly to a Windows PC without buying the Xbox Wireless USB adapter. However, you can use any model of Xbox One controller with any Xbox One console.

与Xbox One S捆绑在一起的新控制器也是白色的。 它包括一些小的改进,例如带纹理的后背,更易于抓握。 它现在支持蓝牙,这意味着您可以直接将其连接到Windows PC,而无需购买Xbox无线USB适配器。 但是,您可以将任何型号的Xbox One控制器与任何Xbox One控制台一起使用。

Under the hood, the big new improvements are support for 4K resolution and HDR color. You’ll only be able to see that 4K improvement if you have a 4K TV, and you’ll only get HDR content if you have a 4K TV that supports HDR-10. You won’t notice any difference otherwise. If you have a TV that supports only Dolby Vision HDR instead of HDR-10 HDR, you won’t be able to view HDR content. Blame your TV’s manufacturer for not supporting both.

在引擎盖下,新的重大改进是对4K分辨率和HDR颜色的支持。 如果您拥有4K电视,则只能看到4K的改进;只有拥有支持HDR-10的4K电视,您才能获得HDR内容。 否则您将不会发现任何差异。 如果您的电视仅支持Dolby Vision HDR而不支持HDR-10 HDR ,则将无法查看HDR内容。 责怪您的电视制造商不支持两者。

The Xbox One S isn’t actually powerful enough for 4K gaming, unfortunately, so games will still play in their normal resolution. The 4K support is mainly for movies and TV shows from Netflix or 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs.

不幸的是,Xbox One S实际上还不足以进行4K游戏,因此游戏仍可以正常分辨率播放。 4K支持主要适用于Netflix或4K Ultra HD Blu-ray光盘上的电影和电视节目。

While games can’t take advantage of 4K, they can use HDR when running on the Xbox One S. This requires the game developer to enable support for HDR. Some game developers have gone back and added this feature to their existing Xbox One games with patches, but not all developers have.

尽管游戏无法利用4K,但它们可以在Xbox One S上运行时使用HDR。这要求游戏开发人员启用对HDR的支持。 一些游戏开发人员回去并将此功能添加到其现有的带有修补程序的Xbox One游戏中,但并非所有开发人员都具有。

Technically, the Xbox One S is a bit more powerful than the original Xbox One. Its graphics processor unit (GPU) runs about 7.1% faster. Microsoft says its internal testing shows this may result in minor improvements to some games, and Eurogamer found that to be true. This isn’t a big reason to upgrade, and you might not even notice the difference in many games.

从技术上讲,Xbox One S比原始的Xbox One强大一点。 其图形处理器单元(GPU)的运行速度提高了约7.1%。 微软表示,其内部测试表明,这可能会对某些游戏进行较小的改进, Eurogamer认为这是事实。 这不是升级的主要理由,您甚至可能没有注意到许多游戏的差异。

Overall, the Xbox One S is a redesigned, streamlined console with support for 4K and HDR on modern televisions. It can’t actually play games in 4K, but it’s a decent stopgap until Microsoft releases a console that can. Considering it costs the same amount of money as the Xbox One, it’s definitely a better choice than the original.

总体而言,Xbox One S是经过重新设计的简化控制台,支持现代电视上的4K和HDR。 它实际上不能以4K玩游戏,但是在Microsoft发布可以的游戏机之前,这是一个不错的权宜之计。 考虑到它的成本与Xbox One相同,因此绝对是比原始版本更好的选择。

Xbox One X (11月7日发布) (Xbox One X (Released November 7, ))

Microsoft released the Xbox One X, a major upgrade to the Xbox One, on November 7, . This console was known as “Project Scorpio” during its development period, and Microsoft dubs it “the world’s most powerful console”. It’s significantly faster than the original Xbox One, and promises support for actual 4K gaming, with content rendered in 4K rather than simply being upscaled. It will also include an Ultra HD Blu-ray drive so you can watch 4K Blu-ray discs.

微软于11月7日发布了Xbox One X ,这是Xbox One的主要升级版本。该控制台在其开发期间被称为“ Project Scorpio”,微软称其为“世界上功能最强大的控制台”。 它比原始的Xbox One快得多,并且承诺支持实际的4K游戏,内容以4K呈现而不是简单地进行升级。 它还将包括一个超高清蓝光驱动器,因此您可以观看4K蓝光光盘。

The Xbox One X costs $499. That’s more than the Xbox One S, but the Xbox One S isn’t going anywhere.

Xbox One X售价499美元。 这比Xbox One S还要多,但Xbox One S却无处可去。

While this is a major upgrade, it isn’t a new console generation. The Xbox One X won’t have any exclusive games. You can continue playing Xbox One games on the original Xbox One and Xbox One S, although the Xbox One X will be able to play some games at a higher resolution and with more graphical detail. Other games will just offer smoother framerates and faster load times. Microsoft advertises “6 teraflops” of processing power, a four and a half times improvement over the current Xbox One and more than the PlayStation 4 Pro’s 4.2 teraflops.

尽管这是一个重大升级,但它并不是新一代的控制台。 Xbox One X将没有任何独家游戏。 您可以继续在原始Xbox One和Xbox One S上玩Xbox One游戏,尽管Xbox One X将能够以更高的分辨率和更多的图形细节玩一些游戏。 其他游戏只会提供更流畅的帧率和更快的加载时间。 微软宣传的处理能力为“ 6 teraflops”,比当前的Xbox One提高了四倍半,比PlayStation 4 Pro的4.2 teraflops还要多。

The Xbox One X’s graphics processor runs at 1172MHz, an improvement over the original Xbox One’s 853MHz. It includes 1 TB of internal storage space, whereas the Xbox One S starts at 500 GB. Despite all the power, this is the “smallest Xbox ever”. It’s more compact than the Xbox One S, and is black instead of white. Like the Xbox One S, the Xbox One X does not include a dedicated Kinect port.

Xbox One X的图形处理器运行于1172MHz,比原始Xbox One的853MHz有所改进。 它包含1 TB的内部存储空间,而Xbox One S的起始存储空间为500 GB。 尽管功能强大,但这是“有史以来最小的Xbox”。 它比Xbox One S更为紧凑,并且是黑色而不是白色。 像Xbox One S一样,Xbox One X不包含专用的Kinect端口。

This speedy hardware will be the only Xbox One powerful enough to run “high-fidelity VR”. So, technically, virtual reality games will be exclusive to the Xbox One X because they can’t run on any other Xbox One hardware. The Xbox One X doesn’t yet support any VR headsets, but Microsoft is pushing a whole new ecosystem of “Mixed Reality” headsets for Windows 10 that may eventually arrive on the Xbox One.

这种快速的硬件将成为唯一一个功能强大的Xbox One,足以运行“高保真VR”。 因此,从技术上讲,虚拟现实游戏将是Xbox One X专有的,因为它们不能在任何其他Xbox One硬件上运行。 Xbox One X尚不支持任何VR头戴式受话器,但微软正在推动Windows 10的全新生态系统“混合现实”头戴式受话器,最终可能会出现在Xbox One上。

This is Microsoft’s answer to Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro, a more powerful PlayStation 4 console that can play games in 4K (and was released on November 10, ). The PS4 Pro only costs $399, however. Microsoft is leapfrogging Sony and now has the most powerful console hardware, although it’s being released nearly a year after the PS4 Plus and will cost an extra $100.

这是微软对索尼的PlayStation 4 Pro的回答,索尼的PlayStation 4 Pro是一个功能更强大的PlayStation 4控制台,可以用4K进行游戏(已于11月10日发布)。 PS4 Pro仅售399美元。 微软正在超越索尼,并且现在拥有最强大的控制台硬件,尽管它在PS4 Plus发行将近一年后才发布,并且将额外花费100美元。

What all this power means for your gameplay depends on the games you run, as some games could offer 4K resolution while others could offer faster performance at a lower resolution. It depends on the game and what the developer has done to take advantage of the hardware. If you’re curious about how a particular game looks or plays better on the Xbox One X, look up a comparison for that game online.

所有这些功能对您的游戏性意味着什么取决于您运行的游戏,因为某些游戏可以提供4K分辨率,而另一些游戏可以在较低分辨率下提供更快的性能。 这取决于游戏以及开发人员利用硬件所做的事情。 如果您对某款游戏在Xbox One X上的外观或更好玩感到好奇,请在线查找该游戏的比较。

您应该购买哪个Xbox? (Which Xbox Should You Buy?)

If you want to buy an Xbox One today, you should probably skip the original Xbox One. The Xbox One S should be about the same price as the original Xbox One, and it’s newer and better. However, you may find old models of the Xbox One priced a bit cheaper, especially if you’re willing to buy used or refurbished. The original Xbox One will likely vanish from store shelves one day.

如果您想今天购买Xbox One,则可能应该跳过原始的Xbox One。 Xbox One S的价格应与原始Xbox One的价格相同,并且它是更新的且更好的产品。 但是,您可能会发现Xbox One的旧型号价格便宜一些,特别是如果您愿意购买二手或翻新的Xbox。 最初的Xbox One可能有一天会从商店的货架上消失。

If you already have an Xbox One, the Xbox One S isn’t a huge upgrade. While it is an improvement, all you’re really getting is support for watching 4K videos and viewing HDR content in games—if you have a modern TV that supports these features and games that support HDR.

如果您已经拥有Xbox One,那么Xbox One S并不是一个很大的升级。 尽管它是一项改进,但您真正获得的就是对观看4K视频和在游戏中查看HDR内容的支持-如果您有一台支持这些功能的现代电视以及支持HDR的游戏。

The Xbox One X offers a lot more power. That’s something to weigh when considering your purchasing decisions. Do you want to pay an extra $200 for better graphics and smoother performance? It’s the sort of decision PC gamers have always had to make, but now console gamers get to make the same decision.

Xbox One X提供了更多功能。 在考虑购买决策时,需要权衡一下。 您是否想额外支付200美元以获得更好的图形和更流畅的性能? 这是PC玩家一直必须做出的决定,但是现在主机游戏玩家可以做出同样的决定。

If you don’t want to pay extra for a more powerful console because you’re happy playing the same games at lower detail settings, the Xbox One S is still a great option. It will still be able to play games released after the Xbox One X, so you won’t be buying into a dying console. The Xbox One S and Xbox One X will continue to exist alongside each other. Games will look better on the Xbox One X, but you’ll get the most improvement on a 4K TV. Microsoft does promise that the Xbox One X “will make your existing library better” even on a 1080p TV, however, so you’ll see improvements on any TV.

如果您不愿意为功能更强大的控制台支付额外的费用,因为您愿意在较低的细节设置下玩相同的游戏,那么Xbox One S仍然是一个不错的选择。 它仍然可以玩Xbox One X之后发布的游戏,因此您不会购买濒临崩溃的游戏机。 Xbox One S和Xbox One X将继续彼此并存。 Xbox One X上的游戏看起来会更好,但是在4K电视上您将获得最大的改进。 微软确实承诺,即使在1080p电视上,Xbox One X也会“改善现有库”,因此您将在任何电视上看到改进。

Image Credit: Microsoft

图片来源: Microsoft

翻译自: /298754/whats-the-difference-between-the-xbox-one-xbox-one-s-and-project-scorpio/

xbox one x驱动

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