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计算机一级excel怎么算分 计算机一级Word和Excel操作自动评分的实现.doc

时间:2019-07-19 19:16:45


计算机一级excel怎么算分 计算机一级Word和Excel操作自动评分的实现.doc


The Implement of Computer Level Test Word and Excel Operation Automatic Grading


随着社会的发展,计算机等级考试越来越普及,阅卷方式逐渐由手工阅卷方式过渡到自动阅卷方式。根据广西区计算机等级考试一级机试特点,结合目前市场上的一些自动阅卷软件的优点,开发一套适合广西区计算机等级考试一级机试测评系统(Word、Excel操作题)。本子系统使用VC#和SQL Server 2000 开发,通过C#提供的sqlConnection控件实现程序与数据库连接,系统主要采用C#中COM组件中提供的Word和Excel类及其它们提供的方法、属性、函数等,实现考生答案与标准答案比较,评分标准是根据题目类型在后台由管理员自由设置,使用灵活、方便。考生成绩的计算:根据各小题的得分,累加起来得出大题总分,最后把各大题得分加起来得出考试总分。


The Implement of Computer Level Test Word and Excel Operation Automatic Grading

Computer Science and Technology Department Liang Yaoning

Supervisor: Xiao ZhiJun


As the development of society, the grade tests of computer are bearing more and more popular. And the methods of evaluating the exam are gradually tranfered from manned evaluation to automatic evaluation. According to the features of grade-one test of computer in GuangXi and combinating with the merits of some software about automatic evaluation, we plan to exploit a series of systems suitable for evaluating machine-test in grade on test of computer in GuangXi(For Word and Excel applications test).The system bases on VC# and SQL Server 2000.It connects programs and database by control engine sqlConnection provided by C#. This system checks examinees answers through a comparison with standard keys by using Word and Excel offered by COM which belong to C# and methods, attribute and function they provide. The standards of marking are set by controller in line with the test questions. So this system is characterized by convenient and flexible use. The total score of a examines will be marked by plusing score of each test question.

Key words: automatic evaluation, word application, excel application


TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1引言 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究现状及解决方法 1

1.3 课题中难点 1

2应用开发工具 2

2.1 C#简介 2

2.2 常用数据库访问方式 2

2.3 SQL Server 2000 简述 3

2.4 数据库的连接 3

3 系统设计 4

3.1 系统分析 4

3.1.1 需求分析 4

3.1.2 可行性分析 4

3.1.3 系统运行环境 5


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